Dennis Michael Snyder


Pueblo, CO

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I was born to a Native Cuban family in New Brunswick, NJ
...of course most of my family lives in Miami lol. I live out in Colorado. My family has long been servants of both the Sea and the Forest. I love being out in nature and enjoy surfing, scuba, kayaking, but also martial arts and wilderness survival and hiking. I'm excited to be a part of something I thought I'd lost... the ancestral texts written deep in my blood. I hope together we can find the words and actions we need to coax the voices from the fire.
Creative Director
A/A from NYU
B/A from International Fine Arts College
Research Interests:
Vegetalismo y

Comment Wall:

  • Miguel Sague Jr


    Welcome to our network. I wish I would ave nown about you before last weekend. Our CANY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE celebratd our sixth annual Taino Inigenous  Winter Solstice Ceremony in Miami this past Sunday and it would have been a real honor to have had you present for that event. I am Cuban-American also. I look forward to meeting you next time I am in the area. 

