
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Dear Taino people and other Native Americans:

I am back here to support the Taino people and other Native People of America.

I have been absent for a while, and I am still supporting you.

I know that you have been suffering, for the last 500 years, and your problems have  not ended yet.

At the beginning, the European Colonisation, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French, and English colonist have been exploiting you, decimating you, and humillating as well.

After the Independence of Canada, USA, and other Nations troughout de American Continent, the same sad story have been happening once and once again.

At present time it has not ended yet, because, International Corporations are the New colonialists which are exploiting your resources, and are still invading your land, territory, killing and exteminating your people, and destroying or transorming some of your Communities. (Culturally and economically as well)


But in the past I have been blamed as well by some people (I mean Users) only because I am a Spanish person, and I feel me very bad about this.


Now all of thi have been forgotten by me, but I hope this will not happen again.

Yours gratefully






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No creo que los de esta época tenemos que echar culpas a una generación que no la tuvo. Nuestros antepasado cometieron errores que no debemos de pagar ahora.Simplemente debe de admitir que se cometieron tanta airosidades  con nuestros antepasado.Tu has sido valiente al admitir semejante barbarie. Esto te hace un ser especial Amigo ante mis ojos. Espero que sigas empapándote de nuestra cultura para que les diga a los tuyo que a lo mejor no sabe o se ha borrado de la historia de España esto acontecimiento que nosotros en Boriken  no olvidamos porque no se ha hecho justicia para la historia. Los saqueos de nuestros santo suelo sigue masacrado perturbando la tranquilidad de nuestros muerto.Puerro Rico es un país rico en estos yacimiento que día a día son robado sin tener conciencia de nuestra cultura. Mientras yo pueda evitar esto lo evito dando la voz de alerta con esta tierra de nuestros muertos.

Mi hermana Iris, muy bien expresado. Yo ya le e explicado en el pasado a este hermano espanol que no hay razon para achacarle ni a el ni a ningun otro espanol contemporaneo las fechorias del pasado. Tambien le e dicho que el es bienvnido en este foro. 


Que significa algo amigo



I am a very nice person, but I don´t like to be blamed, by the mistakes of my ancestors,





I am very gratefull that you have admittedd me here.


So, me as a Spanisch person I am very pleased to be here with you again.


And I hope that me In a near future will live with you again...I know that.

I hope to be with you in the States in a near future

Ruben, can you check the invitation I sent to you?

yes I do

Hola  Ruben yes I do have Taino blood i did my DNA and I have 20% I'm very proud you take care. 


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