Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Takaji (greetings) My Relatives
A wonderful group of about 40 peaceful brothers and sisters gathered at the MESA CREATIVE ARTS CENTER in western Pennsylvania approximately 30 miles from Pittsburgh this past Tuesday, June 5, 2012 to observe and celebrate a once-in-a-lifetime event called the VENUS TRANSIT OF THE SUN. We gathered there in front of a symbolic altar that contained powerful elements of millenial Maya tradition, including our very own sacred green stone community skull and replicas of the bust of ancient Maya mystic ruler, Pacal and the Maya temple-pyramid in Tikal, Guatemala.
The astronomical event we were celebrating, as viewed from the Earth, consisted of the slow passage of the planet Venus accross the face of the sun as it passed between us and our solar lord, a phenomenon that occurs in pairs every century. I was able to observe the first one of this particular pair through the telescope of a friendly astronomer, perched on the heights of Mount Washington commanding the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in June of 2004 and was looking forward to this particular one for the past eight years.
Although the skies over our area were heavily overcast all evening long on Tuesday, rendering my carefully prepared eye-safe rear-projection telescope rig totally irrelevant, we were able to watch the astronomical phenomenon online on the NASA webcast from the observatory on the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii. And it was nothing short of IMPRESSIVE!
Our gathering was a joint effort of the MECG Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle through our MAYA-TAINO PROPHECY INITIATIVE, and the MESA CREATIVE ARTS CENTER, a mystical place of magic and healing right here in our western Pennyslvania region.
We were blessed to have been welcomed warmly by the founders and loving caretakers of the Mesa, Kate and Brad Silberberg.
We began our event with an introduction and brief explanation of the Mesa by Brad and Kate.
After that I took the time to explain the actual astronomical phenomenon of the transit using a large beach ball to represent the Sun, a smaller ball to represent Venus and an inflatable globe to represent the earth. I also discussed the significance of the Venus Cycle within ancient Maya tradition.
Our sister Vikki Hanchin, who is one of the most important people responsible for sparking the most recent wave of interest in the Maya prophetic tradition here in western Pennsylvania, shared with all of us her personal perspective on the meaning of Venus-associated phenomena as they relate to the visit here several years ago by Guatemala Maya teachers Don Alejandro and Grandmother Flordemayo which she was instrumental in organizing. She also shared with us important global spiritual understandings of this sister planet such as her symbolic representation of the Goddess Venus in Greco-Roman tradition and other vital elements of the femenine in the current stage of the evolution of human consciousness.
Both my talk and Vikki's were received with lively discussion and questions from the participants gathered in the main meeting area of the Mesa.
Eventually we transitioned into the ceremonial portion of the gathering with two songs by members of the White Buffalo women's drum group led here in Peaceburgh by our sister Susan Ferraro. Although Susan herself was not able to make it to the event our sister the Caney Circle beike (spiritual leader) Tenanche Cemi-Ata Rose Golden led those women members of the group who did make it to the gathering in several of the group's best loved songs and chants playing the beautiful buffalo-skin drum that resides at the Mesa Center. The women were accompanied by the rest of us chanting and playing our own drums and rattles to the rythm of their powerful music
The songs of the women helped all of us transition from the indoor activities to the outdoor portion of our ceremony. We all exited the building and gathered before the beautiful new tipi that Brad and Kate have erected in front of the main structure at the center.
Once inside the tipi the ceremony continued with the burning of copal and sage and the chants and songs of the participants many of whom brought their own sacred music to share with us.
The event culminated appropriately enough just outside the tipi with the traditional lighting of the two ceremonial torches that in the Taino culture celebrated by our MECG Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle, represent the double light of the full moon. We did this since the Venus Transit of 2012 coincided with the June full moon occurrence. We honored the femenine element of the cosmos in two different ways on Tuesday evening. Our sister the Boriken Taino beike (spiritual guide) of the Caney Circle, Allia Tureygua Rahe Martinez honored us by taking the role of Ata Bey the Cosmic Matriarch in the lighting of the torches, led by our sister, the Powhatan-Taino beike, Tenanche Cemi-Ata Rose Golden.
I want to say Bo Matun and Hahom (Many Thanks) to all of the beautiful humans that joined us this past Tuesday at the Mesa for this historic event. I also want to thank the Great Spirit Yaya Guaturey for allowing us to celebrate this ceremony in such a blessed space and with such wonderful people.
Taino Ti
Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague
Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle
This is a video of us singing a Taino sacred chant dedicated to Mother Earth in the new tipi at the Mesa
My sister
Grandmother Flordemayo was in Pittsburgh here with us two times (one of those times in the company of Maya elder Don Alejandro Oxlaj) and shared her wisdom with us in ways that we will never forget. She still stays in touch with us regularly.
Dont be sorry that you did not share this experience with us. It is obvious that this power energy is in your heart all the time. Many blessings to you!
So sorry I could not join you - the ceremony looked awesome. I had read this from Grandmother Flor de Mayo of Mayan decent, and she says of these times: "In this time of movement where celestial doors have opened, we must do what we have been asked to do. We are standing in the movement and the vibration of a sacred prophesy, the prophesy tells us that consciousness is preparing the spirit of the feminine, the spirit of the Grandmothers, it is in the prophesy that we shall walk into the light united from the four directions"
Thanks Miguel, peace Mary Lou
Brother Miguel Thank you for bringing this to us It is difficult from 3000 miles away to take part in these spiritual occasions but I was there in spirit with you all Han Han Katu
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