
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

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Preparativos JORNADAS DE PAZ Y DIGNIDAD en Boriken-----Preparations JOURNEYS FOR PEACE AND DIGNITY in Boriken

Bibi Vanessa Inaru le dirije la palabra a los participantes de la conferencia

Bibi Vanessa Inaru speaks to the participants of the conference

Takaji Mis Hermanos y Hermanas

Takaji My Relatives

Para mi fue un honor participar este ultimo mes de Mayo 2014 en las conferencias organizadoras con respecto a las JORNADAS DE PAZ Y DIGNIDAD que se van a llevar a cabo en el a~o 2016. Las conferencias se efectuaron en la bella region monta~osa de la isla de Boriken (Puerto Rico) llamada Jayuya. Las JORNADAS DE PAZ Y DIGNIDAD son una serie de carreras de relevos que comienzan simultaneamente en el extremo mas norte~o de Norte America con un contigente de corredores indigenas Norteamericanos que viajan hacia el sur, y en el extremo mas sure~o de Sud America con un contingente de corredores indigenas Sudamericanos que viajan hacia el norte. Se concluyen en una zona de Centro America cuando los dos contingentes se unen alli ceremonialmente. Durante los siete a nueve meses que dura la carrera los corredores cruzan por zonas donde viven comunidades indigenas de los grandes continentes americanos ofreciendo oraciones en pro al bienestar de esas comunidades y de la Madre Tierra. Mientras los corredores corren, cada uno lleva en la mano un baston ceremonial querepresenta las oraciones y bendiciones de una communidad indigena que apoya el evento.

For me it was an honor to participate this past month of May 2014 in the organizational conferences for the JOURNEYS OF PEACE AND DIGNITY that will take place in 2016. The conferences were held in the beautiful mountainous region of Boriken (Puerto Rico) called Jayuya. The JOURNEYS OF PEACE AND DIGNITY are a series of relay runs that begin simultaneously in the extreme most northern point of North America with a contingent of North American Indigenous runners who begin to travel South, and in the extreme most southern point of South America with a contingent of South American Indigenous runners who begin to travel North. It concludes in a region of Central America when the two contingents meet there ceremonially. During the seven to nine months that the run lasts the runners travel accross territories where Indigenous communities of the great continents live offering prayers in behalf of these communities and of Mother Earth. As they run each one of the runners carries a ceremonial staff that represents the prayers and blessings of an Indigenous community who supports the event.

La conferencia de Jayuya tomo la forma de discusiones diarias con descansos entre cada una.

The conference in Jayuya took the form of daily discussions broken by periodic rests.

Aqui yo me encuentro acompa~ado de una hermana de una nacion Indigena de Norte America durante uno de los descansos.

Here I find myself in the company of a sister, member of one of the North American Indigenous nations during a break in the talks.

La conferencia fue convocada para discutir todo lo que se debe de lograr para que las carreras de la Jornada del 2016 se lleven a cabo con exito.

The conference was put together to discuss everything that needed to be accomplished in order for the 2016 run of the Peace and Dignity Journeys to be carried out successfully.

Las discuciones duraron una semana entera desde Mayo 24 hasta Mayo 31. Participaron representantes de diferentes naciones indigenas de la America del Norte, la America del Sur y los pueblos que se encuentran al medio de estas dos masas continentales. Desde el a~o 2010 el pueblo taino a tomado parte en esta labor sagrada atravez de los esfuerzos de la CONFEDERACION UNIDA DEL PUEBLO TAINO y de su representante, Bibi Vanessa Inaru.

The talks lasted a whole week from May 24 to May 31. Representatives from different Indigenous nations of North America, South America and the Indigenous peoples who live in between these two continental masses participated in the talks. Since the year 2010 the Taino people have taken part in this sacred labor through the efforts of the UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE and its representative Bibi Vanessa Inaru.

Mi participacion en estos eventos se remontan a su inicio en el 1992 cuando se llevo a cabo la primera carrera. En esa ocacion la carrera paso por la ciudad donde yo tengo mi terreno ceremonial cerca de Pittsburgh. En cooperacion con el centro Indigena de esa ciudad COUNCIL OF THREE RIVERS AMERICAN INDIAN CENTER nosotros proveimos alojamiento y colaboracion con las Jornadas. Despues esas carreras siguieron repitiendose cada 4 a~os pero yo no llegue a participar de nuevo hasta el a~o2008, cuando de nuevo ellos corriero por aqui. En esa ocacion hubo un grupo de Tainos que se intereso en el esfuerzo y se unio a la carrera.

My participation in these events go back to 1992 when the first one was carried out. On that occasion the run came through Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the city near which I maintain my ceremonial space. In cooperation with the local Native American organization, the COUNCIL OF THREE RIVERS AMERICAN INDIAN CENTER we provided lodging and collaboration with the Journeys. Later these runs continued taking place every four years but I personally did not participate again until 2008 when a portion of the run again came through here. On that occasion a number of Tainos took interest in the event and joined the run

esta imagen es de la carrera del 2008

this image is from the 2008 run

En esa ocacion el Circulo Espiritual Caney proveyo un baston sagrado a la carrera que representara la comunidad de nuestra tradicion espiritual taina.

On that occasion the Caney Spiritual Circle provided a sacred staff to the run to represent the community of our sacred Taino spiritual tradition.

Despues de esa carrera, durante los tres a~os que transcurrieron entre esa y la del 2012 los Tainos participamos en muchos eventos ceremoniales en preparacion a una representacion oficial de un contingente taino en la carrera del 2012. Esa representacion taina tomo lugar, y al final de la carrera del 2012 hubo un contingente taino que llego hasta Guatemala y participo en las ceremonias de la unificacion de los dos grupos del norte y del sur.

After that run, during the three years that went by between that and the one in 2012 We Tainos participated in a number of ceremonial events in preparation for an official representation of a Taino contingent in the 2012 run. That Taino representation took place, and at the end of the 2012 run there was a Taino contingent that arrived in Guatemala and participated in the ceremonies of unification of the two groups from the North and from the South.

Ahora ya yo e sido invitado a ser parte del grupo coordinador del la carrera del 2016 por lo cual mi participacion en las reuniones este pasado mes de Mayo fueron para mi muy importantes.

Now I have been invited to be part of the coordinating group for the 2016 run and for that reason my participation in the meetings this past month of May were very important to me.

Las reuniones de Mayo se llevaron a cabo en un lugar muy sagrado de la isla de Boriken por lo cual tuvimos la oportunidad de experimentar maravillas de ese lugar que representan su coneccion con nuestro legado indigena.

The May meetings took place in a very sacred place of the island of Boriken and as a result of that we had the opportunity to experience wonders of that place that represent its connection with our Indigenous legacy.

artefactos tainos antiguos guardados por un boricua nativo quien tiene una compa~ia de cafeen en la zona de Jayuya

ancient Taino artifacts kept by a native Boricua who owns a coffee company in the Jayuya region

Todas la ma~anas de la conferencia se le dio la bienvenida al sol naciente con una ceremonia de alborada hacia el este dentro del area ceremonial donde se encontraban los bastones sagrados en un circulo. A mi se me otorgo el honor de conducir estas ceremonias diarias.

Every morning of the conference the rising sun was welcomed with a morning ceremony torwards the East within the ceremonial area where the sacred staffs had been placed in a circle. I was given the honor of leading these daily ceremonies.

Aun durante las discuciones se mantenia el copal y el tabonuco ardiendo en el centro del circulo para consagrar las palabras que se intercambiaban

Even during the discussions the copal and tabonuco was maintained burning to consecrate the words that were being shared.

El evento se concluyo con una celebracion de musica, danza y hermandad para que todos los que participaron se fueran con el espiritu sagrado de cooperacion que se va a nececitar para llevar a cabo este esfuerzo.

The event was concluded with a celebration of music, dance and brethrenhood so that all those who participated would go home with the spirit of cooperation that will be needed to carry this effort through to its completion successfully.

Para mi fue una bendicion tener la oportunidad de participar en este evento y ahora me encuentro listo para los siguentes pasos que se nececitan para llegar al 2016.

For me it was a great blessing to have the opportunity to participate in thsi event and now I find myself quite ready for the steps that will have to be taken to arrive at 2016.

Seneko Kakona

Taino Ti


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Comment by Jeffry Mucaro Blake Johnson on July 2, 2014 at 10:16pm

I agree, brother AkuTurey - so moving. In my mind seeing each brother and sister put one step in front of another in prayer and prayerful unity - powerful, powerful stuff!! Thank you Beike Miguel for sharing the beautiful narrative of your time in Boriken as you help shape the event and thanks to UCTP and to all those involved in the planning and organizing. We will offer prayers of tabako and tabanuko in support for this journey. If there is a way that I can help with the event, I would love to do my part. 

Comment by AkuTurey on July 1, 2014 at 12:26am

I am deeply moved by the history of our involvement in this highly important "energetic" exchange,prayer,intention,effort for peace and healing! I am proud of all the leaders who made this a reality for Tainos to be formally recognized participants in these world-changing,world-healing events.I wish to thank the UCTP as well as Beike Sobaoko Koromo,for their prominent roles in making this happen,as well as all the other brothers and sisiters who have supported and done some of the hard work involved. May the blessings of Yaya-Guaturey be upon you all and your families and loved ones. Seneko kakona,Frank AkuTurey

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