Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
I joined this community months ago after doing some research on the Tainos. I've been wanting to make a post but was numb by the fear. I was afraid to share my story in thoughts of being judged because nowadays, more than ever, so many people have become so judgemental on the web. To be honest, I was born in NYC with very little to no knowledge about my family. I never even got to travel to Puerto Rico because my mother was a single mother struggling to take care of four children so vacations were a no-no until we got older. I am Puerto Rican and damn proud of it though.
My grandmother has been guiding me on my journey and I wasn't fully aware of who she was and what she did until about 4 years ago. My grandmother passed away when my mother was only 4 years old and my mother ran away from home at 14 years of age. When I asked my mother about my grandmother, the only thing she said was, "Every time I asked my father about mommy, he would shut down so I stopped bothering." My godmother Annette use to tell me when I was a little girl that I was Taino but I didn't know what that meant until recently.
For much of my years from childhood into adulthood, I was very lost. As a child, I was sexually abused and suffered in silence for 20+ years. Due to this trauma, I suffered from severe depression. By 14 years old, I started to drink. I used alcohol as a means to numb the pain because that's what I saw my family do.
It wasn't until I became pregnant at 24 that I decided I had to make some major life changes. I could not, would not allow my daughter to ever see me as a drunk. She was my miracle child. I focused on bettering my health for her but that was just the beginning.
During my pregnancy, my daughter's father was going to school for massage therapy and he learned about a Japanese healing modality called Usui Reiki. Honestly, I looked at him like he was crazy. I have a degree in Forensic Sciences and he was talking about seeing orbs and feeling things that I simply could not understand. I just figured, "Okay, that's totally his thing and I'm not going to butt in."
I let it be until I learned about the Law of Attraction. My daughter was now 1.5 years of age and Reiki, Reiki, Reiki was showing up everywhere for me so I decided, "I'm going to do a little research." I was blown away by the information but felt conflicted if I should take the class because of the cost. It was much higher than I thought. I mean c'mon I had school loans, bills, and a baby is really expensive but then my daughter became ill after a family trip to the lake. We took her to the doctors immediately. She developed an infection filled with puss on her bottom that appeared to look like a spider bite. The doctors squeezed the blistered area and took a swab. He looked to my daughter's father and me and said, "You must go home and release the rest of the infection out. I will prescribe you antibiotics and this should take care of her." We went home and did what the doctor had ordered. It was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had in my life. I had to physically put my daughter in pain to remove the puss from the infected wound. My daughter's father took out his hands and drew symbols in the air. I asked, "What are you doing?" He replied, "I am doing reiki." By this time, I believe he was Reiki III/ART Master. He placed his palm above the wound and did Reiki. I noticed my daughter, Ariella, begin to calm down and the bleeding stopped. We gave her the antibiotics and went to bed for the evening.
The next day, I went to check on Ariella and change her diaper. I was blown away by what I saw. The wound on her bottom was healed. Seriously?!?! I couldn't believe my eyes. Ok, what is this Reiki practice? I need to learn more about it and take the class. I did just that. I registered for the Usui Reiki I/II class that was just a few days away.
As the days pass, I finally arrived at the place Holistic Apothecary to take the class. Honestly, it's one thing to read but another thing to experience. I wish I can explain it in words but at this very moment I can't but one thing is for certain, I never turned back. I became a true believer in the Higher Power. On that very day, I received a phone call from Ariella's doctor stating she had MRSA. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a cause of staph infection that is difficult to treat because of resistance to some antibiotics (HTTP:// I couldn't believe what I was hearing...
I was lost and confused but my Reiki Master Dr. Phyllis Bucci comforted me and told me, "The doctors are going to constantly prescribe antibiotics and that is not good for your daughter because she is so young. She is still building up her immune system and antibiotics will help but at the same time attack her immune system. Antibiotics attack the good and bad bacteria. MRSA can be healed. Give your daughter colloidal silver and do reiki every single day." I followed her exact orders to a T. This is my baby, my miracle child. God sent me to this class to save her. That's what I truly believed in.
Nearly 6 months later, Ariella went to get her 2 years check-up and she was healed. She no longer had MRSA. I spoke to everyone about this miracle. I advocated for self-healing and Reiki but now people are looking at me like I'm crazy so I decided it's time to find my tribe. I spent nearly a year looking for people to connect with and going to different Spiritual Centers. I learned how to do card readings and tapped into my Psychic abilities. I began trusting in my intuition and even separated from the toxic and unhealthy relationship I had with Ariella's father. I also became a Reiki III/ART Master Teacher and further advanced my studies into Karuna Reiki.
I came across a center called the BEING ONE CENTER in 2016 and it was another groundbreaking change and the reason I started researching into my family history. One evening I volunteered to do Oracle Tarot Card Readings for the center. There I met the owner and co-founder Ileana of Being One Center. I did not know that the owners were from Puerto Rico, I just volunteered because the opportunity was presented to me by a member of the community. Well, that was exciting. Anyway, Ileana says to me after I do a reading on her, "I feel like you have a strong connection to the island. My sister will probably have a message for you. How about you come to some classes on me?"
Now, I'm really excited. What's going to happen?
A few days went by and I decided to go to the Psychic Development night at the Being One Center. Low and behold, the class was held by Ileana's sister Lesley. She was a call-in for the evening because she typically doesn't host it. Everyone begins to introduce themselves to the circle and express what they want to learn that evening. Lesley looks at me and said, "You rely too much on the cards and you haven't tapped into your gifts. You are a Medium."
Wait, wait, wait.... What?!?! I looked at her like she was bananas. There was no way that I had some AMAZING gifts and can talk and channel spirit. I knew to be a medium, it is a gift that is passed on.
She continues, "Your grandmother was a very powerful Medium and Healer."
My grandmother? I don't know anything about her. Is Lesley serious?
That night on my ride home, I was lost and confused. I didn't know who I could talk to about this. I called my mother and told her what happened but she didn't have an answer.
A few weeks went by and I was invited to attend a healing ceremony called "Mesa Blanca" at the center. I wish I can explain this experience but once again I was blown away. Lesley and her mother extracted an evil entity from the child sitting in the "Hot Seat." It was one of the most frightening, yet exciting things I've ever seen. Now, who am I going to talk to about this experience?
Apparently, my mother called my godmother Annette and tells her about what we learned about my grandma. Mi tia Annette says, "Yes. Mommy was a medium and powerful healer. She used to do Mesa Blancas. I had a gypsy on me and she extracted it." What in the world? Why didn't we, the children, learn about the AMAZING healing practices our ancestors did?
Since that moment, I've been focusing on my healing, developing my gifts, doing research non-stop about my ancestors. I went so far as to create an ancestry account. I learned that my grandfather and his family were from Yauco, PR and my grandmother was from Guayanilla but her parents were from Yauco, PR too. I learned that through research Yauco was the Capital of the Taino tribe.
Last year around this time, I was guided to a sacred Native American land. I was working with my friend, who is also a Psychic Medium, doing a healing ceremony when I heard the word "SHAMAN." I looked at her and told her, "I've been hearing drum sounds for months. What does this mean?" "You are a Shaman," she replied. I couldn't believe it. I was brought to this land and was initiated by Spirit to take on the role of a Shaman. That week, I heard a voice at 12:30 am tell me, "Grab your pen and write." I started channeling a Spirit which I now know was an ancestor. I was given symbols and guided on how to perform a Shamanic Ceremony. I was told, "You will be the retriever of souls." I've been working closely with my ancestors this past year and have been guided to this community. I tried to attend a circle sometime last year but was told not yet by Spirit.
About 2 weeks ago, I heard, "You will be meeting with your mentor soon." I also was guided to share my journey with whoever reads this.
Thank you for accepting me into this community. I know I still have a lot to learn and I trust that in divine timing I will meet with you soon.
That is just fine! I look forward to a conversation
Thank you, Miguel!!!
I will take a look at the video tonight and I can give you a call tomorrow if that is ok with you.
Greetings Erica
It was very inspiring to read your remarkable story. I would like to share aspects of our Taino spiritual and metaphysical culture with you. Please explore our ancient creation narration by watching this video. Once you have watched the video, it would be a real honor to make your acquaintance through a telephone conversation if that is OK. My phone number is 412 969 4009
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