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Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.
Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.
This is the governing body of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE. Members of this body can be behikes of the Circle, members of our spiritual community, or special persons whom we have decided to invite to become one of its number. The Board typically meets once a year unless there is a pressing reason to hold an extra meeting.
All members of this body are required to provide a copy of their physical address, telephone number and their e-mail address via e-mail to the board chairperson, Guatu Iri mark.ortiz81@yahoo.com
The meetings of this body are held once a year
They are conducted via a conference telephone call unless otherwise agreed upon. On the pre-decided day and time each member of the board is to call the conference call dial-in phone number and input the access code followed by the # symbol to join the discussion.
Here are the pertinent numbers:
ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER...Rules of parliamentary procedure, guide to board business:
Website: https://caneycircle.wordpress.com/
Location: Main offices Lancaster PA
Members: 10
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2023
Please note: The minutes of every past meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle can be found in the "Pages" section of this group page on the right-hand sidebar in the desktop view of this page. This view may be different on a mobile app. We suggest that you switch to the desktop view or use a computer instead of a mobile device to view this information. The board meeting records include the actual complete text of the minutes and usually all or some of the attachments (either in downloadable text file form or in jpg format image form). For a complete record of any specific set of meeting minutes including the full complement of attachments please contact the Caney Circle Behike Bo. Request the complete record of that particular set of minutes by identifying the number of the specific meeting you desire to view (for example: "Please send me the minutes of meeting number 19"), and these will be e-mailed to you.
You can click this LINK to access the "minutes of past meetings" page
Takahi My RelativesPlease review the reports and attachments for this coming meeting of the Board of Directors by clicking this…Continue
Started by Miguel Sague Jr May 21, 2018.
world map of distribution of all behikes and behike…Continue
Started by Miguel Sague Jr May 18, 2018.
Started by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 17, 2015.
El fin de semana del 30 de Julio 2015 se celebro la ceremonia de Luna LLena segun la…Continue
Started by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 6, 2015.
As of February 2022 this body is made up of the following members:
1.) Miguel Sague Jr
2.) Rafael Tekina Guamoel Torres
3.) Dayvanna Caraballo Mitchell-Schreiner
4.) Roberto Mukaro Borrero
5.) Edgar Rodriguez Kunuku Ceiba
6.) Nelson Kaomarix Zayas
7.) Tai Ana Yuisa Pelli
8.) Lenia Sague
9.) Miguel A Sague III
10.) Maria Comito
11.) Mirocles Guatu Iri Ortiz
12.) Rosa John
As of September 2019 this governing body is composed of 14 members
1.) Kasike Guatu Iri---Behike Bo (Chairperson)
2.) Miguel sague---Sergeant at arms
3.) Lenia R. Sague---Secretary
4.) Nelson Kauamarix Zayas---Treasurer
5.) Miguel SagueIII---Board Member
6.) Tai Pellicier---Board Member
7.) Maria Comito---Board Member
8.) Kasike Roberto Mukaro Borrero---Board Member
9.) Chris Cibaboinael Hansen---Board Member
10.) Rosa John---Board Member
11.) Domingo Turey Hernandez---Board Member
12.) Joey Karei --------------Board Member
13.) Rafael Tekina Guamoel---Board Member
14.) Dayvanna Schreiner---Board Member
Please find the official listing of the CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE in the United States IRS list of non profit organizations by clicking on this LINK
As of June 13 2018 when the Board held its 55th meeting this governing body is composed of 18 members...To wit:
1.) Miguel A. Sague---Behike Bo (Chairperson)
2.) Kasike Guatu Iri---Assistant Behike Bo (Vice chair person)
3.) Lenia R. Sague---Secretary
4.) Nelson Kauamarix Zayas---Treasurer
5.) Miguel SagueIII---Board Member
6.) Tai Pellicier---Board Member
7.) Maria Comito---Board Member
8.) Kasike Roberto Mukaro Borrero---Board Member
9.) Chris Cibaboinael Hansen---Board Member
10.) Rosa John---Board Member
11.) Karmen White Hawk Jaguar---Board Member
12.) Tenanche CemiAta Rose Golden---Board Member
13.) Domingo Turey Hernandez---Board Member
14.) Erlinda Mother Crow Cruz---Board Member
15.) Frank AkuTurey ---Board Member
16.) Itiba Cahubaba De Maji---Board Member
17.) Maji---Board Member
18.) Stephen Page---Board Member
Takaji Mt Relatives....Fellow board members
I want to thank all of the members who attended our meeting on Sunday Feb 21 2016. I feel it was a great meeting and a lot of important work was accomplished. I congratulate our Council of Nitainos for its commitment and dedication to Taino spiritual tradition as demonstrated during this meeting.
Please click on this LINK to access a PDF copy of the minutes of the meeting as submitted by our secretary Leni Sague, who although absent from the meeting itself did type it out for your inspection.
Let's have another wonderful year!
Seneko kakona
Taino Ti
Takaji My Relatives....Fellow board members Please note that the annual meeting of the COUNCIL OF NITAINOS of the Caney Circle is scheduled for this Sunday February 21 at 4:00 pm. I will soon be making a decision on whether to schedule it as a regular conference call, in which case I will be providing you with a telephone number that you can use to connect with the rest of us this sunday, or whether to use some other communication vehicle. I will be sending each one of you a copy of the minutes of last year's meeting and a copy of my annual report as chief behike of the circle. There are new exciting developments due to be discussed at this year's meeting so I am looking forward to chatting with all of you this coming Sunday. Seneko Kakona
Takaji My Relatives....It is February again and a year has passed since the last meeting of the Council Of Nitainos of the M.E.C.G. Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle. It is time to schedule this year's meeting. Please submit to me as soon as you can your preferred date from the ones listed bellow so that we can schedule our next meeting. I will soon be sending you the minutes of last year's meeting along with a full Behike Bo report which documents the activities of the Caney Circle since our last meeting. If you have been following our blog posts you pretty much have an idea already of what this document will contain but it is important that I submit it to you formally anyway. There will also be a brief financial report which will include the fact that we were successful in opening an new Caney Circle bank account. I am planning a meeting with our brother and fellow board member Chris Cibaboinael Hansen who will guide me through the difficult details of bookkeeping using Excel spreadsheet program to maintain accurate records of our Circle finances. We currently have at our disposal an excellent Excel template specifically designed for small churches which I downloaded for free from an awesome religious organization website operator. I plan to keep you all updated on those processes. Seneko Kakona Miguel
Takaji My Relatives....From time to time the topic arises in regard to the legitimacy of an Indigenous spiritual organization organized in the way that this one is. WE have been criticized to the effect that traditional Indigenous spirituality is not organized in this way with a board of directors with a president a secretary and a treasurer. In fact this is just another absurd argument born of ignorance and malice. The truth is that Native Americans here in the United States have been organized as a bona fide Federally recognized 501c3 status church for a very long time and continue that tradition with enthusiasm and sincerity rig ht into the twenty first century. Please explore this website published by the well-known NATIVE AMERICAN CHURCH, which operates in many states of this country. In this particular webpage they celebrate a recent meeting of their board of directors and the election of new officers. Our own board of directors, the COUNCIL OF NITAINOS is organized along the same lines as this one. Please click this LINK to visit the NAC website
My Relatives it was a real honor to sit with you in council this past Friday during our board meeting. I want to express again my most sincere thanks to all of you for your participation in this virtual gathering and I look forward to working with each one of you in the future to bring to fruition the wonderful goals of our spiritual circle and to realize the spiritual dreams of our people and all people who adopt this path. Please visit the "Minutes" pages to see the finished copy of the minutes of this meeting submitted by Leni Sague, the secretary of our Council of Nitainos. Seneko Kakona to all of you. Miguel
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