
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.





The Taino Ancestral Spirit flows through all Tainos, "La sangre llama" Its in every Taino who inquires about there familys, in every Taino who wants to connect with there people. The Ancestral Spirit will not be denied, it finds a way to bring us back home.

The Ancestral Spirit can root itself anywhere. In our out of our Homelands. It found a home in a place blosoming with multicultural activity. A place called New York City.

All of us owe a eternal debt of gratitude directly or indirectly to the Cacibajagua of all Taino Groups The Assosacion Indigena Taina. Many of us were walking around identifying as Tainos as told to us from our familys but the Assosacion was the first place that Tainos from the diaspora could call their home (Bohio) and expouse their Tainoness.

A place where Tainos could brainstorm, cultivate friendships and be one with each other. They would meet at La Casa de la Herencia Puertorriquena and the Lower East Side. The Ancestral Spirit does not disappear when groups break up. The Assosacion gave birth to many Taino yucayekes that still exist today. Their story should be told so that the people will know. I was not there to witness the goings on so for the time being I leave that for those who were there.

The Ancestral Spirit will always be there for Tainos no matter what happens to this resurgance. It flows everywhere we go. It is there for all Tainos who are geographically isolated. It is there for all the Tainos that are at sleep. It awaits and is there to reawaken all who call for it.

nabori daca Taino


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The Second Discovery of TainoPosted by ITS A TAINO NATIVE THING AND YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND on January 30, 2009 at 2:42am in What does it mean to be "indigenous" in the Caribbean today?
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In Puerto Rico the indigenous identity has been a blend of staged historical reenactments and Indian hobbyist. The Nuyorican Movement however had a plethora of information regarding the Native American movements. They also had a vital resource: other natives. It is from these natives that state side Tainos learned about the Indian reality, continuity, affirmation, and nation building. In other words restoring and preserving the culture,the Daca Taino movement, and the process of the restored nation/confederation/intertribal councils. Tainos in the states also took on native issues like poverty in reservations, the incarceration of Leonard Peltier, encroachment onto native land, and violations of treaty. State side Tainos have also fought for repatriation which resulted in the return of ancestral remains back to the indigenous community headed by Don Panchito in La Rancheria en Baracoa, Cuba. State Side Tainos were also able to remove the word extinct when it came to the Taino in the Merriam Webster dictionary.

It is because of our experiences within the states we are able to understand the global Indigenous reality and awareness. The Tainos from the US of A might be deprived of island life but by not being present it has broadened our perspective on what it means to be indigenous. By no means am I blaming the Island Taino for being romantic or stereotyping because I know that they are the by product of a staged culture. In essence their model for indigenous identity is a historical reenactment, which i consider just another part of cultural genocide and globalization. All of these beginnings are pre-genetic study. They happened before the Mitochondrial DNA was even a blink in the Taino's eye. After the Daca Taino movement in the untied states and the DNA studies, the staged culture [historical reenactment] in Puerto Rico began to identify as taino and no longer as indigenous hobbyist.
Wow, that was fast, Ray! So the Asociacion no longer exists? What about La Casa de la Herencia Puertorriquena?
Samuel And Ivy

The Assosacion broke up beacause of infighting but it splintered in too many Yucayekes

Taino Nation of the Antilles

Maisiti Yucayeke Taino

Tainos del Norte

Consejo General de Tainos Borincanos

Caney Quinto Mundo and more

La casa herencia de Puerto Rico is still there, it functions as a library on Puerto Rican History and Culture with some seminars and musical presentations
well you must learn everything including the bad to understand were not to go in our continuance
see the resurgence had dealt with issues of admixture, continuity, modern regalia for the here and now, the Indian reality, and many other concepts and events

this is why you must learn about the resurgence, so we can properly continue, to learn from others where things worked and where it didn't
coming out of the resurgence is ideas on continuity, affirmation, nation building and Indian reality- i will give a detailed list later, also a general definition of certain concepts and ideology
Issues like Regalia

Contemporary Taino Regalia

Taino reenactment costume
When are you going to wear that costume Samuel

Seriously that costume implys that we have not evolved

What's next the full Monty ?

Seriously I poke fun but this is really sad

i think someone needs to brush up on huichol or kuna culture, they also went naked but no longer do, little to no contact peoples of south America might still dress that way because they are still basically pre contact peoples, however this is where the concept of Indian reality comes into play and the development of modern regalia
Thank you, now I have some more names of organizations to you think that the seminars and presentations taking place at La Casa are effective in educating the public about Taino culture?


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