
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.





Pet Peeeeeeeeves!

"Federal Recognition"
We were here 100,000 years before you, and you don't 'recognize' us?

This is something that has always been a pet peeve of mine.
The United States is just a baby - not even 250 years old yet.
The Indian Nations of this Turtle Continent are nearly all into
the many thousands of years old. Yet, for political reasons,
an Indian Nation which was in existence 9,000 years before
there was a 'USA' has to be 'Federally Recognized' by the
USA to be considered a legitimate Indian Nation. I find this
ridiculous. It seems to me, that the ancient Indian Nations
of this land oughta be trying to decide if they 'recognize' the
USA as a legitimate nation! It just doesn't make any sense
in my mind that an Indian Nation which PRE-dates the USA
has to 'prove' its legitimacy and beg the U.S. to 'recognize'
it as a real nation. Of course, I am fully aware that there
are certain Treaty and political interests that play into this,
but the concept of a 50,000 year old Indian nation begging
a 250 year old baby nation to 'recognize' it peeeeeeves me!

By John Two-Hawks

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It just doesn't make any sense in my mind that an Indian Nation which PRE-dates the USA has to 'prove' its legitimacy and beg the U.S. to 'recognize' it as a real nation.

It seems to me, that the ancient Indian Nations of this land oughta be trying to decide if they 'recognize' the USA as a legitimate nation!

Exactly Ivy that is why as Tainos we need to be assertive and in solidarity alongside with our Northern, Canadian, Hawaiian, & Alaskan brothers and sisters
They are all our Brothers & Sisters, Mitakuye Oyasin
Indian Nation which was in existence 9,000 years before
there was a 'USA' (Spain) has to be 'Federally Recognized' by the
USA (or Spain) to be considered a legitimate Indian Nation (or indian). I find this
ridiculous. It seems to me, that the ancient Indian Nations
of this land oughta be trying to decide if they 'recognize' the
USA (spain) as a legitimate nation! It just doesn't make any sense
in my mind that an Indian Nation which PRE-dates the USA (and spain)
has to 'prove' its legitimacy and beg the U.S. to 'recognize'
it as a real nation

Quote by Rueben directed at Brooke "You think you are Indian, but in fact you aren´t"
Brooke is not my daughter but my daughter in spirit. If you go to her profile you will see the handsome man that is her father. I'm too ugly lol
i deleted my pics

Are you seriously blaming natives for the genocide and colonization of the americas

"If you had been unified" excuse me i guess now its convenient of you to go back to being Spaniard i guess you only pull the native card when it is appropriate
in your quest for spite you have not only disrespected natives every where you have humiliated your alleged Indian great grandmother, and how dare you blame the genocidal acts on the people who went through the genocide, what is wrong with you? and it is not a fact that unity between first nation peoples was the reason behind the colonization of the Americas, there are many factors that came into play,but the most crucial point and reason for the mass genocide and complete raping, & destruction of the culture was European ideology, seriously Reuben this is the lowest you have gone thus far and you have gone pretty low before. And I am completely disgusted with even the most minute fiber of your being.
Yo Ruben

You are messing with a super ninja Taino

You don't have a chance

You should beg all of us for forgiveness

We Taino are a Good and Humble people and will forgive

But we will not forget
Also this Ruben is an astronomically interesting case study

Just follow his threads

To Njuns he is no friend

I await your assesment Taino Doctor Phil
I have to correct you here. Remember that in 1492, Clolumbus (Who was recently proven to be Catalan, from Spain and NOT the son of a Genoese weaver) encontered the Taino. He also encountered the Carib. The Tainos and Caribs were adversaries, but for the first time in written history, two opposing tribes put aside their differences, made peace and made a pact to fight their common enemy; The Conquistador. We both still got the shaft by the Spaniards even though we were unified. This happened A LOT more often than people realize all over the Americas, so don't make the mistake of thinking that disunity did us in. Slavery, war, deseases brought from abroad and the European attitude of conquest of the "Savages" did it. Some tribes were adversaries with others, but then again, it also happened in Europe; European against European for centuries. We as Native people still have some way to go, but let's be clear about the true reason we got screwed and it wasn't "IF WE HAD BEEN UNIFIED, WE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN COLONIZED"


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