

Kissimmee, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I was born in New York City.
I am an artist, photographer, sculptor, writer and genealogist.
Extensive research and discovery of my ancient Taino heritage via mtDNA testing for confirmation of ancestry and verbal family history which led me to research my family tree in depth. I also had my yDNA tested also expanding my family tree.
Professional Artist
Life, Nature, Art, DNA
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
mtDNA, yDNA and genealogy.
Centro de Cultura Puertorriquena de la Florida, Adscrito al Instituto de Cultura, San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Comment Wall:

  • adem medina cardona

    thank you so much
    it is a great pleasure to meet you~c
  • adem medina cardona

    many blessings to you and yours~c
  • bella1976

    I have looked at your webpage and WOW! i must say, very thorough.
    your line did not contain the name im looking for.
    im looking for Grant
    do you know any history or know of a family tree in Dominica of Grants?
  • bella1976

    now how do i narrow that information to specifically find a Ral or Raul Grant born in Dominica between 1923-1940?
    and is that information on the previous link you sent me??
    where can i find the search engine you utilized to get me that information?
  • bella1976

    heres another question...
    ive been told by my son's father about a tribe of natives in antigua that had red hair but are now extinct(i dont know what the proper term is for a peoles who have died out)? apparently his family was mixed with the natives of the island hence a lot of red haired black children in his family
  • bella1976

    thank you for providing the list of Grant individuals but unfortunately i have to start from present and work backwards as this is not MY family tree but my son's paternal family tree and i only have the name and approximate DOB of my son's paternal grandfather from Dominica.
    i am not looking for you to form the Grant family tree, which i fully agree with you that you'd have to charge me for.
    i am asking what website did you find this information and how do i search for specifics like name and approximate dob for myself?
    when i find the birthdate and birthplace or parish of my son's paternal grandfather i am more than willing to pay you to dig backwards and research the family roots as the Grant name in Dominica traces back to a european Grant that settled on the island in the 1700's. for that kind of detail and research i would pay good money...
    put for right now...im just trying to find the birthplace, place of baptism, correct dob of ONE individual so i can start working backwards.
    even if i could just find out where he was born so i can take my son to that town/village and expose him to his unique Dominican culture
    so my question again is.... what website did you get this information from and how do i navigate it..
    thank you
  • bella1976

    as for the red haired natives of antigua, i do understand the concept of the tribe lives on in the bloodlines of the ancestors...i wasnt specific enough....do you happen to know the name of the tribe i am refering to?
  • bella1976

    ok i reread your post... so i dont have access to that website because im not a professional.
    ok...how much would you charge me to find place of birth or parish, correct dob, and full legal name for my son's paternal grandfather, as you have access to resources i do not have access to...
  • Juan Almonte

    Hey, Ayes. I got to spend more time on this site. I was not aware you were a member. I saw a interview on you. I found it on youtube. Your a very talented man. I also like the fact that you mentioned our taino ancestort. I am from kiskeya but the way I see it we are all related.

    I read a bit on your maternal dna reserch. Have you found any native american threw your Y-chomozone. You are very indigenous looking. So I suspect that you do. I actually dont buy into native men not contributing to your gene pool. But only time will tell.
  • Juan Almonte

    Hola, Ayesart,

    You know I am not too familiar with all the DNA and haplo group categories. Diffently got to research it.

    Concerning the mongolion crossing. Before they use to think they crossed 20 thousand yo ago. But I read somewhere there was an ice age 40 thousand yo ago too. They say they have evidence that was the first crossing. So they have recently updated this. Maybe later on, 20 thousand yo there could have also been another wave of mongloids. In both occasion they mentioned mongloids.

    I also heard about the crossing from tierra del fuego. Don’t remember were I read it, it was printed by a friend so I don’t have the link but I will see if I can find it. But it said that polynisian and Ainu might have crossed from the southern part of the continent. Ainu are the original inhabitants of Japan. The Japanese we see now are actually descendants of china. But of course there are some who stay behind and don’t say there identity. Because of racisim. But anyways aniu are also mongloids.

    I will be honest. I don’t buy into the Olmec being Africans. People claim because they have big lips and wide noses they are Africans. I have met non-Africans. Including Indians who have no admixture and have these features. It like when people see a non-white with colored eyes they assume they have some type of admixture. But there are people who are not Europeans who have colored eyes. They have found Asians, Africans, Arabs, American Indians, Hindus, Australian aboriginal with these eyes and they didn’t have any admixture. I read that there was a gene mutation that occurred about 10,000 years ago. And before this there were no colored eyes. Now I don’t remember if meant the mutation happened in non-whites only. Meaning Caucasian has always had this trait. I am thinking yes. Cause obviously in general they are the ones that have it the most. It’s not common with non-Caucasoid. But it does happen.

    Another thing is that I heard that she was identified as mongloid.
  • Caracoli

    Taino Ti Brother

    Can you please clarify for me your comment

  • Juan Almonte

    Hola, ayesart,

    You wrote "Richard leaky I, had a theory that humans had developed independently from Africa."

    Very intersting. I am going to research this Richard Leaky, Who know maybe the turk that are getting native american dna hits are probably deccendants of american indians who might have migrated to asia. If Richard leaky is right. Maybe the aisan are deccendants of native american and not the other way around. Very intersing. Thanx for sharing. I am diffently go to do my own reserch on Mr Leaky thesis.
  • Juan Almonte

    Hey Ayesart,

    To tell you the truth the reconstruction look nothing to what the skull does. The reconstruction looks like a person of negroid and mongloid admixture. But the skull with out the clay looks very caucasion.

    Know that you mention it. I too hope no one is getting offended. The terms that I am using are anthropolgy terms.
  • Juan Almonte

    Compai, thanx for the correction. You know sometime reading all this info can drive people nuts.

    Nice pictures, of you and your mom and grandmother. Very idigenous. I diffently see the features you mentioned on your grandmother. Very intersting. Like I said before I dont know much about the Haplo Group catogories. But its diffently intersting that you have Guanahuatabey-Ciboney Haplo Group. That I know of the Guanahuatabey and Ciboney didnt live in PR. Did they?

    I have to admit all that dna sound chinese to me. But diffently it would be intersting to see what thy come up with. Cause I have the same doughts that you have. I see many ridicouls claims.
  • Guy Marco

    Hi Bro - Are you going to Pow-WOW this weekend in Orlando - Fair Ground (50)?
  • Guy Marco

    I am sorry to hear that - will have in my prayers. Take Care
  • Guy Marco

    Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and abide by His Bidding!
  • Guy Marco

    Thy Name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succour in both this worls and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
  • Guy Marco

    I have this healing prayer in song (check my songs) - #9. 05 Thy Name is....
  • Juan Almonte


    Thanx for requsting me as your friend on the site. Havent connected in a while. Many personal issues that I am working threw.

    Thanx for you comments. I am going to look into them. But it diffently makes sence that Guanahuatabey and Ciboney also lived in PR. These two tribe are not really written about. They are grouped up with the tainos. So it does make sence that we have Guanahuatabey and Ciboney admixture. On top of that I am sure they also spoke a arawak based languge. Or a dialect of it. So I am sure that some of the words that we use are not only taino but these two other tribes aswell. I think that even carib words. I am sure do to the spaniords inslavement of our people. We must have some carib admixture aswell.