
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.



The previous posting of mine brought up an idea for this a post. Looking at this picture it would be tempting to identify who the indigenous members of this family are. By way of explanation; many of my children (pictured above) are adopted. All are of indigenous descent. One is born of a mother living in the far out strethches of Alaska. Another is Cherokee and anothers are Guatemalan (Mayan and other mix).

Before we identify people based on faces, let us consider that we are brothers and sisters of the same mother Earth. ´White´as snow or ´brown´as Earth, we all have to capacity to love honor and respect eachother.

May peace and luv follow you always-c

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the dog is ´French¨
Carrie, I can some times look at people at tell what anthropoligist may classified them. I dont base complextion, hair and eye color.

You misunderstood me. I actually would have to be infront of the person. You see I would have to look at there skull from diffrent angles. A photo is no good in my case.
But with that said. The guy wearing the black shirt has mongloid features. The other guys have hats its a bit harder to tell. But like I said I would have to be infront of them.
I would say the guy with the grey shirt and hat. Has mongloid in him. The guy wearing no hat has none. I know people will look at complextion but from the picture he doesnt have mongloid.

Again by monglid I mean asian or ameridian ancestroy.

Sha let me know how I did keep in mind these are pictures. I would do alot better in peson.
LOL, You look diffrent in the picture. But you see you gave me an angle to work with. The other guys didnt excpet the guy with the grey shirt and hat. I am not making up excuses cause I did try but we both Know picture is very hard.

No lie sha! I was actully going to post that the guy with white towel looks south american indian looks. .

But I was going to say the guy with the green towel looks like a typical dominican but does not have mongloid ancestory.

I stand corrected.
But with that said. Unlike boriken that for example out of 20 boriquas about 14 will have taino ancestory in kiskeya out of the same 20 only 3 or 4 will have taino ancestory.

LOL, just trying to clean up the mess I did. Trust me I am much better in person, sha, LOL................
Lawrence....I knew that town would come into convo somewhere LOL My brother in law lives there :)
I think that you are not as spaniord as you think you are.

Please keep in mind that I and sha basically said that pictures are not a good indicator. But with that said I do see mongloid traits.
Yes brother I see traits.

But if your really intersted you should study anthropolgy. You may be surprised how indian you are.

There is nothing wrong with saying we are tainos. For all we know you could be 75% taino with maybe very little african and european admixture. We dont know.
I see your are serios about this cause you keep posint pictures. Yes you have ameridan traits. I dont want to get into this online.

But if you like check and see if you have shovel shaped teeth. Do you know what they are?
Keep in mind I do want to delete the stuff we post as look are not a good indicator


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