Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Para nosotros los lideres del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney fue un tremendo placer ver que dos de nuestros miembros fueron honrados durante la celebracion de los PREMIOS TAINOS de este a~o.
To us the leaders of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle it was a tremendous joy to see two of our members honored at this year's celebration of the annual TAINO AWARDS.
A nuestra Hermana spiritual Bibi Tenanche CemiAta Rose Golden se le otorgo el honor de "BEHIKE DEL A~O"
Our spiritual sister Bibi Tenanche CemiAta Rose Golden was awarded the honor of "BEHIKE OF THE YEAR".
Tambien se le otorgo el otro honor de presentar las bendiciones al comienzo y al final del evento.
She was also awarded the honor of offering blessings at the beginning and at the end of the event.
Tambien fue honrado nuestro hermano de la comunidad Yukayeke Manicato, Rafael Torres Guamoel, conocido por sus amigos por el apodo de Rafy. Se le otorgo el premio de Educador del A~o.
Also honored was our brother from the community Yukayeke Manicato, Rafael Torres Guamoel known to his friends by the nickname Rafy. He was given the Educator of the Year Award.
Nuestro querido behike de mas de veinte a~os Ferdinand Uaian Bruno es uno de los organizadores del evento.
Our beloved behike of over twenty years Ferdinand Uaian Bruno is one of the organizers of the event.
El es un artista de alta calidad que dise~o la decoracion en forma de arbol ceiba para el eccenario
He is an artist of high quality who designed the ceiba tree decoration for the stage.
El evento fue una alegre celebracion de todo lo que es bueno en nuestra comunidad taina resurgente.
The event was a joyful celebration of all that is good in our Taino Resurgence community.
Creado por nuestra hemana spiritual Candy Warixi
Created by our spiritual sister Candy Warixi
Para mi fue un honor ayudar a mi hermana spiritual Tenanche en la celebracion de las ceremonias para abrir y para cerrar el evento.
I was personally honored to assist in the celebration of the opening and closing ceremonies that were led by my spiritual sister Tenanche.
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