Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
Nosotros los behikes y behikes-bajo-entrenaniento del Circulo Caney celebramos la ceremonia sagrada de Luna Llena a fines del mes de Febrero y principios del mes de Marzo 2018.
We the behikes and behike-trainees of the Caney Circle celebrated the sacred ceremony of Full Moon in late February-early March 2018.
En la ciudad de Pine Plains, New York nuestro behike Nelson Kauamarix Zayas celebro la ceremonia en su casa.
In the city of Pine Plains, New York our behike Nelson Kauamarix Zayas celebrated the ceremony in his own home.
En la ciudad de Union, New Jersey nuestro behike Casike Guatu Iri tambien celebro la ceremonia en su propio hogar.
In the city of Union, New Jersey our behike Casike Guatu Iri also celebrated the ceremony at his own home.
En la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania nuestra behike-bajo-entrenamiento Dee Schreiner liderio la ceremonia publica de Luna Llena en la cede del ONE WORLD LOVE NATURAL NATIVE RESERVE.
In the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania our behike trainee, Dee Schreiner led the public Full Moon ceremony at the site of the ONE WORLD LOVE NATURAL NATIVE RESERVE.
En la ciudad de San Juan, Boriken (Puerto Rico) nuestro behike bajo entrenamiento, Gustavo Acosta Diaz, celebro la ceremonia en su propio hogar.
In the city of San Juan, Boriken (Puerto Rico) our behike-trainee, Gustavo Acosta Diaz, celebrated the ceremony at his own home.
En la ciudad de Tallahasee, Florida nuestra behike-bajo-entrenamiento Mia Hibi D'Aniki Rosario celebro la ceremonia en su propio hogar.
In the city of Tallahasee, Florida our behike-trainee Mia Hibi D'Aniki Rosario celebrated the ceremonia at her own home.
En la ciudad de Shawnee, Oklahoma nuestra behike-bajo-entrenamiento Veronica Hensley celebro la ceremonia en su propio hogar.
In the city of Shawnee, Oklahoma our behike trainee Veronica Hensley celebrated the ceremony in her own home.
En la ciudad de Youngstown, Ohio nuestra behike Rosa AnaO Quinones celebro la ceremonia en su propio hogar.
In the city of Youngstown, Ohio our behike Rosa AnaO Quinones celebrated the ceremony in her own home.
Nuestros behikes se esmeran en continuar la tradicion de nuestros antepasados tainos. Atravez del continente mas y mas nuestro legado indigena se le esta llevando a las comunidades de nuestro pueblo en los lugares donde ellos viven.
Our behikes strive to continue the tradition of our Taino ancestors. Across the continent more and more our Indigenous legacy is being brought to the communities of our people right there in the places where they live.
Que bellos todos! All of them are beautiful! Seneko Kakona
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