Recently I visited the Natural History Museum in Tally. It was all very impressive and one item I'd like to mention and encourage is the
oral history project. They had little TV screens you could sit in front of
and select oral histories from elders of various tribes here in Florida.
The viewer could select from a matrix of interests such as language,
customs and other interests. I was mesmerized and found it all fascinating.
Does anybody know if anything like this has been done with the indigenous tribes of the Caribbean? Maybe interviews that could
be video clipped and published on Youtube.
If there was one inexpensive but effective way to preserve culture this
had to be it.
The endangered music project did something like this (though on a worldwide scale) as well, and I found it fascinating. I think the Movimiento Indigena Jibaro Boriqua is doing this project on a amall scale and without funding. Perhaps if other small groups did the same and someone took responsibility to organize the project...???~c