Taino Ty, to you and the family and hope all is fine and well on your side of the border or accross the medicine line. We here on the Grandmother side of the border is well and fine and we often think about our close relatives when we have time to think. Thank you for thinking of us and we hope to make this site very rewarding and interesting. Keep healthy and stronge my Brother-In-Law.
As a side, I was wondering if you knew of anyone who knows how to make Taino style pipes and/or cigars. From what I have heard Cohiba (The Cuban brand of cigars.) is one of the best cigars out there. I personally don't smoke, but I LOVE the smell of tobacco (ever since I was little). So perhaps you know of a course or instructional where I could learn that particular craft ?
I personally believe that little things like that should be preserved. It is part of our Taino heritage and as such is one of those things that creates a special form of continuity with The Ancient Ones.
Does Cuba have an equivalent to Dominican/Haitian Mamajuana and Puerto Rican (Vieques in particular) Bili ?
Hey Miguel! If you have any information on some of our local healers I could meet that would be absolutely amazing. I'm really disappointed I didn't connect with you guys until after the annual even already happened. I'd love to attend next year if possible. super glad to meet you. I'd love to be kept in the loop on anything going on locally. :) Abrazos!
me gustaria, algun dia vivir en una reserva india en usa, y compartir los milenarios valores, que hay, pero será algun dia posible, no me gusta el consumismo de esta sociedad, europea o americana.
Beiki , Your right. That is not where our focus should lie. I want to thank you for this site. I am on it daily and getting very comfortable exploring and interacting with my Brothers & Sisters. KOKUYO
Miguel, Just wanted to touch base with you. Right now I'm working on my message for the Moon Ceremony for this month. It will be tomorrow, the 4th of June. I will share with you on Tuesday. Hope you're having a wonderfully sunny Sunday!
Beike, The Full Moon ceremony went extremely well. We did things a little different this time but everyone got a lot out of it. We started off with the rituals, honoring the Spirits and cleansing. We had Ata Bei dressed & prayed her candlelit prayer. Then I began to teach about her and her several manifestations. We sang the chant to Ata Bey. Now, we switched gears over to Yoka Hu, since it is of course the YOKA HU MOON. Again ,I began to teach them. They had questions that I answered. They were really into this ceremony. We sang chants to Yoka Hu.
I am going out to Arizona on the 13th of June, so I will be unable to lead the new moon or the summer solstice. So, at that point in the ceremony, I began to teach abt the solstice-the shark"Kahaya",Where we will be in Yoka Hus life cycle,etc.
Everyone had a really great time, learned a lot & got more familiar with the rattles,drum & chants.
I can write something up that's a little longer and in more detail & put it in both sites as a blog, as you suggested.
Beike, I want to thank you for passing these teachings down to us & inviting me into the Taino family. KOKUYO
Beike, I just got thru reading abt the Venus Transit. Your discriptive words & superb photos made me feel like I was with you all. Thank you for taking the effort to bring this to all who were not there. As a reminder :I will be leaving for Arizona Wed @ 3AM. I will return on the 22nd. I will not be taking my laptop but pls. keep the emails coming thru while Im gone. Bo matun.
BeikeMiguel, Just touching base to let you know that Im back in town. What outrageous landscapes, unbelievable! Had a little trouble, at 2 train stops, I stepped outside & had a seizure. I"m stuck @ home-not allowed to drive. I missed Tuesdays Full Moon but we will be having ceremony on Sat and I will report on Sunday. I also wanted to mention that I will be going to Lancaster Picnic (bringing my partner) on Aug 4. Is there anything I missed while I was away? Want to wish you a good evening & I look forward to hearing from you.
Beike Miguel, In August of 2011 my ex-Partner passed away. The anniversary is arriving & I would like to have a celebration of her life. Im not sure how to properly conduct it in Taino style. I thought you would be able to guide me.
Beike Miguel, I am sorry about missing the time we both had set aside for discussing The Memorial Service...& the Turtle. My partner went to the ER & then came over here for the night so I could keep an eye on her. This was all happening while I should have been talking to you. No disrespect intended,Miguel. Could we set up another date at your convenience? Please let me know a time that works for you. Looking forward to speaking to you. Bo matun.
Beike, Somehow what I wrote mystically disappeared. So here we go again: How about Monday the 30th of July? Also I want to wish you good luck on your trip. I know that your presence & your workshops will bring much to many.
Beike, Thank you so much for the instruction last night. It will be helpful in the ceremony. would you be so kind as to send the link along tonight or tomorrow morning as I will be putting things together tomorrow. Thanks so much. I really appreciate your input.
Comments - Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket
Apr 8, 2009
Apr 8, 2009
Apr 14, 2009
Atte itabo era - Mother of Waters
Coaiba Mamona - Heavenly Mother of the Moon
Aturo aya Guakia Itiba Cahubaba - Sister of our Ancient Bleeding Mother
Acona Guakia Arawaka - Hear our Sacred People
Yemao Guakia Waili - Protect our Children
Waka Yari - Our Precious Jewels
Busica Guakia Ketauri - Give us Life
Inaru Matum - Generous Woman
Busica Guakia Ahia Hu De - Give us your Blessing
Tai Ku Buya Han Han - Good Spirit Yes
Nabori Daca - I am your servant
Han Han Katu - So Be It
Apr 17, 2009
Priscilla (Pbutter72)
It was a Grand time-- the ArtShow sounded fun too, the Artwork looks great!
We shall meet in person soon!
Til then,
Apr 20, 2009
As usual thank you for your presence and spirit during my art exhibit reception. It was a joy to see you and Marie and "meet" your wife again!
I'm glad to hear that you got home safe and sound!
Please keep in touch.
Gina RixTurey
Apr 20, 2009
adem medina cardona
Apr 28, 2009
Apr 29, 2009
As a side, I was wondering if you knew of anyone who knows how to make Taino style pipes and/or cigars. From what I have heard Cohiba (The Cuban brand of cigars.) is one of the best cigars out there. I personally don't smoke, but I LOVE the smell of tobacco (ever since I was little). So perhaps you know of a course or instructional where I could learn that particular craft ?
Apr 29, 2009
I personally believe that little things like that should be preserved. It is part of our Taino heritage and as such is one of those things that creates a special form of continuity with The Ancient Ones.
Does Cuba have an equivalent to Dominican/Haitian Mamajuana and Puerto Rican (Vieques in particular) Bili ?
May 1, 2009
Dayan James
May 24, 2009
Tania *Heremuru*
May 29, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
Comments - Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket
Jul 3, 2009
joseph alexander williams
Jul 4, 2009
Joanne Cuevas
Dec 17, 2009
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
May 18, 2010
Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion
~Magickal Graphics~
Jul 13, 2010
Mary Dena Hall
Nov 17, 2010
Melinda Maxwell-Gibb
Nov 28, 2010
Amber K Baker
Jan 10, 2011
Kathy Evans-Palmisano
Jun 3, 2011
Wilfredo Colon Santiago
Jun 4, 2011
Dennis Michael Snyder
Hey Miguel! If you have any information on some of our local healers I could meet that would be absolutely amazing. I'm really disappointed I didn't connect with you guys until after the annual even already happened. I'd love to attend next year if possible. super glad to meet you. I'd love to be kept in the loop on anything going on locally. :) Abrazos!
Dec 22, 2011
ruben moran llaneza
Buenas noches desde Gijón en Asturias
Que tal por ahi, aqui en el Norte de España bastante frio y lluvia.
Feb 13, 2012
ruben moran llaneza
Hola Miguel:
Conozco buena genta Cubana aquí;
Mi callista es de tu isla, y una buena amiga mia también
Pero de los Taínos no saben nada, claro que es de una población de varios,
millones de Cubanos, varios miles.
Pero no me creen
Feb 14, 2012
ruben moran llaneza
me gustaria, algun dia vivir en una reserva india en usa, y compartir los milenarios valores, que hay, pero será algun dia posible, no me gusta el consumismo de esta sociedad, europea o americana.
Feb 25, 2012
Menase Kwe
I am pleased to be a part of this network! Looking forward to sharing news and events!
Feb 29, 2012
Ranald Woodaman
Thanks, Miguel, I appreciate the warm welcome!
Saludos, Ranald Woodaman
Smithsonian Latino Center
Mar 6, 2012
Bomatum behike aracoel..seneco kakona guatiao.
May 10, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Thanks Miguel, for the wonderful welcome. We finally got it! Looking forward to all this network will be to all my brothers & sisters.
Taino Ti
May 14, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Hi Miguel. Hope your having a wonderful holiday wknd. Had a question for you.
I saw that the gifts are on a point system. How do you accumulate the points.
Thank you. Enjoy your day!
Taino ti
May 27, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beiki , Your right. That is not where our focus should lie. I want to thank you for this site. I am on it daily and getting very comfortable exploring and interacting with my Brothers & Sisters. KOKUYO
May 27, 2012
Jacqueline Maria Neal
May 29, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Miguel, Just wanted to touch base with you. Right now I'm working on my message for the Moon Ceremony for this month. It will be tomorrow, the 4th of June. I will share with you on Tuesday. Hope you're having a wonderfully sunny Sunday!
Taino Ti
Jun 3, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, The Full Moon ceremony went extremely well. We did things a little different this time but everyone got a lot out of it. We started off with the rituals, honoring the Spirits and cleansing. We had Ata Bei dressed & prayed her candlelit prayer. Then I began to teach about her and her several manifestations. We sang the chant to Ata Bey. Now, we switched gears over to Yoka Hu, since it is of course the YOKA HU MOON. Again ,I began to teach them. They had questions that I answered. They were really into this ceremony. We sang chants to Yoka Hu.
I am going out to Arizona on the 13th of June, so I will be unable to lead the new moon or the summer solstice. So, at that point in the ceremony, I began to teach abt the solstice-the shark"Kahaya",Where we will be in Yoka Hus life cycle,etc.
Everyone had a really great time, learned a lot & got more familiar with the rattles,drum & chants.
I can write something up that's a little longer and in more detail & put it in both sites as a blog, as you suggested.
Beike, I want to thank you for passing these teachings down to us & inviting me into the Taino family. KOKUYO
Jun 5, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, I just got thru reading abt the Venus Transit. Your discriptive words & superb photos made me feel like I was with you all. Thank you for taking the effort to bring this to all who were not there. As a reminder :I will be leaving for Arizona Wed @ 3AM. I will return on the 22nd. I will not be taking my laptop but pls. keep the emails coming thru while Im gone. Bo matun.
Jun 11, 2012
Anita Pagan
I'm back and started joining groups and posting. I missed it here! And I'm happy to have returned! :)
By the way, I love the stories and the teachings you are sharing. Wonderful! I can't wait to start asking questions and adding my own .02, LOL!!
Look forward to sharing further..
Jun 20, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
BeikeMiguel, Just touching base to let you know that Im back in town. What outrageous landscapes, unbelievable! Had a little trouble, at 2 train stops, I stepped outside & had a seizure. I"m stuck @ home-not allowed to drive. I missed Tuesdays Full Moon but we will be having ceremony on Sat and I will report on Sunday. I also wanted to mention that I will be going to Lancaster Picnic (bringing my partner) on Aug 4. Is there anything I missed while I was away? Want to wish you a good evening & I look forward to hearing from you.
Taino Ti, KOKUYO
Jul 5, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
bEIKE, Shall I enter a blog on the Hot Moon Ceremony on both sites, as I did last month?
Taino Ti,
Jul 8, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike Miguel, My Blog is complete except I can't find a place to blog it. my old one comes up but nowhere to type. Please advise. Thanks KOKUYO
Jul 11, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
'beike, Im sorry. Disregard the previous comment. I figured it out.
Jul 11, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike Miguel, In August of 2011 my ex-Partner passed away. The anniversary is arriving & I would like to have a celebration of her life. Im not sure how to properly conduct it in Taino style. I thought you would be able to guide me.
Taino Ti
Jul 12, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike Miguel, I am sorry about missing the time we both had set aside for discussing The Memorial Service...& the Turtle. My partner went to the ER & then came over here for the night so I could keep an eye on her. This was all happening while I should have been talking to you. No disrespect intended,Miguel. Could we set up another date at your convenience? Please let me know a time that works for you. Looking forward to speaking to you. Bo matun.
Jul 18, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Miguel, I'm wondering if we can set things up again this coming up week. I promise I'll be there this time. Thanks, KOKUYO
Jul 21, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, Somehow what I wrote mystically disappeared. So here we go again: How about Monday the 30th of July? Also I want to wish you good luck on your trip. I know that your presence & your workshops will bring much to many.
Jul 21, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, Tryed calling you on Monday the 30th @ 4:00 but no answer. Im thinking of trying friday the 3rd of August @ 4:00. How is that with you?
Taino Ti
Aug 1, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, Thank you so much for the instruction last night. It will be helpful in the ceremony. would you be so kind as to send the link along tonight or tomorrow morning as I will be putting things together tomorrow. Thanks so much. I really appreciate your input.
KOKUYO, Taino Ti
Aug 15, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, The reason That I will not be able to attend is that by Drs orders, I may not
drive due to seizures. And this morning I had to admit my partner into a
nursing home. Sounds like Yoku Hus black cloud is hanging around, right? Any
suggestions? KOKUYO
Aug 24, 2012
Hello Behique ,glad to see you happy and healthy,and oh so very active!! Bo'matum,Frank AkuTurey
Aug 24, 2012
Kokuyo Beike-in-training
Beike, Please advise when available for council. I know you 're time is critical right now, please choose when is best for you. Taino Ti, Kokuyo
Aug 29, 2012