Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Durante el mes de Junio mi hijo Miguel Sague Rodriguez y yo viajamos a Cuba y visitar nuestra ciudad ancestral de Santiago De Cuba. Tambien pudimos visitar la comunidad de Baracoa donde se me presento la oportunidad de encontrarme con Idalis Rojas, la hija del famoso Kasike taino De La Monta~a Don Panchito. Yo llevaba un bloque de madera caoba cubana al cual la bibi Idalis le impartio una bella bendicion en una preciosa playa de Baracoa con la ayuda de la curandera Do~a Carmen. Esta madera estaba destinada a ser tallada para crear el baston sagrado que se llevaria en las carreras de las JORNADAS DE PAZ Y DIGNIDAD este a~o para representar a los tainos de Cuba. Yo acudi a esta reunion como representante oficial de la CONFEDERACION UNIDA DEL PUEBLO TAINO y EL CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY
During this past month of June My son Miguel Sague III and I traveled to Cuba to our ancestral city of Santiago De Cuba. We also were able to visit the community of Baracoa where we were presented with the opportunity to meet with Idalis Rojas, the daughter of the famous "kasike of the mountain" Don Panchito. I had with me a block of Cuban mahogany wood. Bibi Idalis bestowed a beautiful blessing upon this wood on a gorgeous Baracoa beach with the assistance of the Taino healer woman Do~a Carmen. This wood was destined to be carved so as to create the sacred staff that would be carried this year on the PEACE AND DIGNITY JOURNEYS to represent Cuban Tainos. I attended this meeting as an official representative of the UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE and the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE.
Mi reunion con estas mujeres sagradas fue expedida por el historiaador oficial de Baracoa, Dr. Alejandro Hartmann, del Museo Fuerte Matachin.
My meeting with these sacred women was expedited by the official Baracoa historian, Dr. Alejandro Hartmann, from the Fuerte Matachin Museum.
Nos reunimos en el museo Furte Matachin de Baracoa y, despues de una cena muy sabrosa en un restaurante de esa ciudad, viajamos a una playa remota donde Do~a Carmen tiene su casa. Alli en ese local tan precioso se llevo a cabo la ceremonia de bendicion.
We met at the Furte Matachin Museum of Baracoa and, after a wonderful dinner at a local restaurant of that city we traveled to a remote beach where Do~a Carmen has her home. It was there in that lovely spot where the blessing ceremony was carried out.
Mas tarde durante esa misma semana viajamos a la Habana y alli tuvimos un encuentro con miembros de la agrupacion indigenista llamada GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA que radica en esa ciudad.
Later in the week we traveled to Havana where we met with members of the Indigenist organization GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA which is based in that city.
Frente a un altar sagrado, dedicado a los cemies tainos, mi hijo y yo nos reunimos con Carlos Diaz Caballero, Meibol Lizbet Diez Sanchez y Reinaldo De La Cuesta Cuza. Despues de una conversacion que sirvio para reenforzar los lazos de amistad y colaboracion entre la CONFEDERACION UNIDA DEL PUEBLO TAINO, EL CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY y el GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA cada unoo de los representantes de KAWEIRO se turno a tomar el bloque de madera caoba e impartirle una bendicion muy bella.
In front of a sacred altar, dedicated to the Taino cemies, my son and I met with Carlos Diaz Caballero, Meibol Lizbet Diez Sanchez and Reinaldo De La Cuesta Cuza. After a conversation that served to reinforce the bonds of friendship and collaboration between the UNITED CONFEDERATION OF TAINO PEOPLE, the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE and the GRUPO KAWEIRO CUBA, each one of the representatives of KAWEIRO took a turn at grasping the mahogany wood block and imparting upon it a beautiful blessing.
Mi hijo tambien tomo la madera en sus manos y la bendigo, en representacion de la juventud taina cubana del exilio.
My son also took the wood in his hands and blessed it as a representative of the Cuban Taino youth in exile.
Durante la proxima semana despues de regresar a los E.E.U.U. me dedique a tallar una imagen en este bloque de madera que se asemeja a la estatua de madera representante de Yokahu que se descubrio en el yacimiento arqueologico de Buchillones, Ciego De Avila, Cuba.
During the next week after returning to the United States I dedicated myself to carving upon that block of wood an image that resembles the wooden statue representing Yokahu which was discovered at the archeological site of Buchillones in Ciego De Avila, Cuba.
Esta es la estatua de Buchillones
This is the Buchillones statue
Esta imagen sirvio para crear el baston sagrado que representaria a los tainos cubanos en las carreras de JORNADAS DE PAZ Y DIGNIDAD 2016.
This image served to create the sacred staff that would represent the Cuban Tainos in the runs of the PEACE AND DIGNITY JOURNEYS 2016.
Thank you brother for your comment
Such a great story!
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