
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




The previous posting of mine brought up an idea for this a post. Looking at this picture it would be tempting to identify who the indigenous members of this family are. By way of explanation; many of my children (pictured above) are adopted. All are of indigenous descent. One is born of a mother living in the far out strethches of Alaska. Another is Cherokee and anothers are Guatemalan (Mayan and other mix).

Before we identify people based on faces, let us consider that we are brothers and sisters of the same mother Earth. ´White´as snow or ´brown´as Earth, we all have to capacity to love honor and respect eachother.

May peace and luv follow you always-c

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I never heard that term u shaped. Yeah if you feel it from gum coming down you will feel a bump and then feel a cuping or scooping shape thats shovel shaped teeth. These are consider ameridian teeth. But they are monglid traits asians have them too.
A while back I had survided close to 40 people online and on person. Poeple who had amerdian or asian admxiture (mongliods) I didnt survey so called hispanics cause obvilously we dont know how much ameridian admixture we have. The counter to the mongloids were african or white.

Anyways the ones that were 25% mongliod did not have shovel shaped teeth at all.

The ones that were 50/50 gave me a 50/50 type of rusult.

I had two people who were 75% mongloid and they both had the teeth.


My nephew actually has an extreme verstion of these teeth. They are called winged shovel shaped teeth and they are very shovel.

There are many versions of these teeth. I had actually had a discustion with Jorge estevez about this. Evey body in my family has them.
Thanx. I became intested in anthropolgy when a african from africa told who I worked with told me i was a mongloid. I went on to explain to him that he was wrong. That I was of ameridican ancestory. He told me what do you think native american are. I did my research and he was right.

Threw my research is how I found Jorge Estevez a taino from my island. I saw his presentaion and fell in love with his work. He is a very good man. If you ever in NY I recomend you go see his presentation.
LOL, makes sence thanx.
So you see brother for all we know you may be more amerdian than you think. Not to say you dont have those other admixture.
Intersting story on one of my surveyed.

I met this guy who many people look at him and think he is black. I saw ameridian traits. I asked him. He pulled out a reg card. In the card said he was 75% native american and 25% african. He told me I was the fist to ask about his ancestory.

See my point. What not to say that some taino will be 75% taino and 25% african.
Actually I know people will not agree with me. But I seen that african genes are very domininant. This fellow was only 25% african american but every one never asked him if he was mixed. They assumed that he was black.

He is a native american with some african admixture.

He looked alot more black than you. This is why looks are not a good indicator. But anthropolgy is best.


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