I am a Taina from Boriken,my maternal family comes from Aguas Buenas and my paternal from San Sebastian .I have the privilege of being the UCTP representative in Ohio,a Beike of the Caney Spiritual Circle and a The leader of the Ohio Bohio Atabey(grandmother circle). I have a passion for my people and humbly serve.
Clinical Counselor, Educator,Social Worker.PT instructor at Youngstown State U.
PhD. in Counselor Education and Supervision-1997, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor-1996, Licensed Social Worker-1986.
MS.Ed. in Community Counseling-1987, AB(Bachelor's) in History Meso-American Affairs-1977; second degree in Social Work-1982;
Nationally Certified Counselor-NCC 1987 and Master Addictions Counselor-MAC 1996;
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Multicultural education, Coping and Worldview constructs, Stewardship, Latinos in the American educational system,Indigenous Spirituality and Catholicism, Inquisition and Indigenous encounters.
Quiñones del Valle, R. (2003). > How Significant is Culture in the Development of Coping Styles among Latinas@. In press. ERIC/CASS.
Quiñones DelValle (2006). Latinas (os) in Higher Education: Ohio Study of
institutions of higher learning. Cleveland State University. Cleveland, Ohio.2006
Quiñones DelValle, R. M..(2014). Cross-Cultural Supervision, A Paradigm
Model@ in writing stage for submission to Counselor Education and Supervision Journal.
Quiñones DelValle, R.M.(2014). Is there a relationship between the culture and coping styles? Journal of Counselor Development. American Counseling Association. Editing stage
Quiñones DelValle, R. M.(2003). Latinos in American Schools: Transition or Failure.El sistema educativo y Latinos: En Marcha o Perdidos. Revista de Educación. Spain Ministry of Culture and Education. Madrid.Spain
Giannini, A.J. Quiñones R.M., Blackshear, G.J., The use of cognitive restructuring in cross cultural therapy Psychiatric Forum, (2)30,19 15 90.
Giannini, A.J., Loiselle, R.H., Quiñones R.M. Treatment of cocaine addiction in a general hospital. Neuroscience Abstract.Fall,1990
Giannini, A.J., Martin, D.M., Armbrect, C.A., Quiñones R.M. Comparison of bromocriptine and amantadine action with desipramine in treating cocaine addiction .Neuroscience Abst.1990
Giannini, A.J., Quiñones R.M., Martin, D.M. (1989). Role of Betaendorphine and Camp in treatment of mania. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 15, 149.
The protector of day Xochitl (Flower) and the provider of the Shadow Soul or Tonalli is Xochiquetzal. Xochitl is a day for creating beauty and truth, especially that which speaks to the heart who knows it will one day cease to beat. Xochitl reminds us that life, like the flower, is beautiful but quickly fades. It is a good day for reflection, companionship and poignancy; it is a bad day for repressing deep-seated wishes, desires and passions.
Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about using this site. I hope that you will find your interactions here to be enjoyable and rewarding. As a friendly reminder, please acquaint yourself with our preliminary Code of Conduct.
Tau Sister
In Youngstown you are not far from us at all. I hope that you can make it to our Equinox ceremony.
here are some directions that may be of help:
I also want to ask you to let others in the Youngstown area know that we exist here in Pittsburgh which is so near to you. We want to extend the hand of friendship to all our hermanos y hermanas in Ohio. If you can tell me of a Latino community center or Boricua store where we can ask permission to post announcements of our Taino events here in Pittsburgh I would really appreciate it.
We will also be happy to travel to Youngstown and hold Taino cremony there if you can suggest a place where these can be held.
Taino Ti
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for volunteering to perform the role of our sacred mother Ata bey at our Equinox Ceremony this past Sunday. You trully honored us and brought a fresh new energy to our circle that we really needed.
Please contact David and express to him my sincerest gratitude for his participation and the participation of the others who were present. May Yaya bless you all.
Taino Ti
Tau Sister
I am inspired and humbled by your words. It is my sincere hope that I may communicate further with Dave as well as you, and that my family can continue to interact with yours so that we may continue to build this Taino community here in this corner of the world.
The e-mail address that I used to communicate with Dave did not work. I must have copied it incorrectly. Please send me the correct e-mail for him.
Taino Ti
Welcome, I lived in Youngstown in the 70s. Many of ex-husband's family are still there and they are from the Caguas/Aguas Buenas region as well. My father's family is from Comerio/Aguas Buenas (last names Arriaga, Diaz, Gomez and Robles) The world is quite small!
Thanks for the tip on getting through to Dave.
It's such a coincidence that you participate in prison mnistry because Susan Ferraro, the blond woman that joined us at the ceremony this past Sunday also serves Native American inmates in the state correctional system here in Pennsylvania. She is actively co-ordinating an effort to get me permission to also go into the system so that I can minister to our Taino brothers in the prisons. You and her would have found something in common. I believe that she is a member of this network. Maybe you can drop her a line.
Taino Ti
your brother Miguel
Thank you for the invite. Of course I am not worthy :) I like this site. Blessings to all for the upcomming ceremonies in Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio June 20th. Sorry that I will not be there.
I was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. We moved to the states when I was three years old. I now live in Florida and I am an artist working on a series of oil and acrylic paintings of the Taino people spiritual bond with nature. One of the paintings is a 30x40 gallery canvas. I am creating Mother Earth and many other believes of the Taino stories. I have read many articles and I am passionate to proceed with this series. My love for the Arts started in Bronx, New york in my early elementary years. The Cultural trips the public school system provided many, many, many years ago gave me the opportunity to see the arts and make it now my only passion. I made several trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where I realized at that early age I wanted to be an artist. I just started to put my early work on the internet because my family and friends have asked me to display them. As soon as I have my Taino series finished I will dedicate a website to it. I also hope to visit New York again and show my work in the Bronx where it all started. Tell me a little about who you are and what is your passion in life?
I am so glad you made a connection with Guaraguao Windsong. She is very interested in our ceremonies in ohio and has shown a lot of interest in the beike aspect of our tradition. We may have a beike in Wisconsin in the future. I have invited Mukaro to the Solstice and have offered to pay his way here and his stay. I hope he accepts.
Well sister as you probably figured out I confused Guaragua windsong with Bajacu Brito. Its bajacu who lives in Wisconsin and had demonstrated considerable interest in the ohio solstice ceremony. Guaraguao Windsong lives in New Mexico
Takaji my sisters. I would like to share some thoughts that might make our new members more enthusiastic about participating here. Although I know that you ladies regularly receive notifications of requests from prospective members who would like to join, you know that I usually take care of reviewing these requests and accepting the legitimate ones. However I think that it would be a wonderful treat for these new members to receive a welcome message from all of you in the COUNCIL OF WOMEN, which is the official spiritual administration of this network. Please keep track of the new members of the Indigenous Caribbean Network and approach them with a nice note so that they feel that they truly belong here. You can start with this Jamaican lady JoAnne Richard from Jamaica..... http://indigenouscaribbean.ning.com/profile/JoAnnRichards?xg_source... .....Thank you. Miguel (financial administrator of the network)
The protector of day Xochitl (Flower) and the provider of the Shadow Soul or Tonalli is Xochiquetzal. Xochitl is a day for creating beauty and truth, especially that which speaks to the heart who knows it will one day cease to beat. Xochitl reminds us that life, like the flower, is beautiful but quickly fades. It is a good day for reflection, companionship and poignancy; it is a bad day for repressing deep-seated wishes, desires and passions.
Jan 10, 2009
Maximilian Forte
Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions about using this site. I hope that you will find your interactions here to be enjoyable and rewarding. As a friendly reminder, please acquaint yourself with our preliminary Code of Conduct.
Very best wishes.
Jan 20, 2009
Anita Pagan
Jan 20, 2009
Miguel Sague Jr
In Youngstown you are not far from us at all. I hope that you can make it to our Equinox ceremony.
here are some directions that may be of help:
I also want to ask you to let others in the Youngstown area know that we exist here in Pittsburgh which is so near to you. We want to extend the hand of friendship to all our hermanos y hermanas in Ohio. If you can tell me of a Latino community center or Boricua store where we can ask permission to post announcements of our Taino events here in Pittsburgh I would really appreciate it.
We will also be happy to travel to Youngstown and hold Taino cremony there if you can suggest a place where these can be held.
Taino Ti
Feb 28, 2009
Miguel Sague Jr
Please contact David and express to him my sincerest gratitude for his participation and the participation of the others who were present. May Yaya bless you all.
Taino Ti
Mar 17, 2009
Miguel Sague Jr
I am inspired and humbled by your words. It is my sincere hope that I may communicate further with Dave as well as you, and that my family can continue to interact with yours so that we may continue to build this Taino community here in this corner of the world.
Mar 17, 2009
Miguel Sague Jr
Taino Ti
Mar 17, 2009
Mar 18, 2009
Miguel Sague Jr
It's such a coincidence that you participate in prison mnistry because Susan Ferraro, the blond woman that joined us at the ceremony this past Sunday also serves Native American inmates in the state correctional system here in Pennsylvania. She is actively co-ordinating an effort to get me permission to also go into the system so that I can minister to our Taino brothers in the prisons. You and her would have found something in common. I believe that she is a member of this network. Maybe you can drop her a line.
Taino Ti
your brother Miguel
Mar 19, 2009
Joshua M Seidl
Jun 9, 2009
Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone
I think we're going to be over 50 people. Hope, we don't get kicked out. Gail is awaiting the Red Hawk AICS powwow in Aug.
Jun 15, 2009
Roger Guayakan
What is your mailing address?
Aug 4, 2009
Maria (Meri) Ramos
Dear friend,
I was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. We moved to the states when I was three years old. I now live in Florida and I am an artist working on a series of oil and acrylic paintings of the Taino people spiritual bond with nature. One of the paintings is a 30x40 gallery canvas. I am creating Mother Earth and many other believes of the Taino stories. I have read many articles and I am passionate to proceed with this series. My love for the Arts started in Bronx, New york in my early elementary years. The Cultural trips the public school system provided many, many, many years ago gave me the opportunity to see the arts and make it now my only passion. I made several trips to the Metropolitan Museum of Art where I realized at that early age I wanted to be an artist. I just started to put my early work on the internet because my family and friends have asked me to display them. As soon as I have my Taino series finished I will dedicate a website to it. I also hope to visit New York again and show my work in the Bronx where it all started. Tell me a little about who you are and what is your passion in life?
Apr 16, 2012
Windsong (Guaraguao)
Apr 9, 2013
Miguel Sague Jr
Takaji Sister
I am so glad you made a connection with Guaraguao Windsong. She is very interested in our ceremonies in ohio and has shown a lot of interest in the beike aspect of our tradition. We may have a beike in Wisconsin in the future. I have invited Mukaro to the Solstice and have offered to pay his way here and his stay. I hope he accepts.
Apr 10, 2013
Miguel Sague Jr
Apr 17, 2013
Joshua M Seidl
It took a bit for me to figure out navigation of the site. The Summer solstice ceremony looked great. Many things to be grateful for.
Jul 17, 2013
Joshua M Seidl
Yes. Thank you.
Mar 31, 2014
Joshua M Seidl
How do I find pictures and story about the past Spring Equinox ceremony? I'm not good at navigating the site.
Mar 31, 2014
Miguel Sague Jr
Takaji Council of Women
Takaji my sisters. I would like to share some thoughts that might make our new members more enthusiastic about participating here. Although I know that you ladies regularly receive notifications of requests from prospective members who would like to join, you know that I usually take care of reviewing these requests and accepting the legitimate ones. However I think that it would be a wonderful treat for these new members to receive a welcome message from all of you in the COUNCIL OF WOMEN, which is the official spiritual administration of this network. Please keep track of the new members of the Indigenous Caribbean Network and approach them with a nice note so that they feel that they truly belong here. You can start with this Jamaican lady JoAnne Richard from Jamaica..... http://indigenouscaribbean.ning.com/profile/JoAnnRichards?xg_source... .....Thank you. Miguel (financial administrator of the network)
Aug 11, 2014
Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez
Jul 27, 2015
Miguel Sague Jr
Aug 13, 2015