
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




What do you need to have to be considered a Taino?

What is a modern taino? which characteristics will make somebody a taino(a)? Any help getting this point clear will be really appreciated.


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Comment by Bryan Burgos on January 16, 2009 at 5:58pm
Ah y olvidate de escribir mas en este blog por que los indios no tenian electricidad!
Comment by Bryan Burgos on January 16, 2009 at 5:57pm
ok, asi que fisicamente debes tener algunos rasgos caracteristicos de la herencia taina...estoy de acuerdo. Entonces aquellos que por razones de genetica no tienen razgos tainos visibles pero si algun % de DNA taino tambien podrian ser aceptados dentro del nuevo movimiento, ok eso suena aceptable. Ahora, los que por razones desconocidas aun para ellos mismos, se sienten atraidos a la cultura indigena, ya sea por que han trabajado en algun proyecto arqueologico o por influencias que no se pueden explicar podrian ser hijos adoptivos de la nacion indigena? Yo creo que este movimiento debe apuntar hacia la educacion y la resureccion de nuestras tradiciones indigenas en estos tiempos modernos, no solo bailando en tapa rabos en una plaza sino haciendo coleccion de todos los datos y conocimientos recolectados para poder entender cada una de esas tradiciones y creencias que nos definen como cultura indigena. Tu puedes parecerte a Guarionex o Guanina y hasta bailar al ritmo de tambores to' el dia bajo el sol y no tener idea del significado de lo que estas haciendo. Puedes ser blanco de ojos azules y crear las artesanias mas historicamente y cientificamente correctas que hasta se puedan confundir con las originales. Asi que los que realmente piensan que este movimiento se trata de agrupar a quienes mas fisicamente se parescan a los indios originales entonces deben agruparce to'itos y vivir en una joyanca por un rio en PR y comenzar a construir plazas y bohios.... pero olvidate del dvd player, el microhondas o aire acondicionado. Mas si educamos y revivimos las tradiciones y creencias entonces haremos honor a nuestros antepasados y no los proyectaremos como gente que se la pasaba bailando semi-desnudas y comiendo to'el dia en el rio o la playa (aunque estoy seguro que algun taino eso era lo que hacia to' el dia.....eso quisiera hacer yo hehehe). Amen!
Comment by Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion on January 12, 2009 at 2:33pm

Saber de donde eres quien eres es bueno saber.Pero yo tengo muchas raices que quisiera conocer,Africana ,India, Corsega,Espanola, Mire que mezcla. Pero las llevo con orgullo porque de alli son mis raices, costumbres, historia, tradiciones. Por ahora estuve en la de los espanol y corcega .Pero estoy empenada en las de los Tainos.Ver que se saquea y no se respecta esto no me agrada. La historia tiene que ser fiel y respectada . Asi que estoy tratando de ver como estan estos yacimientos ya fui a caguana en Utuado Tengo information de Ponce -Tibet. Ya pronto infromo
Comment by Ivy on January 12, 2009 at 12:08pm
Beautiful words to live by...
Comment by Ivy on January 9, 2009 at 2:16pm
This is pure bullshit
Comment by Caracoli on January 9, 2009 at 1:56pm
Taino Ti

I understand where all of you are coming from and though I disagree I finally realize that


Sherrif Caracoli and Deputy Brooke
Comment by Ivy on January 9, 2009 at 1:36pm
Thank you, Ruben, and please don't feel like you need to prove yourself to anyone, because you could easily do the same thing to all of us here.
Comment by Ivy on January 9, 2009 at 12:02pm
WOW. I can't believe how much hostility there is on this site! This is supposed to be a place for indigenous and non-indigenous people alike to connect and discuss things like culture, history, family, customs and traditions and yes, DNA, too. Of course there are going to be disagreements, that is expected, but why do we all feel the need to verify someone else's authenticity? If someone considers themselves to be an "Indian", through spirit, through culture, or through bloodlines, then so be it. When did we all become the "Indian police"? And personally, I don't feel the least bit offended (according to Brooke then I must not be a "real indian") that my family chose to have a DNA test to show what percentage of Taino blood we have. If anything, it confirmed to me what I have always felt. Some people have had the privilege of being raised with their "Indian" culture and customs, and some have not. So there's nothing wrong with doing this type of research, in fact I encourage it because I'm sure that there are a lot of people who do in fact have indigenous blood and don't even know it. So if a test is what it takes for that person to connect with that part of themselves, then that's a beautiful thing. I acknowledge and embrace all of my ancestry, the Taino, the Spanish, the Filipino (my mother was born in Manila) and possibly the African, which hasn't been proven as of yet. So who is anybody to say that I am not Taino when I am, and who am I to say that anybody isn't (whether they technically are or aren't)? What matters is the fact that we all realize that the Taino are NOT extinct as we are told, and that we keep our culture alive.
Comment by Juan Almonte on January 8, 2009 at 11:26pm

Mexican indain grandmother. Would you know from what part or tribe. mexico is pretty big. Poeple just think of the mayans. But there are other tribes too. On top of that many of the apache got pushed down too during colonazation.

How many markers did the test that you took have? I know the more markers the more expensive it can bee.
Comment by Juan Almonte on January 7, 2009 at 5:02pm

You know I have been your number one fan.

But this comment "My grand-grand mother who was Mexican was part-Indian"

Has ??????????? all over it. Why didnt you say that before. How come now you saying that.

To me this is offensive. Many poeple try to the same above thing but then they will deny the real indians. That is wrong.

If you are right why did you not mentione this before.?

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