
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Celebramos la LUNA LLENA en Lancaster PA 4/12/2014..........We celebrated the FULL MOON in Lancaster PA. 4/12/2014

Mis Parientes

 Fue para mi un honor compartir un precioso dia de primavera este ultimo Sabado 12 de Abril 2014 con mis hermanos y hermanas tainos de la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania celebrando la ceremonia LUNA LLENA del Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney, guiado por la behike del Circulo Caney, Erlinda Toa Kao (Mother Crow) Cruz.

My Relatives

It was a distinct honor for me to have shared a gorgeous Spring day this past Saturday April 12   2014 with my Taino brothers and sisters of the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania celebrating the FULL MOON ceremony of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle, led by Caney Circle behike, Erlinda Toa Kao (Mother Crow) Cruz.

La ceremonia se llevo a cabo en un hermoso parque de Lancaster llamado Longs Park. Con el sol brillando en un cielo muy azul nos reunimos en el circulo  de la tradicion Caney y le rendimos culto a nuestra madre tierra, la se~ora de las aguas, AtaBey.

The ceremony was celebrated in a beautiful place of Lancaster called Longs Park. With the sun shining brightly in a very blue sky we gathered in the circle of the Caney tradition and honored our earth mother, the lady of the waters, AtaBey.

Yo viaje a Lancaster acompa~ado de mi esposa Bibi Lenia.

I travelled to Lancaster with my wife Bibi Leni.

La ceremonia fue auspiciada por la comunidad taina, Yukayeke Manicato, que es guiado por nuestro hermano espiritual, Kasike Guatu Iri.

The ceremony was sponsored by Yukayeke Manicato Taino community which is guided by our spiritual brother Kasike Guatu Iri.

Nuestra hermana Erlinda Toa Kao, quien en estos momentos se encuentra bajo entrenamiento como behike del Circulo Caney, preparo el altar de manera genial demostrando su gran entusiasmo por nuestra tradicion espiritual taina, su abilidad y talento como guia, y su comprometimiento al  fin de lograr tener un dia pronto su collar de behike.

Our sister  Erlinda Toa Kao Cruz who is currently in training to be a behike of the Caney Circle, prepared the altar in a way that demonstrated her great enthusiasm for our Taino spiritual tradition, her ability and talent as a guide, and her commitment to some day soon achieving the goal of receiving her behike necklace. 

Se prendio el guatu (fuego) sagrado en el centro del circulo ceremonial.

The holy guatu fire was lit at the center of the ceremonial circle.

Kasike Guatu Iri organizo una coleccion de artefactos de los antiguos tainos que el a ido colectando atravez de los a~os, y unas artesanias contemporaneas tainas. Con ellos el monto una exhibicion educacional.

Kasike Guatu Iri set up a collection of ancient Taino artifacts that he has carefully collected over the years and contemporary Taino crafts which he also owns. He arranged these as a teaching display.

La ceremonia progreso de una manera que le provoco una profunda inspiracion a todos los que participamos.

The ceremony progressed in such a way as to cause great inspiration in all of the participants.

Las dos antorchas que representan la doble luz de la luna llena fueron prendidas por una mujer sagrada que nos honro con su representacion de la madre terrestre, AtaBey. Las palabras sagradas de la oracion "Nuestras mujeres tienen dentro de si el ritmo del universo" fueron recitadas.

The two torches that symbolize the double light of the full moon were lit by a sacred woman who honored us by performing the role of AtaBey the Earth Mother. The sacred words of the prayer "Our women have within them the rhythm of the Universe" were recited.

Nuestro hermano Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez asistio al evento trayendo consigo su sabiduria y su talento con el tambor mayohuakan.

Our brother Tomas Baibramael Gonzalez attended the gathering bringing with him his wisdom and talent with the mayohuakan drum.

Despues los cantos de nuestra tradicion resonaron en el aire tibio del atardecer. Bailamos al ritmo de las canciones dando los pasos que yo me aprendi el mes pasado cuando participe en el baile del Cordon en Cuba.

Later the chants of our tradition resonated in the warm afternoon air. We dance to the rhythm of the songs using the steps that I learned last month when I participated in the Cordon dance in Cuba.

Y asi nos pasamos una placentera tarde de oraciones, meditaciones y cantos sagrados, dedicados a nuestra madre tierra y a todos los seres vivientes del mundo.

And so we spent a beautiful afternoon of prayer, meditation, sacred chants, all dedicated to our mother earth and to all the living things of the world.


Taino Ti


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Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on April 14, 2014 at 12:43am

The AtaBey statue is a replica of a 500-year-old clay vase. Many of the spiritual representations of spirits made out of clay are actually vases or bottles.

Comment by Jeffry Mucaro Blake Johnson on April 13, 2014 at 10:02pm

What a beautiful and sacred time it looks like you all had, brother! It is a blessing to all of us to see the vibrant images. I particularly love that picture of you and Leni, with you leaning back on Leni's shoulder. That is truly as sweet image. Thank you for sharing this! Taino ti!

Comment by Martha " Bajacu" on April 13, 2014 at 7:23pm
Que hermosa experiencia. Como me hubiese gustado estar alli con mi familia Taina. Seneko Kakona a todos.
Comment by Miguel Sague Jr on April 13, 2014 at 6:06pm

You know it was our pleasure. I look forward to next time. :-)

Comment by Erlinda Mother Crow Cruz on April 13, 2014 at 6:02pm

What an honor dear brother. Your beloved wife is always an amazing guide and am truly humbled that you both able to come and help guide me. One could not ask for better teachers or family. Seneka Kakona

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