
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.




Caguana Parque Cerenomial en Peligro de Extincion

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Este yacimiento esta bien cuidado .Gracias al personal .Pero el museo no esta abierto .Alli hay muchas piezas que necesitan ser revisada . No se han ido al rio que queda cerca. Tengo la imprecion de que hay mas cosa alli. Hace 8 anos que se espera que abran una propuesta que aparentemente esta engavetada en un escritorio. Pero estoy trabajando es eso. Conseguir que alguien abra esa propuesta y le de el merecido respecto a este yacimiento.

Views: 330


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Comment by Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion on January 16, 2009 at 4:00pm

Comment by Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion on January 16, 2009 at 4:00pm
Mire aqui se tiene que poner uno en sus dos piernas firme y excijir al gobierno que cuide de estos sitios Hay leyes federales que aguda y estatales .Pero sincerament hay mas fondo federales que estatales Asi lo que hay que hacer es precionar en las paginas de el gobernarte.Y hacerle ver lo que se pierden de la cultura de este pais. Y espero que el presidente que entra nos agude en esto creo que el nos va a dar muchas bendiciones en todos los aspecto ecomonico .Y los tainos que viven en mi patria los voy a ver en sus respectivos pueblo porque es alli donde los quiero ver .
Comment by Anita Pagan on January 15, 2009 at 5:40pm
According to the ICP website the park is open... but there is not much info on the museum. I remember when Tibes first opened, it was just the outside park...

Heck, I remember running around the stones in Tibes before it was all fenced up....
Comment by Anita Pagan on January 15, 2009 at 3:47pm
Yeah... bo'matum Samuel...

After I wrote the above response I googled them and found that same website. Although their last entry was in 2008, I found nothing updated with regards to Caguana Park. The last entry was for May 2008 in which it said the Instituto de Culture Puertorriquen~a is working on opening the Museum up by the end of 2008.

I did write to the address on the site asking about it.

I may still write to the ICP as well...

I'm just curious as to the status of the project...
Comment by Anita Pagan on January 15, 2009 at 2:17pm
Trillions of dollars in debt, an endless war, brand new president and departmental heads, the dollar slowly declining in value while cost of living is going up, no work, no money moving...

No creo que estan interesados en fastidiar la vida a los pobres. They are just into the US finances and maintaining a semblance of having it all together....

I don't see them putting our issues on their list of things to do.

Is there anyone on the island that is doing something with regards to this? Is the "Consejo de tainos Borincanos" on the island or in the mainland? If they are working on this, I wonder what the status is and what response they have had so far...
Comment by Anita Pagan on January 15, 2009 at 1:39pm
No sera porque somos un Estado Libre Asociado? Una colonia aun?

Obama es nuevo presidente pero sigue siendo un ente politico del Gobierno conquistador.

They like committees- is there a committee?
Comment by Anita Pagan on January 15, 2009 at 9:14am
?A quien hay que sacudir?
Comment by Caracoli on January 15, 2009 at 6:07am
Caguana is the most sacred place in Boriken. Its up to the Govt and the municipality of Caguana to do something about it.

Caguana should reach out to the Taino Groups to help with outreaches
Comment by adem medina cardona on January 12, 2009 at 3:17pm
for how long has the museo been closed?

it is my understanding that two different indigenous groups were working to make this paticular park and the artifacts more acccesable to the people since the year 2000.

have both groups forgotten about this and the days of protest they endured???

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