
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




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All I have been hearing is mongoloid,mongoloid mongoloid its getting tiresome, so here are some real mongoloids, meet the mongoloids every body! see them! so i say lets make a new test everyone on this site must meet at least 5 characteristics of the images above to be labeled as native or mongoloid so let the racial profiling begin!

2nd question list at least 4 characteristics that you feel or think are mongoloid!
Actually I am the culprit. I useded it to make a point. Hope I didnt offend anyone. That was not my intention.
All I have been hearing is mongoloid,mongoloid mongoloid its getting tiresome, so here are some real mongoloids, meet the mongoloids every body! see them! so i say lets make a new test everyone on this site must meet at least 5 characteristics of the images above to be labeled as native or mongoloid so let the racial profiling begin!

2nd question list at least 4 characteristics that you feel or think are mongoloid!
I dont get it.

I was apolgizing. Are you offended. If you are I am sorry.

All the mongloid stuff was me. You see a african man who is actually from african called me a monglioid. When i told him about my native ancestory he told me what do you think native american are. I did some research and he was right. A few month later threw my research is how I found Jorge estevez..........................................

So I did mean to offend anyone. Anthropolgy is very usefull for us especially cause many of us are still sleeping. Dont know who we really are. So anthropolgy is a good tool to use. I have already.

But again I didnt mean to offend you or any other members. I am sorry.
hush up
I have apologize a few times and to diffrent members.I guess it not enough. But with that said the study of anthropolgy is something I take very serious, I have put on many hours of research on it and dont appreciate people making fun of it. This will be my last post. Happy new year to all. Take care my brother and sisters.
anthropology is something that you take seriously try taking it up as a career, and studying it in college, only to find that many people distort the findings, and some use it to continue the same racist notions that anthropology started off with, its sad but i thought anthropology came a long way but i see the science was never a problem it was always the people using the science that were the problem, people have decided to continue to classify people by stereotypical features that honestly almost no one on this site expresses anymore, its really said when you define yourself solely on the outside instead of what is inside, you do not need to turn yourself into a guinea pig or lab rat to espouse your indigenous heritage, that is not what being Indian is about, i just want you guys to love yourself enough to not put yourself through this stupid torment and down right humiliation of DNA test or checking for shovel teeth, you are not an animal, an Indian can not be dissected into mere body parts, it is a person, a family, a people, a culture and much much more

and Juan especially to you, you are not allowing yourself to see the beauty of what it means to be indigenous, and i'll give you a clue it isn't in the flesh of a human but the spirit
What happened? Did I miss something?
I mean, I'm pretty new here, but the questions I was asking of my mother in law were really important to me because I would really like to know if my son is indigenous and I actually think the information that was offered to me i.e. the option of a dna test or checking for shovel teeth were wonderful for someone like me who is pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff; and come to find out, my husband does have shovel teeth. I think that Juan was honestly and whole heartedly trying to help me understand and to answer my questions.
By the way Brooke my name is Danielle nice to meet you. I understand where you are coming from also, though. I do believe that there is more to a human than what is physically seen. I, for example am very WHITE lol yet I feel very connected in my heart and my soul to the Dominican Republic. Was it fate that I never cared for the country and then I met my husband and all of a sudden BAM I am completely in love with the people, the culture and the history? Maybe. I like to think so. I believe there was something written in the cards for me.
For someone like me who is so taken with the Dominican Republic, it DOES matter to me whether I can find out if my son has indigenous dna in him. If he does, I think it is pretty amazing. and please don't take this the wrong way when I say because I don't know you and I mean no disrespect at all, but just because the physical features of an indigenous person doesnt matter to you doesnt mean it doesnt matter to others. For some of us it is just clues and pieces to the puzzle of important questions we have.
i understand that the body and spirit are not separate, but the point i am trying to convey is the treatment of our taino heritage by some, if i were to espouse my African heritage but in the ways people have treated our taino heritage by pointing out hair texture, teeth identification or reenactments with Afro wigs we would be considered extreme racist, however a lot people do not view it that way when it comes to the taino

in other words be careful that in honoring a culture you don't mock it instead

The truth should never be taken as a offence.

Happy new year to you bro........
Rueben your not native get over it, a real native would find measuring cranial skulls and teeth identification offensive and i wouldn't expect you to understand that , that is why you have supported that #$%^ from the very beginning, your not helping Juan, your telling a person who just found out about the taino resurgence that it is ok to be a guinea pig, and i am telling him Juan listen if your Indian your Indian you don't need to verify that BS with extremely offensive "tests", I don't see you having to prove your identity as a European, I'm not asking you for your tooth arcade or hair texture or any other European bodily part, Oh but when it comes to being Indian we have to prove it right Reuben, then its okay to treat us like a science project
Ruben, I just read this. So if you understood like I did. Why the later post?


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