* Statement from Leonard *
From 31 January 2009; see
* Remember to Write *
Due to your actions, Leonard was transferred back to Lewisburg.
Remember that the changed mission of USP-Lewisburg means that
Mr. Peltier will be transferred yet again. Please continue to
keep the pressure on the Bureau of Prisons to transfer Leonard to
an appropriate facility. Today and every day, make your voices
heard. Send letters, call, and/or e-mail the director of BOP:
* Call the White House on February 6 *
Wherever you are and whatever you're doing on February 6 at
12:00 noon, stop and call the White House Comment Line and ask for
Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier. E-mail or pass out the phone
number to friends, family members, colleagues, etc. Ask everyone
you know to simply take two minutes out of their lives to make this
call. Call the White House Comment Line at 202-456-1111.
* Events *
Friday, February 6, in Boulder, CO: 33 Years Searching for American Justice.
Friday, February 6, in Toronto, Canada: 27th annual traditional
Prayer Vigil in honour of the People's Struggle to free Leonard
Peltier. See:
February 19, in Ottawa, Canada: Peltier Demonstration During the Visit
of U.S. President Obama. Details TBA.
Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.
Friends of Peltier