
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.



Current research points to a complex settlement process that challenges many traditional conventions, especially for this region of the Americas.
Andre Luiz Campelo dos Santos, Ph.D., part of the team that used cutting-edge genetic analyses from the DNA of two ancient human individuals excavated in northeast Brazil reveals clues to an intriguing, inverted migration pattern of people from South to North within South America, Middle America and the Caribbean basin. To further add to the existing complexity, researchers also detected greater Denisovan than Neanderthal ancestry in ancient Uruguay and Panama individuals. Denisovans are a group of extinct humans first identified from DNA sequences from the tip of finger bone discovered around 2008.

"It's phenomenal that Denisovan ancestry made it all the way to South America," says John Lindo, Ph.D., a co-corresponding author of the article who specializes in ancient DNA analysis and is an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at Emory University. "The admixture must have occurred a long time before, perhaps 40,000 years ago. The fact that the Denisovan lineage persisted, and its genetic signal made it into an ancient individual from Uruguay that is only 1,500 years old suggests that it was a large admixture event between a population of humans and Denisovans."  As well, Polynesian and Oceanic genome signals have been shown to be present in the regions under study.

Apart from the occurrence of mass burials in the sites that yielded the samples from northeast Brazil, Uruguay, southeast Brazil and Panama, there is no other current evidence in the archaeological record that indicates shared cultural features among them. Importantly, the analyzed ancient individuals from southeast Brazil are in excess of 10,000 years older than those from northeast Brazil, Uruguay and Panama.

Campelo dos Santos discusses: • The mystery of settlement in South America • Coastal movements potentially linking ancient Uruguay and Panama • Surprising results in the genome.

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Comment by Ayesart on December 10, 2023 at 6:42pm
I wouldn't agree with you when you say Denisovians are extinct. They cohabited with Neanderthal people and some of us carry their sequences in our genetic makeup. I just published a book, Discovering My Guanahatabey and Taino Ancestors via I'm a genealogist and historian who spent 30 years researching my Spanish ancestry to get data on my Guanahatabey ancestors. I discovered a document that contained the birth of my grand mother's brother, Eusebio Maldonado born in Coamo. His wife went before the civil registry to announce the birth of their daughter. During that process she asked to have her race, her husband's race as well as her daughter written in as Indio! They were listed as such. Now what's so monumental about this event? In the 1930s people were being written in as, Blanco's, African, or mulatto. From there I researched the militia of San German that had Four Squads of Indios separate from the Blanco's. I picked Jose Maria Flores, an Indio. I connected my tree to his wife's brother and Jose Maria's father in law. All Indios. I followed their paper trail back to Coamo where they moved from. That's what my book is about. My journey. But it's also about every indigenous descendants journey that can be done too. If I did it so can you and you and you who will read this.
Comment by Randy Eady on June 1, 2023 at 8:44am

To immerse in the context: needless to say, The Buriti Flower, which was shot over 15 months in four villages within the Kraholândia reservation — the area in the state of Tocantins that’s been allotted to the Krahô — takes the viewer way beyond a through-Western-eyes documentation and interpretation. 

Even the screenwriting duties were shared w/three locals, two of them central on-screen figures.

THE FLOWER OF BURITI by João Salaviza and Renée Nader Messora, premieres worldwide at the Cannes Festival - Un Certain Regard, with national premiere on March 14, 2024 & Apache Desforra distribution.

Bolsonarism was a real (and still on-going) massacre, both in the destruction of peoples and their rights, and of the land. Now what is emerging is a much more beautiful and stronger counteroffensive -- that the world can be aware of with the Krahô. It's always good & hopeful for filmmakers and allies to see the place film can take an audience.

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