Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Datiaono (Mis Parientes) (My Relatives)
Este pasado mes de Diciembre en los diferentes centros ceremoniales del CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY se celebro la ceremonia del Sosltico Invernal. Yo servi de guia a la ceremonia que se celebro en el PARQUE DE LAS MUJERES de la ciudad de Miami, Florida. En la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania nuestros behikes Kasike Guatu Iri y su hemana Erlinda Toa Kao sirvieron de guias en la celebracion del solsticio que se llevo a cabo en el centro cultural del Yukayeke Manicato. Otros behikes del circulo en Ohio y en Pennsylvania tambien llevaron a cabo celebraciones ceremoniales.
La ceremonia de Miami comenzo con los ritos del circulo tradicional.
This past month of December we celebrated the ceremony of Winter Solstice in the various ceremonial centers of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE. I served as guide in the ceremony that took place at Miami's WOMEN'S PARK. In the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania our behikes Kasike Guatu Iri and Erlinda Toa Kao served as guides in the Solstice celebration that was carried out there at the Yukayeke Manikato Cultural Center. Other behikes of the Caney Circle in Ohio and Pennsylvania also carried out ceremonial celebrations.
The Miami ceremony began with the traditional Circle rituals.
Nuestro grupo de Miami fue integrado por miembros de la comunidad taina de Miami y de otros sitios de la Florida y por otros amigos.
Entre ellos estuvo alli nuestra queridisima hermana taina Tai Pelli quien llego acompa~ada de varios miembros de su familia. Tambien nos acompa~o nuestra querida abuela spiritual, Bibi Karaira, quien asumio la responsabilidad de bendecir a los que asistieron con el humo sagrado del sahumerio de tabonuko.
Our group in Miami included members of Miami's Taino community and from others points of the state of Florida. Other friends also attended.
Among the participants was our dear Taino sister Tai Pelli who arrived in the company of various members of her family. We were also joined by our beloved spiritual grandmother Bibi Karaira, who assumed the responsibility of blessing each participant with the sacred smoke of the tabonuko smudge.
Tambien estuvo presente nuestro herrmano espiritual Joey Karey Inherst quien es miembro de nuestro equipo de behikes en el centro de la Florida.
Also present was our other spiritual brother Joey Karey Inhert who is a member of our body of behikes in the central Florida region.
La ceremonia incluyo el rito del Sol Radiate y la Danza Del Tiburon.
The ceremony included the Radiant Sun Ritual and the Shark Dance.
Se concluyo con la ceremonia en la cual se amarra el cemi de Yokahu al aro litico que representa el utero de la madre cosmica AtaBey.
The whole thing concluded with the ceremony in which the cemi Yokahu is tied to the oval stone hoop that represents the cosmic mother's womb.
Como siempre fue un gran honor dedicar este tiempo a los cemies y mis hermanos y hermanas en el movimiento resurgente taino de la Florida. Jan Jan Katu.
Nuestra hermana Tai nos otorgo el honor de incluir nuestro grupo en una ceremonia de introduccion de una de sus nietas.
As always it was a great honor to dedicate this time to the cemies and to my brothers and sisters in Taino Resurgence movement of Miami. Jan Jan Katu.
Our sister Tai honored us by including us all in the introduction ceremony of one of her grandchildren
La ceremonia se concluyo con la cena tradicional al final en la cual compartimos platos ofrecidos por los que participan en el encuentro..
The ceremony was concluded with a traditional meal at the end in which we shared dishes brought in by the participants of the gathering.
En la ciudad de Lancaster, Pennsylvania tambien se celebro la sagrada ceremonia del Solsticio de acuerdo con las normas y tradicones del Circulo Caney. Esta fue dirigida por los dos behikes del Circulo Caney que residen en esa ciudad,nuestra hermana espiritual Behike Erlianda Toa Cao y nuestro hermano spiritual Kasike Guatu Iri de la comunidad Taina llamada Yukayeke Manicato. La ceremonia se llevo a cabo en la cede del Yukayeke, el Centro Comunitario Taino Manicato de Lancaster.
In the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania also the sacred ceremony of the Solstice was celebrated according to the norms and tradition of the Caney Circle. This ceremony was guided by the two behikes of the Caney Circle living in that city, our spiritual sister Behike Erlinda Toa Cao and our spiritual brother Kasike Guatu Iri of the Taino community called Yukayeke Manicato. The ceremony was carried out at the main site of the yukayeke, the Manicato Taino Community Center of lancaster.
El Circulo Espiritual Indigena Caney y sus incansables behikes nos esmeramos para traerles estas tradiciones a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en todos los sitios donde se encuentren comunidades tainas. Para nosostros es una labor sagrada y de mucho honor llevar a cabo este trabajo tan importante.
The Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle an its untiring behikes strive to bring these traditions to our brothers and sisters in all the places where there are Taino communities. To us it is a sacred labor and one of great honor to carry out this important work.
Jan Jan Katu!
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