Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Takaji Da-Taio-No
Saludos mis parientes
Greetings My Relatives
Para mi fue un placer participar este ultimo fin de semana en el areito annual que se celebra en la region oriental del estado de Pennsylvania con motivo de la ceremonia de LUNA LLENA. El areito fue organizado por nuestro hermano que recide en los montes de Poconos, Behike Urayoel.
For me it was a pleasure to participate this last weekend, in the annual areito that is celebrated in the eastern region of Pennsylvania to honor the FULL MOON ceremony. The areito was organized by our brother who resides in the Pocono mountains, Behike Urayoel.
El local donde se llevaron a cabo las ceremonias es un precioso sitio costeado por un arroyo y rodeado pr las monta~as de los Poconos.
The site where the ceremonies were carried out is a beautiful spot bordered by a clear highland stream and surrounded by the lovely Pocono mountains.
Nos pasamos tres dias de ceremonia. Algunos de nosotros ayunamos durante lo largo del periodo ceremonial. Hubo horas de danza y el sonar de los mayohuacanes, y el sagrado fuego guatu se mantuvo ardiendo todo el tiempo, dia y noche.
We spent three days of ritual. Some of us fasted during the whole length of the ceremonial period. There were hours of dance and the sound of the mayohuacan drums, and the sacred guatu fire was maintained burning the whole time, day and night.
Fue para mi un honor ser invitado de nuevo por nuestro estimado hermano Urayoel a oficiar como behike principal en esta, la tercera celebracion anual del areito de los Poconos. Urayoel es presentemente un candidato a la posicion de behike del Circulo Caney, por lo cual me senti abrazado por nuestra comunidad espiritual mientras estuve alli.
It was for me an honor to be invited again by our dear brother Urayoel to be the lead behike during this the third annual observance of the Poconos areito . Urayoel is at this time training to become a fully initiated behike of the Caney Circle and thus I was operating within the bosom of our sacred spiritual community while I was there.
Se compartieron ense~anzas y elementos de la gran sabiduria taina. Los tekinas (maestros) como el respetado Tomas Baibramael, y el Kasike Gatu Iri fueron entre los que nos iluminaron con importantes lecciones de nuestros antepasados.
There was a lot of sharing carried out, the great Taino wisdom. Tekinas (teachers) such as the respected elder Tomas Baibramael and Kasike Guatu Iri were among those who illuminated us with important lessons of our ancestors.
Se me otorgo el honor de compartir de nuevo con este grupo la sagrada danza de sanacion llamada EL CORDON que aprendi en Cuba durante mi visita al centro ceremonial de Monte Oscuro en Abril. Aqui les pongo una foto de esta ceremonia cuando la comparti con la comunidad del Yukayeke Manicato en Lancaster, Pennsylvania durante la ceremonia de Luna LLena del mes de Mayo.
I was given the honor of sharing again with this group the sacred healing dance of EL CORDON that I learned in Cuba during my visit at the ceremonial center of Monte Oscuro back in April. Here I am posting a photo of this ceremony when I shared it with the Lancaster, Pennsylvania Yukayeke Manicato community during the May Full Moon Ceremony.
Tuve la oportunidad de compartir unos momentos gratos con mi Hermana spiritual Theresa Makuto Inaru y sus hijas con nuestras camisetas, una representando el Yukayeke de ella, MAISITI, otra representando la CONFEDERACION UNIDA DEL PUEBLO TAINO, y la mia representando el GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA.
I had an opportunity to share some pleasant moments with my spiritual sister Theresa Makuto Inaru and her daughter wearing our t-shirts, one representing her yukayeke, MAISITI, another one representing the UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE, and mine representing the GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA.
Hubo un gran manjar al terminar el ayuno el Sabado por la noche
There was a great feast upon the completion of the fast on Saturday evening.
Despues de la comida, cuando se puso el sol y nos vimos envueltos en la oscuridad de la noche se celebro el rito de Maroya, la luna llena, el cual fue dirijido por nuestra hermana espiritual, Behike Toa Kao (Mother Crow) quien es una behike del Circulo Espiritual Caney. Ella invito a nuestra nitou, GuarixeCoa a hacer el papel de la gran madre cosmica, AtaBey, durante la ceremonia de la doble luz cuando se prenden las dos antorchas, y la recitacion de las palabras sagradas "LAS MUJERES LLEVAN DENTRO DE SUS CUERPOS EL RITMO DEL COSMO". Casi en el momento mas sagrado de esa ceremonia la luna en pleno fulgor de argento se levanto sobre la cumbre de una monta~a al sur este de nuestro circulo.
After the meal, when the sun finally set and we found ourselves surrounded by the darkness of night, we celebrated the ritual of Maroya the full moon, which was officiated by our spiritual sister, Behike Toa Kao (Mother Crow) who is a behike of the Caney Spiritual Circle. She invited our nitou, GuarixeCoa to perform the role of the great mother AtaBey during the ceremony of the Double Light when the two torches are lit and the recitation of the sacred words "THE WOMEN HAVEWITHIN THEM THE RHYTHM OF THE UNIVERSE" takes place. Almost precisely at the most sacred moment of the ceremony the moon, in full silvery brightness rose over the top of a mountain to the south east of our circle.
Las preciosas canciones del Circulo Caney dedicadas a AtaBey, Maroya y las cruatro direcciones cardenales sonaron en la noche al ritmo de mayohuakanes y maracas. Los pies bailadores de los hombres y las mujeres acariciaron la superficie de la tierrra y los jupias antepasados se uniero a nosotros para compartir nuestra alegria.
The precious Caney Circle songs dedicated to AtaBey, Maroya and the four sacred directions resounded in the night to therhythm of the mayohuakans and maracas. The dancing feet of the men and women caressed the surface of the earth and the ancestral jupias joined us to share in our joy.
Seneko kakona a todos los parientes que se unieron a nosotros en esta oracion tan ponderosa, y jajom (gracias)
Seneko kakona to all therelatives that joined us in this powerful prayer and jajom (thanks).
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
For me it would be a huge honor to believe that I have brought this tradition here to the North but I believe that there may be some espiritistas who may have already brought this to the United States. In any case their version is the more contemporary version based on the teachings of Allan kardec. I like to think that what I have brought here is the original tradition of our Taino ancestors from before Kardec's teachings were added to it. We sing songs that have Taino words in them and we play rattles anddrums in our version whilethey do their songs acapella, accompanied only to the sound of the stomping feet.
Beike!-you learned the dance from Cuba"La Ceremonia del cordon"?! and you all performed it here!---I am SURE you are the FIRST to have performed such a dance/ceremnoy here in the US!,or ANYWHERE outside of Cuba.This is awesome,and I am blessed by just being a member of the Caney.This momentous spiritual event and movement-will continue to be performed and the spirit grow stronger and stronger.The pictures of the 3 day event were great,they were beautiful,and it looks like it was a powerful time. Bo'matum
Thanks for posting.
Beautifull photo's. Sorry to have missed it. I hope to attend future gatherings. Have not been to any ceremony yet so this post is awesome. HAHOM.
beautiful was such an honor to be a part
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