Taino Ti
I had the pleasure to attend the Paumanauke Pow Wow last weekend. It was a warm weekend of meeting old friends.and participating in fellowship with my Native brothers and sisters.
One great thing about the Paumanauke Pow Wow is that they include an art contest for Native artisans as part of their program.. They care about the culture enough to Honor themselves and the artisans with recognition.
I submitted one of my Taino Guayaberras in the contest with one of my favorite border designs that I have developed.The design I used is engraved in Duho's, Cemis, stone belts and pottery. Mohawk people came by and said that the particular design they interpret as a river design. They engrave it on their pottery.
I fooled them when they saw the shirt from a distance. They thought it was Beadwork when in fact it is embroidery.
I also submitted a Quilt of the Sol De Jayuya made by Mimi, There was difficulty in what category it was to be entered because nobody ever submits a quilt that is so difficult and time consuming to make
I was proud to see Taino artwork along side the artwork of the Indigenous people of America. I felt it was one more nail in the coffin that says we have no art and that we are extinct.
Taino Art was represented and it was holding its own.
I burned Tabonuco all day to celebrate