
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone
  • Female
  • Youngstown, OH
  • United States
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Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone's Friends

  • Dayvanna Caraballo Schreiner
  • Joey Karei Inherst
  • Migdalia Dalton
  • Evelyn Colon Jones
  • Ignacio G. Rivera
  • Maria (Meri) Ramos
  • Agueycoayu Duey
  • Dove Goddess
  • Tenanche Semi-Ata Rose Golden
  • Rakuno jaguar Zulma
  • Joshua M Seidl
  • Wanda Kover
  • Roger Guayakan
  • Edwin Rojas
  • Dr. Omoropo- Myra Miller, MA ND

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a Taina from Boriken,my maternal family comes from Aguas Buenas and my paternal from San Sebastian .I have the privilege of being the UCTP representative in Ohio,a Beike of the Caney Spiritual Circle and a The leader of the Ohio Bohio Atabey(grandmother circle). I have a passion for my people and humbly serve.
Clinical Counselor, Educator,Social Worker.PT instructor at Youngstown State U.
PhD. in Counselor Education and Supervision-1997, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor-1996, Licensed Social Worker-1986.
MS.Ed. in Community Counseling-1987, AB(Bachelor's) in History Meso-American Affairs-1977; second degree in Social Work-1982;
Nationally Certified Counselor-NCC 1987 and Master Addictions Counselor-MAC 1996;
Contact Information:
Research Interests:
Multicultural education, Coping and Worldview constructs, Stewardship, Latinos in the American educational system,Indigenous Spirituality and Catholicism, Inquisition and Indigenous encounters.
Quiñones del Valle, R. (2003). > How Significant is Culture in the Development of Coping Styles among Latinas@. In press. ERIC/CASS.

Quiñones DelValle (2006). Latinas (os) in Higher Education: Ohio Study of
institutions of higher learning. Cleveland State University. Cleveland, Ohio.2006

Quiñones DelValle, R. M..(2014). Cross-Cultural Supervision, A Paradigm
Model@ in writing stage for submission to Counselor Education and Supervision Journal.

Quiñones DelValle, R.M.(2014). Is there a relationship between the culture and coping styles? Journal of Counselor Development. American Counseling Association. Editing stage

Quiñones DelValle, R. M.(2003). Latinos in American Schools: Transition or Failure.El sistema educativo y Latinos: En Marcha o Perdidos. Revista de Educación. Spain Ministry of Culture and Education. Madrid.Spain

Giannini, A.J. Quiñones R.M., Blackshear, G.J., The use of cognitive restructuring in cross cultural therapy Psychiatric Forum, (2)30,19 15 90.

Giannini, A.J., Loiselle, R.H., Quiñones R.M. Treatment of cocaine addiction in a general hospital. Neuroscience Abstract.Fall,1990

Giannini, A.J., Martin, D.M., Armbrect, C.A., Quiñones R.M. Comparison of bromocriptine and amantadine action with desipramine in treating cocaine addiction .Neuroscience Abst.1990

Giannini, A.J., Quiñones R.M., Martin, D.M. (1989). Role of Betaendorphine and Camp in treatment of mania. Society for Neuroscience Abstract 15, 149.

Giannini, A.J., Loiselle, R.H., Quiñones, R.M. (1988). Fluoxetine reverses post-lysergic acid (LSD) symptoms. Journal College of Clinical Pharmacology 28, 938, 1988
United Confederation of Taino People, Caney Spiritual Circle, Red Hawk American Indian Cultural Society- Taino Advisor. Bohio Atabey.

I am the Ohio Liason to the United Confederation of Taino People,
In the spirit of our ancestors, do hereby solemnly swear that I am a direct descendant of the group of aboriginal people who are now known today as Taíno / Carib / Arawak and who are indigenous to the Caribbean islands, the Bahamas, and southern Florida, U.S.A. Further, in recognition of the universal human right to self-determination, and because of my great pride in my aboriginal heritage, I wish to take my rightful place as a citizen of my Tribal Nation. Therefore, with this affirmation I do hereby respectfully request that my name be added to the population census and inter-tribal enrollment registry of the United Confederation of Taíno People.

I was inducted as a Beike(Taino Spirtual Leader and Teacher) by Beike Bo Koromo Sague in June o f 2012 during the Celebration of the Summer Solstice  at the Caney Circle Teaching Lodge in Pittsburgh, Pa. I serve humbly my people in Youngstown,Ohio 
Oma'bahari. Seneko Kakona.
Dr. Rose Xochitl Ana O Quinones delValle.

Dr. Rose M. Xochitl AnaO Quinone's Blog

Ohio Taino Expansion

UCTP, Ohio Bohio Atabey, and the Caney will be participating in the Cleveland PuertoRican Parade on August 6, 2016 and the Youngstown Heritage Parade, Aug. 14-16. Calling all Tainos wanting to experience our traditions.

Posted on June 8, 2016 at 10:47am — 1 Comment

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At 1:20pm on January 5, 2024, Ronald Morris said…

Good day,
I picked interest in you after going through your short profile and demanding it is necessary for me to write to you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for full details.
Best regards,

At 12:18pm on July 3, 2016, Dayvanna Caraballo Schreiner said…
Wanted to discuss more on parade, call me 412 330 9512
At 10:43pm on October 22, 2015, Miguel Sague Jr said…

Takaji my sister Rosa

I am not sure what the nature of the problem you are having with the songs on the SONG PAGE of the Caney Circle Behike Lodge that I sent you a link to. Were you not able to open the page? If you open the page you will find a list of videos right there in that page. Each video presents me singing each one of the songs. If you are not able to open this page and listen to these videos please let me know right away. If you are able to open the page and listen to the songs in these videos then you will have the "music circling in your head" as you requested. Please get back to me as soon as possible about this because I am very worried that you can not hear this music.

At 7:11am on August 13, 2015, Miguel Sague Jr said…
Takaji my is the link to the page in the Indigenous Caribbean Network's CANEY CIRCLE BEHIKE LODGE group where you will find the songs of the Caney Circle
At 4:45pm on July 27, 2015, Heriberto Guaragua'Niki Martinez said…
Bo'Matun Seneko Kakona Itu!
At 9:49am on August 11, 2014, Miguel Sague Jr said…

Takaji Council of Women

Takaji my sisters. I would like to share some thoughts that might make our new members more enthusiastic about participating here. Although I know that you ladies regularly receive notifications of requests from prospective members who would like to join, you know that I usually take care of reviewing these requests and accepting the legitimate ones. However I think that it would be a wonderful treat for these new members to receive a welcome message from all of you in the COUNCIL OF WOMEN, which is the official spiritual administration of this network. Please keep track of the new members of the Indigenous Caribbean Network and approach them with a nice note so that they feel that they truly belong here. You can start with this Jamaican lady JoAnne Richard from Jamaica.....  .....Thank you. Miguel (financial administrator of the network)

At 5:17pm on March 31, 2014, Joshua M Seidl said…

How do I find pictures and story about the past Spring Equinox ceremony? I'm not good at navigating the site.

At 5:08pm on March 31, 2014, Joshua M Seidl said…

Yes. Thank you. 

At 4:14pm on July 17, 2013, Joshua M Seidl said…

It took a bit for me to figure out navigation of the site. The Summer solstice ceremony looked great. Many things to be grateful for.

At 1:12am on April 17, 2013, Miguel Sague Jr said…
Well sister as you probably figured out I confused Guaragua windsong with Bajacu Brito. Its bajacu who lives in Wisconsin and had demonstrated considerable interest in the ohio solstice ceremony. Guaraguao Windsong lives in New Mexico

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