
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Guama Hu-Rakan Responds to Human Irresponsibility

Tau My Relatives
In a recent post I pointed out the presence this Fall season, of the cemi Guama Hu-Rakan, servant of the Cosmic Matriarch when she manifests in her forceful wrathful manifestation, Gua-Ban-Ceh.
Guama Hu-Rakan is the spirit of spinning storms, hurricanes, tornados, waterspouts, and whirlwinds. Along with the cemi Guama Guatauba, the herald, spirit of thunder-lightning, and his partner the cemi Guama Coatriskie, spirit of torrential downpour, Hu-Rakan is one of Lady Gua-Ban-Ceh's most powerful agents of destruction and retribution. This is the season of Death.

But it is beginning to become evident that the normal predictable seasonal cycles of Life and Death are being influenced by human activity. I have transmitted in the past the messages given to the beikes of the Caney Spiritual Circle from the cemies and the hupias concerning the wrath of Mother Gua-Ban-Ceh. The ancients have warned us that our continued offenses against her natural laws will have dire consequences for humans. We began to see evidence of this fact in the past few decades, culminating in catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina and the South-East Asian Tsunami. Now Hurricane Ike is bringing the message home to us again.

Please read this article from LIVE SCIENCE presenting the facts about increases in stregth and magnitude of hurricane storms in the Caribbean, the South East Atlantic Coast of the US and the Gulf Coast of the US.
Scientists Warn of Stronger Hurricanes
By Andrea Thompson,
"Our wetlands and barrier islands ... are our first line of defense," she said.
But the development boom in coastal areas has damaged these natural defenses, putting coastal residents even more at risk.
"The more we develop, the more we lose," Staudt told LiveScience.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates that since the 1700s, the lower 48 states have lost more than half of their wetlands. While not all of that acreage loss is right along the coast, and some is likely a result of natural changes along the shoreline, a good chunk is due to development.
For instance, some of the Katrina damage to New Orleans was partly a result of the damage to the protective wetlands along Louisiana's coast. Development and subsidence, or outright sinking, of the state's coastline today mean that Louisiana loses an area of wetlands equivalent to the size of 32 football fields every day, according to the NWF.
Many hurricane experts have warned for years against destructive coastal development and imprudent policies that encourage people to build in coastal areas, but that often doesn't stop the building.
Warmer Seas
Meanwhile, the oceans are growing warmer. Global ocean temperatures have risen by about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit (0.1 degrees Celsius) in the last 30 years. And hurricanes are fueled by the warm, moist air over the tropical Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. The warmer the ocean surface, the more energy is available to fuel a storm's ferocious winds.
Scientists have predicted that as global warming continues to heat up the ocean, hurricanes could become more frequent, more intense or both, and several scientists think that change is already evident.
As sea surface temperatures rise, they provide more fuel to the convection that drives the swirling storms. This added energy could notch up the speed of hurricanes' winds (though several scientists say the winds can only increase so much). One recent study suggested that the strongest hurricanes in particular would get a bump from warming waters.
The rainfall brought by hurricanes could also increase because as the Earth's atmosphere also warms, it can hold more moisture. Studies have shown that one of the most damaging parts of a storm can actually be the rain it dumps on inland areas.
Rising sea levels could increase the damage wrought to coastal areas by a hurricane's storm surge.
Warmer water, and more of it, could also mean more opportunities for storms to form. Another recent study suggested that global warming could extend the hurricane season; as the warm water areas in the Atlantic expand, there could be more opportunities for storm formation, particularly early in the season.
Natural Cycles
Of course, the changes man has made to coastlines and the climate system aren't the only thing affecting the intensity of any particular hurricane season. Mother Nature provides plenty of variation as well.
Natural fluctuations in the climate that occur over a matter of years, such as El Nino and its sister La Nina, can also affect how busy the Atlantic hurricane season is.
El Nino events, which occur when tropical Pacific waters become warmer, can change the flow of prevailing air currents and stifle hurricane development in the Atlantic. Forecasters think that an El Nino event was the reason for the calm 2006 hurricane season, which came after two of the busiest years for hurricanes on record. La Ninas (when tropical Pacific water become cooler) typically mean more hurricanes.
Another natural cycle, called the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, can affect hurricane frequency over several decades through changes in sea surface temperatures, and is thought to be linked to the relative lull in hurricanes during the 1970s and 80s.
While natural cycles can affect hurricane activity from year-to-year or even decade-to-decade, most climate scientists think that global warming will continue to fuel these storms, and accompanied by the increasing coastal population and environmental degradation, lead to the "increasing destructive power of storms," Staudt said.
© Imaginova Corp. All rights reserved.
2008-09-20 14:16:01

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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on November 5, 2008 at 4:51am

Yes the city of Santiago, where I was born is right there in the region of Cuba with the highest percentage of Taino descendants. I have aded a set of maps to hel you see the area that am talking about
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on November 2, 2008 at 4:41pm
I am Taino from Cuba and yes I am acquainted with the maya prophecies of the transition from this World Age to the beginning of the next World Age
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on November 1, 2008 at 4:40pm
There is no doubt in my own mind or in the minds of thousands of conscientious people all over this planet that one of the most important causes of climate change is human activity. It is only in the delusional mind or consciously deceptive rhetoric of certain people out there that the present changes in the weather patterns that we are experiencing are caused by "naturally occurring" climatic cycles. I have contacted Michelle personally to request that she be more specific about the info dealing with sources that she wishes me to share here. In anticipation to her clarification I do wish to share this about my sources; the article that I posted here was lifted from the webpage of an organization called Live Science and was originally posted there back in September of this year (2008) by someone called Andrea Thompson. The main source that I use concerning the nature of the ancient Taino cemi (spirit) Gua Ban Ceh and her relationship with the cemi known as Hu Rakan is a scholar called Eugenio Fernandez Mendez who published a book called "Art and Mythology of the Taino Indians of the Greater West Indies" in 1972. This was one of the first sources of information that I accessed back in the late 1970's and early 1080's when I was informing myself on the archeological and anthropological material that is presently available relating to my ancestors.
I also have researched this particular spirit in several other sources but Fernandez Mendez is the one from whom I got the info that I use to base many of the beliefs that I hold about Gua Ban Ceh. I don't agree with everything put foward by this particular author, but I believe that he makes some very valid points in regards to Gua Ban Ceh.
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on November 1, 2008 at 3:10pm
Tau Michelle
I am sorry that it took me so long to respond to your question. I intend to answer you this same afternoon. Taino Ti

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