You honour my Full Heart, Sir welcome me in such an unconditional & loving fashion. I look forward to many such cooperative works of service in Love/Light/&Life. With Respect, in Love & Friendship===Easterlily.Dear.Heart/d'bra/deb.e./Debra K. Easterly(xo).
I have had some difficulty with the post lately- I'll contact Max to see if he can clear things up. I await your instructions and the info that you will send out..My new phone number is 503-302-7553. hope that you and your family are well.
Sobre tu comentario de mi libro Mitologia Taina o Eyeri, creo que es magnifico. Pero es importante decir que la obra de Arrom o su susodicha traduccion es casi una copia al carbon de la de Ediciones Letras de Mexico del 1932. Todo indica que casi Arrom la copio letra por letra casi textualmente. Esto nadie me lo ha podido refutar ni se han atrevido hacerlo, ni los propios colaboradores de Arrom, ni aqui en Puerto Rico, ni las USA ni en la China.
Mira aqui y llega atu propia conclusion:
Por cierto estaba releyendo al Arrom el otro dia en la parte del libro titulado Taino: Precolumbian art and culture ... del Museo de Barrio y este sujeto jura y perjura que la parte de la profecia del final relatada por Pane es verdad y veridica. Creo que solo un..... puede pensar o creerse eso. Cuando ya se ha probado que el tal Pane dijo cosas que despues las nego. Saludos angel
Happy New Year my brother hope all is well with you and yours, blessings to all. Sorry for not being able to join you for the Solstice as planed but there will be plenty of other opportunities for us to join you in the near future. Take care see you soon, tau tau.
At 7:50am on December 31, 2008, Svhiyeyi Aga said…
wado (thank you) for the warm welcome Miguel. I have often enjoyed your posts on Indigenous Literature. However, I am no longer there, so I am glad to be able to meet you again and to read what you post here. I have some Taino friends and while I know a little about the Taino people, I am always happy to learn more. Many blessings to you and your family in the New Year.
thankyou my bro for your kind words,it is an honor to be here.this weekend it was also of great honor to be chosen and participate in our great ceramony,I don't know why but I knew I was going to be chosen and so did my eldest daughter Kolibri.I meet your son he and I sat and talk for a while before the ceramony.Again thankyou and glad to be here
I am honored to be part of this group and would love to continue the conversation. It is crucial for us to re-vision who we are as a people. Most importantly, it is crucial that we do that together. I would love to hear more about your work and the ceremonies you design. Due to a hectic schedule I don't read this page, or any other, as often as I would like to. Please be patient with me. Do tell me more about your work.
At 10:24am on December 3, 2008, jonasangelet said…
Thanks for reaching out. RixTurey is very knowledgeable and helpful. Part of Taino history that I want to bring to light is the negatives of Christopher Columbus and the history of enslavement by hostile nations. Combined with the spiritual history of symbols as they relate to the afterlife. This may sound confusing, but it is still in the infancy stages and any help with decoding the history is appreciated.
Thank you for your feedback!!! It says volumes, especially coming from someone whom I respect a great deal, even without knowing you for so long!!! W'AMORETE BUKIA TAU'HIAKA, DA 'TIAO!!! ( May our Creator bless you, my brother!!!)
I consider myself truly blessed to know the people I know and to have the people who truly know me!!! Anyone could come up with an opinion about the "Thanksgiving" Holiday now upon us because of our Indigenous roots, but I will say the following in this season regardless of what this Holiday historically means to so many Native people: I will cast aside all historical offense and all present day offense to say that I am truly blessed by the Creator of this Universe tohave experieced all I have in this life and grateful for EVERY PERSON I've encountered in my life that has shown me either a positive or negative experience in my life, because I've learned so much from them. I am also thankful for ALL the people that I've encountered in my life who have spoken either positively, or gossiped negatively about me behind my back, because they've shown m e who is truly on my side, and who's against me!!! I'm even thankful for those who have spoken against me beind my back, because they've shown me that I am at east 2 steps ahead of them and on the right track!!! On this holiday of "THANKSGIVING" I'm thankful for all that has happened to me because it has shown me what path to take and will show me the path I will take. I can truly say even in the face of adversity; "I AM TRULY BLESSED"
Olla Miguel, good to hear from you again. The Areyto will be on or about November 19th, and we will shortly be announcing The Areyto with our usual advertizing campaign. Will keep you informed and happy to hear that you will be attending.
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La madera en el arte taino de Cuba
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.
womens park permit 2023
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
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I have had some difficulty with the post lately- I'll contact Max to see if he can clear things up. I await your instructions and the info that you will send out..My new phone number is 503-302-7553. hope that you and your family are well.
Taino Ti
Yamoka Bano
Mira aqui y llega atu propia conclusion:
Saludos Angel
turey toca (is in sky)
Guami-ke-ni (Lord of land and water)
Guami-caraya-guey (Lord of moon and sun)
guarico (come to) guakia (us), taino-ti (good,tall)
bo-matum; (big,generous), busica (give to), guakia (us)
Yucubia-aje-cazabi; (tubercles,bread)
Huracan-wa (bad spirit no),
Maboya-wa (ghost no),
Yukiyu-han; (good spirit yes),
nabori daca (servant am I),
Han-Han Catu (So be it
Happy New Year my brother hope all is well with you and yours, blessings to all. Sorry for not being able to join you for the Solstice as planed but there will be plenty of other opportunities for us to join you in the near future. Take care see you soon, tau tau.
Your sister and friend, Evening Rain
I am honored to be part of this group and would love to continue the conversation. It is crucial for us to re-vision who we are as a people. Most importantly, it is crucial that we do that together. I would love to hear more about your work and the ceremonies you design. Due to a hectic schedule I don't read this page, or any other, as often as I would like to. Please be patient with me. Do tell me more about your work.
thank for the music they are inspiring. I will listening and share this music with my family.
B. Duncan