Taino Ti Beike Bo
Please join the discussion we are having about Mabi on the environmental round table. I like to hear about your experiences with Mabi from your homeland of Cuba
Hey Pipo!
Yessir, I have some pics on here now.
Ok, gig info.
The gig is on the 8th from 6pm to 7pm and there will be a ride to and from it for you. They'll pick you up at around 4:30. Its a trio with Mark and Ian. I'll give you more details when I speak to you.
hi there miguel, im just here to make new friends and learn some more about my roots they been pulling ever since i can remember but with age and the times we in, i feel its important i start to make more effort.
Thank you for your incouragement, i hope indeed I'am a strong branch from the root which is often never seen until its been up rooted, if you know what I mean.
blessing to you brother its because of men like yourself I have something as inspiration.
Hola, me llamo Rosana y soy de Barcelona, España. Frank AkuTurey es amigo mio y es el que me ha invitado a visitar esta pagina. Me ha comentado que lo vas a iniciar como Behique. Espero que entiendas el español ! sino, mirare de escribir en inglés. Saludos, Rosana.
Hello Miguel
Thanks for the information. It was very enlightening. I will share it with my parents. My father is a descendant of 2 tribes - Wapishana and Tarum and my mother of Wapishana. My Dad is from Aishalton, South Rupununi Region 9 and my mother is from the Awarawanau Village, South Rupununi. They both speak the Wapishana dialect, but I know just a little bit of the dialect. I am now on mission to learn more about my culture. Thanks on again for the information you present.
Chicano Research Collection
Department of Archives and Manuscripts
Hayden Library, Arizona State University
Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Telephone: (602) 965-3145
Los Fundadores and Friends of Santa Clara County, California 1509 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050
Telephone: (408) 926-1165, or (408) 248-ARTS for a recorded schedule of events
Publication: Los Fundadores
Hispanic History and Ancestry Research
9511 Rockpoint Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America
316 West 500 North
St. George, UT 84770
Telephone: (801) 652-1710
Fax: (801) 674-5787
E-mail: lplatt@infowest.com
For more information about the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, see the topic Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America.
MEXICAN-INDIAN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
historical, or cultural interest in the native peoples of Mexico. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to mexican-indian-l-request@rootsweb.com (mail
mode) or mexican-indian-d-request@rootsweb.com (digest mode).
Mexico has been the fourth largest source of immigrants since 1820, and by far the largest source of immigrants in recent years. In fact, Mexican immigration
has occurred in varying amounts for hundreds of years. In addition, many Mexicans "moved" to the United States as a result of the annexations of Texas and
the West.
Early in the twentieth century, large numbers of Mexicans came to the U.S. to work in agriculture in California or as miners and track layers throughout the
West. This pattern of Mexicans coming north of the border in search of better paying jobs has continued until the present day, with the largest numbers of
Mexican-Americans residing in California, New Mexico, and Texas.
Contacts and Sources
Chicano Research Collection
Department of Archives and Manuscripts
Hayden Library, Arizona State University
Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Telephone: (602) 965-3145
Los Fundadores and Friends of Santa Clara County, California 1509 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050
Telephone: (408) 926-1165, or (408) 248-ARTS for a recorded schedule of events
Publication: Los Fundadores
Hispanic History and Ancestry Research
9511 Rockpoint Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America
316 West 500 North
St. George, UT 84770
Telephone: (801) 652-1710
Fax: (801) 674-5787
E-mail: lplatt@infowest.com
For more information about the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, see the topic Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America.
Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research(tm) http://members.aol.com/shhar/
Web Sites
In Helpful Web Sites, you can find links to useful resources about Mexico:
* Mexican immigration to the United States: A Study of Human Migration and Adjustment, by Manuel Gamio
* Ethnic Chronology Studies: The Chicanos in America, 1540-1974, by Richard A. Garcia
* Mexican and Spanish Family Research, by J. Konrad
* Genealogical Research in Latin America and The Hispanic United States, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Hispanic Surnames and Family History, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Latin American Military Records, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Latin American and Spanish Census Records, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico, General Guide: Political Divisions, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico, Gu'a general: Divisiones Eclesi?sticas, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico: Research Guide, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Research in Mexico City, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Tracing your Hispanic Heritage, by George Ryskamp
* Una Bibliograf'a de Historias Familiares de LatinoamZ*rica y Los Estados Unidos, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage, by George R. Ryskamp
The Plains and Emigrant Tribes of Kansas
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College (Cloquet, MN), Web server
Resources for American Indian colleges, teaching, web pages.
NativeWeb Home Page
About Earth's indigenous peoples, mainly in the Americas. Future links will be added on Africa and Asia.
American Indian Studies, California State University, Long Beach
A site with many links to information about Native Americans, mostly in terms of their history, and culture.
Includes files with Indian tribes that are recognized by the federal government, but not the actual census rolls, audio files of Native American songs, and
much more. Includes Native Americans of Mexico and Central America.
Alabama Creek Family
Oneida Indian Nation of NY
Osage Research Home Page
Research about the Osage, not necessarily their genealogy.
Freedmen Members of the Five Civilized Tribes
Native American Mailing Lists
Joseph Amante y Zapata jjamante@aol.com
Grand-nephew of Emiliano Zapata
Stacey Low Dog-Scares Hawk
(great-great-granddaughter of Chief Low Dog)
Native Peoples E-mail Contact List http://www.indigenouspeople.net/natemail.htm
Native American Books.
short reviews from a Native perspective, categorized by tribe and subject, for all ages. http://indy4.fdl.cc.mn.us/~isk/books/bookmenu.html
Multicultural - Young Adult Books - Net Links
Net Links: Multicultural, from your About.com Guide http://yabooks.about.com/msub_multicultural.htm?iam=ma
Matoska Trading Company - Native American Goods
Native American trade goods: Matoska Trading Company offers a comprehensive selection of the finest Native American related goods including seed beads
in modern and old-time colors, metal beads, bone hairpipe, needles, thread, craft supplies, bells, shells, leather, feathers, books, patterns, music on cassette and
CD, videos, botanicals including sweetgrass and sage, and much more.
Index of Native American Book Resources on the Internet
Index of Native American Book Resources on the Interne http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAbooks.html
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Coyote Press
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ethnography, linguistics, and Native American books of California
the western United States.
(A portion of all funds generated from activities at this site benefits Circle of Nations, Inc. a national nonprofit organization addressing a variety of Native
American issues.)
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Native American Authors The following is a list of resources used for this project. These resources are highly recommended for further reading on Native
American Literature. http://www.ipl.org/ref/native/biblio2.html
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FLGenWeb Project Native American Links
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sobaokokoromo1@aim.com wrote: Greetings Relative
I am requesting that you visit my page in the Indigenous Caribbean Network and become a member of my Friends List.
I look foward to a lot of great sharing and discussion in this wonderful new Network.
With Respect
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
Tau Beike,
Hope you are well!-Would you please see my page,and read my(our)dilemma about that latest DNA study in Cuba!-I'm sure you'll understand when you read it..Thank you,Beike,I know you are busy,but I'm surprised that people aren't"buzzing" with this one!-It includes BORIKEN too-it say's that even there,the majority is haplogroup"A",and that the Taino/Ciboney are not "A",but "C"!(the cadvers tested were all C,present-day Arawaks in Orinoco basin area are predominantly" C'.I appreciate any clarification on this.Bo'Matum,
Frank AkuTurey
Olla Miguel, good to hear from you again. The Areyto will be on or about November 19th, and we will shortly be announcing The Areyto with our usual advertizing campaign. Will keep you informed and happy to hear that you will be attending.
I consider myself truly blessed to know the people I know and to have the people who truly know me!!! Anyone could come up with an opinion about the "Thanksgiving" Holiday now upon us because of our Indigenous roots, but I will say the following in this season regardless of what this Holiday historically means to so many Native people: I will cast aside all historical offense and all present day offense to say that I am truly blessed by the Creator of this Universe tohave experieced all I have in this life and grateful for EVERY PERSON I've encountered in my life that has shown me either a positive or negative experience in my life, because I've learned so much from them. I am also thankful for ALL the people that I've encountered in my life who have spoken either positively, or gossiped negatively about me behind my back, because they've shown m e who is truly on my side, and who's against me!!! I'm even thankful for those who have spoken against me beind my back, because they've shown me that I am at east 2 steps ahead of them and on the right track!!! On this holiday of "THANKSGIVING" I'm thankful for all that has happened to me because it has shown me what path to take and will show me the path I will take. I can truly say even in the face of adversity; "I AM TRULY BLESSED"
Thank you for your feedback!!! It says volumes, especially coming from someone whom I respect a great deal, even without knowing you for so long!!! W'AMORETE BUKIA TAU'HIAKA, DA 'TIAO!!! ( May our Creator bless you, my brother!!!)
Thanks for reaching out. RixTurey is very knowledgeable and helpful. Part of Taino history that I want to bring to light is the negatives of Christopher Columbus and the history of enslavement by hostile nations. Combined with the spiritual history of symbols as they relate to the afterlife. This may sound confusing, but it is still in the infancy stages and any help with decoding the history is appreciated.
I am honored to be part of this group and would love to continue the conversation. It is crucial for us to re-vision who we are as a people. Most importantly, it is crucial that we do that together. I would love to hear more about your work and the ceremonies you design. Due to a hectic schedule I don't read this page, or any other, as often as I would like to. Please be patient with me. Do tell me more about your work.
thankyou my bro for your kind words,it is an honor to be here.this weekend it was also of great honor to be chosen and participate in our great ceramony,I don't know why but I knew I was going to be chosen and so did my eldest daughter Kolibri.I meet your son he and I sat and talk for a while before the ceramony.Again thankyou and glad to be here
wado (thank you) for the warm welcome Miguel. I have often enjoyed your posts on Indigenous Literature. However, I am no longer there, so I am glad to be able to meet you again and to read what you post here. I have some Taino friends and while I know a little about the Taino people, I am always happy to learn more. Many blessings to you and your family in the New Year.
Happy New Year my brother hope all is well with you and yours, blessings to all. Sorry for not being able to join you for the Solstice as planed but there will be plenty of other opportunities for us to join you in the near future. Take care see you soon, tau tau.
Por cierto estaba releyendo al Arrom el otro dia en la parte del libro titulado Taino: Precolumbian art and culture ... del Museo de Barrio y este sujeto jura y perjura que la parte de la profecia del final relatada por Pane es verdad y veridica. Creo que solo un..... puede pensar o creerse eso. Cuando ya se ha probado que el tal Pane dijo cosas que despues las nego. Saludos angel
Sobre tu comentario de mi libro Mitologia Taina o Eyeri, creo que es magnifico. Pero es importante decir que la obra de Arrom o su susodicha traduccion es casi una copia al carbon de la de Ediciones Letras de Mexico del 1932. Todo indica que casi Arrom la copio letra por letra casi textualmente. Esto nadie me lo ha podido refutar ni se han atrevido hacerlo, ni los propios colaboradores de Arrom, ni aqui en Puerto Rico, ni las USA ni en la China.
Mira aqui y llega atu propia conclusion:
I have had some difficulty with the post lately- I'll contact Max to see if he can clear things up. I await your instructions and the info that you will send out..My new phone number is 503-302-7553. hope that you and your family are well.
You honour my Full Heart, Sir Miguel...to welcome me in such an unconditional & loving fashion. I look forward to many such cooperative works of service in Love/Light/&Life. With Respect, in Love & Friendship===Easterlily.Dear.Heart/d'bra/deb.e./Debra K. Easterly(xo).
Sobaoko, Akuturey my brothers it is always a great day when I hear from you. Thanks for the complement on my drumming on the Mayowakan. Throughout the years I have gotten mixed reviews on my drumming, but as I always say I play from the heart and my people seem to be able to dance to the rhythms so I am oblivious to the criticism. I also had plenty of help from the other mayowakanelos like Kamu who always plays with me and during this year Areyto your son who joined us as we all rocked the house.
Our bond is even stronger than you know when it comes to Cuba. I have never forgotten Cuba mi querida Cuba. Your home town of Santiago and the warmth of its people have been imprinted in my heart. The time is quickly approaching when this strangled hold on Cuba by the Embargo will be lifted and all of our people will be reunited as one. On that day we will both be standing side by side in Santiago de Cuba for a celebration. A celebration I will not miss unless I am dead. Our family has a Cuban connection that is not totally clear but the story handed down by my father is that his grandmother was Cubana and that on her dying bed she would requested and lament her desirer to return to Cuba the land of her family and be buried there. Unfortunately it was not possible at the time to grant her final request. This created an deep desirer for me to visit our sister island of Cuba and symbolically grant her request and bury her there. When the opportunity to travel to Cuba presented itself, I did not hesitate and jumped at the opportunity to return to the land of my ancestors. With the help of a few of the new friends from the town of Santiago. We put together a small ceremony and buried my grate grandmother by the seashore. I kid you not when I tell you that at the completion of the ceremony all hell broke lose as I made contact with the ancestors and taken on a wild rollercoaster ride that lasted about three weeks until we landed in Boriken and I was put into the capable hands of a curandela. A private story that I will personally tell you when we sit and brake bread in Pittsburg PA, in the very near future. Ahiahude waitiao take care until we meet again.
Thank you Miguel for your kind words, it takes one to know one : ) It has been a dangerous journey for me as a woman being initiated by the spirits of the black jaguar and now that this stage is complete I am as a collective shaman almost complete with my work. Recently Krishna has begun to appear around me, since I must believe in all and belong to none, I am dearly blessed by spirit and I should be, they put me through and out the other side of hell : ) My name literally means the Black Modonna. I was so blown away by the beauty of puerto rico last week, it is a very wonderful place.
Love and Blessings Maria Kathrzna Frankuzka Czarnik Petruha Novak
Hello.I was in Utuado site I took photo and when I was ready to go I look back and I got this feeing of crying . I know that I have to go back ,But this time to the river.That place hasnt been discover yet.I did go in the river because it had beeing raining .Nice page you have here. I will have to take more time reading what you have here.Thank you
Tau natiao Miguel,
Thank you for gracious hospitality. I 'v been contemplating since our meeting how comfortable it felt to be around other Tainos. Lennie was comforting and I appreciated it. My niece Julia has had the opportunity to meet Naniki and you. She's been raised the anglo way, Dave won't speak Spanish to her. The girls yearn for their identity. Thus, her only exposure is a Lakota family and they're not used to Taino music,etc. I had invited Dave and was surprised he agreed to come. Actually, Julia felt my disappointment in an IM. Again, natiao thank you for your love. Incidentally, when you were instructing,Dave told me that when you took the tabanocu to him, he closed his eyes and saw another older man with a bigger headress instructing children! He was afraid to say anything and freak you out. We must talk sometime:)
Oma'bahari and bo'matum. Rose Xochitl AnaO Quinones DelValle
Try Julia's address: smallcat94@aol.com
She'll give him the email
Sorry, I won't be able to attend the affairs in VA. It's too short noticed. Tomorrow, I shall see our Taino and other Native brothers at the Federal Prison. I participate in prison ministry. I shall give them your blessing. Bo'matum. Rose
Correct. I am Mary Ann Desjardins(DePalma). I left my daughter, Chelsey and fiance James Alalamula(native Samoan) my 2 bedroom apt. in Sewickley with all my furniture. You Chelsey is part Iroqouis Indian from her grandfather Onondaga Nation. Even tho her father has blonde hair and blue eyes--Chelsey has black eyes and darker hair than I. She was singer/dancer/theater but decided to work with animals she loves like I do and majoring in Zoology. Now I am back in Erie, living in Homeless Shelter trying to find my life -- I keep tho close contact with Chelsey and my family. How you doing?
I was just talking to my director where I live and said I think I lost myself in my daughter and now I need to find who I am. I ran in Mr. Vitus Kaiser a few times downtown Erie where I live and he said Mary Ann get back into art for you were a good student with talent. I was visiting friends in San Diego for 5 days before I had to go homeless and I found out I love CA and water for I was 55 March 13 and I am a real Pisces, sensitive to everything and enjoy beauty in everything and need to be near water(the sound, colors, touching water, the mammals...) So I am just beginning my search of who I am where to live. By the way your wife looks beautiful-- I was looking up some Indian info for Chelsey and saw your pictures!!! Adios Amigo, Anna Marie
That is a good idea. imalizia25@yahoo.com Chelsey, her fiance, and college friends love Pittsburgh so I helped them out to get started. I will be gone this wknd. on pass at my Aunts but back on Sunday night. I was having problems anyways how to figure out to use the sight anyways that is how we probably got disconnected for I here at Erie library and they also limit our time on the computers. Well have a nice weekend amigo. Do you still have my 4 leaf clover? Mary Ann
I'm not a huge fan of Liberation Theology as it can be abused and taken to extremes.
I am glad that you were familiar with the text I mentioned as I have noticed that in mentioning it to certain individuals its been a casual "I'll look into it." response and rarely if ever have I gotten a response from them.
Recently (not sure if you might be interested) I began to look into the history of La Virgen de La Caridad (de los Desamparados) del Cobre and I realized the following: there were two Indigenous kin within the boat.
Not many people realize this, but the two brothers (Juan and Rodrigo de Hoyos) along with the African slave (Juan Moreno) who found the statue of La Caridad (de los Desamparados) del Cobre floating in the sea, were indigenous. So in all likelihood, they were either Taino, Ciboney or Guahanatabey. I only became cognizant of the fact when rereading the origin of how she arrived to Cuba. I've recently set about looking for an explanation as to why the two brothers are never depicted as Natives, but have yet to get an answer. I have a statue in my home of La Caridad del Cobre that my grandmother (may she RIP) salvaged. I am in the process of restoring the image (I've been doing so for a while) and perhaps will take it upon myself to restore their Indigenous faces.
Interesting how the accounts both in English and Spanish mention this facet of their identities, but most if not all people are unaware of the fact.
Lastly how could I forget Puerto Rico's own Beato Charlie, who more than likely had Taino blood coursing through his veins.
Hello again. Sorry for the double post, but I was wondering, how much do you know about Batu (the Taino Ball game) ? The reason I ask is that in looking at the "stone collars" I got some crazy inkling as to how they may have been used (if at all) during a ball game. I'm no expert so I'm not sure how much weight my theory holds, but I believe they may have been used as a protective armor and not worn around the waist. Its not like I could test my theory, but I'm trying to put the pieces together.
Please join the discussion we are having about Mabi on the environmental round table. I like to hear about your experiences with Mabi from your homeland of Cuba
Aug 1, 2008
Miguel Sague III
Yessir, I have some pics on here now.
Ok, gig info.
The gig is on the 8th from 6pm to 7pm and there will be a ride to and from it for you. They'll pick you up at around 4:30. Its a trio with Mark and Ian. I'll give you more details when I speak to you.
Aug 1, 2008
Miguel Sague III
Aug 1, 2008
Miguel Sague III
Aug 1, 2008
Aug 1, 2008
blessing to you brother its because of men like yourself I have something as inspiration.
take care. thanx for the add
Aug 3, 2008
Rosana Balada
Aug 3, 2008
You have an interesting webpage. You have done lots of studies on the Amerindian way of life and history.
The tribe I belong to you said it has some similarities.Is it possible for you to explain some of them.
Do you know if there are other wapishana tribe in the Caribbean Countries?
Take care Until
Aug 6, 2008
Thanks for the information. It was very enlightening. I will share it with my parents. My father is a descendant of 2 tribes - Wapishana and Tarum and my mother of Wapishana. My Dad is from Aishalton, South Rupununi Region 9 and my mother is from the Awarawanau Village, South Rupununi. They both speak the Wapishana dialect, but I know just a little bit of the dialect. I am now on mission to learn more about my culture. Thanks on again for the information you present.
Aug 9, 2008
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Aug 10, 2008
Glenn Welker
Thank you very much for visiting my sites. I am glad that you find them to be meaningful.
It is an honor to make your acquaintance.
Your kind words are deeply appreciated.
Many thanks for putting me on your list. I appreciate it.
Please return often, and use these pages for further reference:
Indigenous Peoples Web Rings http://www.indigenouspeople.net/webrings.htm
I hope this helps your research.
Please let me know if I can help you further.
Best wishes and good luck,
Glenn H. Welker
Web Master
Indigenous Peoples Literature
These are the other lists which I moderate and maintain:
Indigenous Peoples Stories
IPL News
Indigenous Peoples Issues
Racism Against Indigenous Peoples
Taino News and Information List
The Red Road Newsletter
Tradition of The Redroad
Native Truth
World's Indigenous Peoles
Indigenous Youth
Narco News
Tawantinsuyu noticias y cultura (Andes List)
If you cannot find something at my site, then please refer to these fine web
Best Internet Sources:
Best Indigenous Pages:
Native American Heritage/Genealogy:
American Indians: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications
Mexican Genelogy http://www.genealogy.com/00000379.html?Welcome=992696543
Contacts and Sources
Somos Primos(tm)
Chicano Research Collection
Department of Archives and Manuscripts
Hayden Library, Arizona State University
Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Telephone: (602) 965-3145
Los Fundadores and Friends of Santa Clara County, California 1509 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050
Telephone: (408) 926-1165, or (408) 248-ARTS for a recorded schedule of events
Publication: Los Fundadores
Hispanic History and Ancestry Research
9511 Rockpoint Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America
316 West 500 North
St. George, UT 84770
Telephone: (801) 652-1710
Fax: (801) 674-5787
E-mail: lplatt@infowest.com
For more information about the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, see the topic Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America.
MEXICAN-INDIAN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
historical, or cultural interest in the native peoples of Mexico. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to mexican-indian-l-request@rootsweb.com (mail
mode) or mexican-indian-d-request@rootsweb.com (digest mode).
Mexico has been the fourth largest source of immigrants since 1820, and by far the largest source of immigrants in recent years. In fact, Mexican immigration
has occurred in varying amounts for hundreds of years. In addition, many Mexicans "moved" to the United States as a result of the annexations of Texas and
the West.
Early in the twentieth century, large numbers of Mexicans came to the U.S. to work in agriculture in California or as miners and track layers throughout the
West. This pattern of Mexicans coming north of the border in search of better paying jobs has continued until the present day, with the largest numbers of
Mexican-Americans residing in California, New Mexico, and Texas.
Contacts and Sources
Chicano Research Collection
Department of Archives and Manuscripts
Hayden Library, Arizona State University
Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Telephone: (602) 965-3145
Los Fundadores and Friends of Santa Clara County, California 1509 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050
Telephone: (408) 926-1165, or (408) 248-ARTS for a recorded schedule of events
Publication: Los Fundadores
Hispanic History and Ancestry Research
9511 Rockpoint Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America
316 West 500 North
St. George, UT 84770
Telephone: (801) 652-1710
Fax: (801) 674-5787
E-mail: lplatt@infowest.com
For more information about the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, see the topic Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America.
Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research(tm) http://members.aol.com/shhar/
Web Sites
In Helpful Web Sites, you can find links to useful resources about Mexico:
* Mexican immigration to the United States: A Study of Human Migration and Adjustment, by Manuel Gamio
* Ethnic Chronology Studies: The Chicanos in America, 1540-1974, by Richard A. Garcia
* Mexican and Spanish Family Research, by J. Konrad
* Genealogical Research in Latin America and The Hispanic United States, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Hispanic Surnames and Family History, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Latin American Military Records, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Latin American and Spanish Census Records, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico, General Guide: Political Divisions, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico, Gu'a general: Divisiones Eclesi?sticas, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Mexico: Research Guide, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Research in Mexico City, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Tracing your Hispanic Heritage, by George Ryskamp
* Una Bibliograf'a de Historias Familiares de LatinoamZ*rica y Los Estados Unidos, by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.
* Tracing Your Hispanic Heritage, by George R. Ryskamp
The Plains and Emigrant Tribes of Kansas
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College (Cloquet, MN), Web server
Resources for American Indian colleges, teaching, web pages.
NativeWeb Home Page
About Earth's indigenous peoples, mainly in the Americas. Future links will be added on Africa and Asia.
American Indian Studies, California State University, Long Beach
A site with many links to information about Native Americans, mostly in terms of their history, and culture.
Includes files with Indian tribes that are recognized by the federal government, but not the actual census rolls, audio files of Native American songs, and
much more. Includes Native Americans of Mexico and Central America.
Alabama Creek Family
Oneida Indian Nation of NY
Osage Research Home Page
Research about the Osage, not necessarily their genealogy.
Freedmen Members of the Five Civilized Tribes
Native American Mailing Lists
Joseph Amante y Zapata jjamante@aol.com
Grand-nephew of Emiliano Zapata
Marcia Olafson r.olafson@worldnet.att.net
Mr. Montano coyote@rockinblues.com
Wanda Reed MsBratHeaven@aol.com
Darlene McDonald blueeyes53@msn.com
Descendants of Geronimo, Apache Chief
Paul A LaForte SWHP@webtv.net
Descendant of Chief Wolf Robe
Kelly Mungary team.mungary@sbcglobal.net
Great-grandson of Victorio, Apache Chief
Sherline Colbert sugarpie47@hotmail.com
Great-great-great-great grandaughter of Chief Joseph
Julie Jewelanno1@aol.com
Great-great-granddaughter of Chief Joseph
Greg Roy roys4@netcom.ca
Great-great-great grandson of Pontiac, Ottawa Chief
Gigi Porter pmi@gte.net
Lindsey Huston (Nivy) XhiIration@aol.com
Descendants of Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief
Michael B. Davis mdavis2376@aol.com
Joseph Brown Thunder jgbt@earthlink.net
Great-great grandsons of American Horse, Lakota Chief
Greg McGaa HOKAHAY@aol.com
Hakikte Narjin Jordan (Sicanju) nicklos@get2net.dk
Great-great-great grandsons of Red Cloud, Lakota Chief
Gilbert Walking Bull Tatanka@tatankamani.org
Descendant of Crazy Horse
Stacey Low Dog-Scares Hawk
(great-great-granddaughter of Chief Low Dog)
Native Peoples E-mail Contact List http://www.indigenouspeople.net/natemail.htm
Native American Books.
short reviews from a Native perspective, categorized by tribe and subject, for all ages. http://indy4.fdl.cc.mn.us/~isk/books/bookmenu.html
Multicultural - Young Adult Books - Net Links
Net Links: Multicultural, from your About.com Guide http://yabooks.about.com/msub_multicultural.htm?iam=ma
Matoska Trading Company - Native American Goods
Native American trade goods: Matoska Trading Company offers a comprehensive selection of the finest Native American related goods including seed beads
in modern and old-time colors, metal beads, bone hairpipe, needles, thread, craft supplies, bells, shells, leather, feathers, books, patterns, music on cassette and
CD, videos, botanicals including sweetgrass and sage, and much more.
Index of Native American Book Resources on the Internet
Index of Native American Book Resources on the Interne http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAbooks.html
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Coyote Press
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ethnography, linguistics, and Native American books of California
the western United States.
(A portion of all funds generated from activities at this site benefits Circle of Nations, Inc. a national nonprofit organization addressing a variety of Native
American issues.)
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Native Youth Literature/Books
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Native American Flute Forum
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Native American Authors The following is a list of resources used for this project. These resources are highly recommended for further reading on Native
American Literature. http://www.ipl.org/ref/native/biblio2.html
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FLGenWeb Project Native American Links
Hopefully the links on this page will provide some background information on the Native American Tribes of Florida. If you know of a link we should have
here, please feel free to let us know via email.
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dedicated to America's native peoples, a long-forgotten minority. http://www.wolfsden.org/nactr/
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Cherokee Indians Page
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sobaokokoromo1@aim.com wrote: Greetings Relative
I am requesting that you visit my page in the Indigenous Caribbean Network and become a member of my Friends List.
I look foward to a lot of great sharing and discussion in this wonderful new Network.
With Respect
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
Aug 13, 2008
Hope you are well!-Would you please see my page,and read my(our)dilemma about that latest DNA study in Cuba!-I'm sure you'll understand when you read it..Thank you,Beike,I know you are busy,but I'm surprised that people aren't"buzzing" with this one!-It includes BORIKEN too-it say's that even there,the majority is haplogroup"A",and that the Taino/Ciboney are not "A",but "C"!(the cadvers tested were all C,present-day Arawaks in Orinoco basin area are predominantly" C'.I appreciate any clarification on this.Bo'Matum,
Frank AkuTurey
Aug 15, 2008
Aug 29, 2008
Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez
Sep 24, 2008
Lesley-Ann Brown
Sep 26, 2008
Lorrie Laurindo
Oct 8, 2008
thank for the music they are inspiring. I will listening and share this music with my family.
B. Duncan
Nov 1, 2008
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Nov 27, 2008
Al "Kutubanama" Velazquez
Nov 29, 2008
Dec 3, 2008
Marianela Medrano
I am honored to be part of this group and would love to continue the conversation. It is crucial for us to re-vision who we are as a people. Most importantly, it is crucial that we do that together. I would love to hear more about your work and the ceremonies you design. Due to a hectic schedule I don't read this page, or any other, as often as I would like to. Please be patient with me. Do tell me more about your work.
Dec 7, 2008
Dec 29, 2008
David Goldstein
Dec 29, 2008
Svhiyeyi Aga
Your sister and friend, Evening Rain
Dec 31, 2008
Happy New Year my brother hope all is well with you and yours, blessings to all. Sorry for not being able to join you for the Solstice as planed but there will be plenty of other opportunities for us to join you in the near future. Take care see you soon, tau tau.
Jan 1, 2009
Angel Rodriguez
Jan 11, 2009
Angel Rodriguez
Jan 11, 2009
turey toca (is in sky)
Guami-ke-ni (Lord of land and water)
Guami-caraya-guey (Lord of moon and sun)
guarico (come to) guakia (us), taino-ti (good,tall)
bo-matum; (big,generous), busica (give to), guakia (us)
Yucubia-aje-cazabi; (tubercles,bread)
Huracan-wa (bad spirit no),
Maboya-wa (ghost no),
Yukiyu-han; (good spirit yes),
nabori daca (servant am I),
Han-Han Catu (So be it
Jan 13, 2009
Tania *Heremuru*
Jan 15, 2009
Angel Rodriguez
Mira aqui y llega atu propia conclusion:
Saludos Angel
Jan 18, 2009
Richard Torres
I have had some difficulty with the post lately- I'll contact Max to see if he can clear things up. I await your instructions and the info that you will send out..My new phone number is 503-302-7553. hope that you and your family are well.
Taino Ti
Yamoka Bano
Jan 19, 2009
"Easterlily"/Ms. Debra K. Easterly
Feb 7, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Feb 11, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Graphics for Good Morning Comments
Feb 20, 2009
Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez
Our bond is even stronger than you know when it comes to Cuba. I have never forgotten Cuba mi querida Cuba. Your home town of Santiago and the warmth of its people have been imprinted in my heart. The time is quickly approaching when this strangled hold on Cuba by the Embargo will be lifted and all of our people will be reunited as one. On that day we will both be standing side by side in Santiago de Cuba for a celebration. A celebration I will not miss unless I am dead. Our family has a Cuban connection that is not totally clear but the story handed down by my father is that his grandmother was Cubana and that on her dying bed she would requested and lament her desirer to return to Cuba the land of her family and be buried there. Unfortunately it was not possible at the time to grant her final request. This created an deep desirer for me to visit our sister island of Cuba and symbolically grant her request and bury her there. When the opportunity to travel to Cuba presented itself, I did not hesitate and jumped at the opportunity to return to the land of my ancestors. With the help of a few of the new friends from the town of Santiago. We put together a small ceremony and buried my grate grandmother by the seashore. I kid you not when I tell you that at the completion of the ceremony all hell broke lose as I made contact with the ancestors and taken on a wild rollercoaster ride that lasted about three weeks until we landed in Boriken and I was put into the capable hands of a curandela. A private story that I will personally tell you when we sit and brake bread in Pittsburg PA, in the very near future. Ahiahude waitiao take care until we meet again.
Feb 28, 2009
Love and Blessings Maria Kathrzna Frankuzka Czarnik Petruha Novak
Feb 28, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Mar 6, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Mar 16, 2009
Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone
Thank you for gracious hospitality. I 'v been contemplating since our meeting how comfortable it felt to be around other Tainos. Lennie was comforting and I appreciated it. My niece Julia has had the opportunity to meet Naniki and you. She's been raised the anglo way, Dave won't speak Spanish to her. The girls yearn for their identity. Thus, her only exposure is a Lakota family and they're not used to Taino music,etc. I had invited Dave and was surprised he agreed to come. Actually, Julia felt my disappointment in an IM. Again, natiao thank you for your love. Incidentally, when you were instructing,Dave told me that when you took the tabanocu to him, he closed his eyes and saw another older man with a bigger headress instructing children! He was afraid to say anything and freak you out. We must talk sometime:)
Oma'bahari and bo'matum. Rose Xochitl AnaO Quinones DelValle
Mar 17, 2009
Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone
Try Julia's address: smallcat94@aol.com
She'll give him the email
Sorry, I won't be able to attend the affairs in VA. It's too short noticed. Tomorrow, I shall see our Taino and other Native brothers at the Federal Prison. I participate in prison ministry. I shall give them your blessing. Bo'matum. Rose
Mar 18, 2009
Mary Ann
Mar 19, 2009
Mary Ann
Mar 19, 2009
Mary Ann
Mar 19, 2009
Cheri Marchand Schilling
Many thanks for your help!
Mar 19, 2009
Tania *Heremuru*
Mar 22, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Mar 28, 2009
I am glad that you were familiar with the text I mentioned as I have noticed that in mentioning it to certain individuals its been a casual "I'll look into it." response and rarely if ever have I gotten a response from them.
Recently (not sure if you might be interested) I began to look into the history of La Virgen de La Caridad (de los Desamparados) del Cobre and I realized the following: there were two Indigenous kin within the boat.
Not many people realize this, but the two brothers (Juan and Rodrigo de Hoyos) along with the African slave (Juan Moreno) who found the statue of La Caridad (de los Desamparados) del Cobre floating in the sea, were indigenous. So in all likelihood, they were either Taino, Ciboney or Guahanatabey. I only became cognizant of the fact when rereading the origin of how she arrived to Cuba. I've recently set about looking for an explanation as to why the two brothers are never depicted as Natives, but have yet to get an answer. I have a statue in my home of La Caridad del Cobre that my grandmother (may she RIP) salvaged. I am in the process of restoring the image (I've been doing so for a while) and perhaps will take it upon myself to restore their Indigenous faces.
Interesting how the accounts both in English and Spanish mention this facet of their identities, but most if not all people are unaware of the fact.
Lastly how could I forget Puerto Rico's own Beato Charlie, who more than likely had Taino blood coursing through his veins.
Apr 5, 2009
Thanks in advance.
Apr 5, 2009
adem medina cardona
Apr 6, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Apr 6, 2009