
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.



Anita Pagan
  • Female
  • San Antonio, TX
  • United States
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Anita Pagan's Friends

  • Sombraz
  • Yaya Naboria Daca
  • Louis.Santiago
  • I'naru Borike
  • Agueycoayu Duey
  • Lynell Cloud Dancer
  • Mia Lynn Rosario (Hibi D' Aniki)
  • Caribbean Vybes
  • Star Freeman
  • Heidi Couch
  • Pedro Guanikeyu Torres
  • City Muse
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Anita Pagan's Discussions

Federal Recognition for Taino People
44 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 20.

What does it mean to be "indigenous" today?
32 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Oracle Druid Mar 7, 2023.

What is being "Native" to you?
12 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Juan Almonte Dec 13, 2008.

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Anita Pagan's Blog

They Came Before Columbus...and what?!?

I read They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima. I wasn’t halfway through this book and I was thoroughly offended, but I finished it just to hear their point of view.

I don’t buy it.

The belief that Africans were in the Americas before the Europeans were makes sense to me. There is plenty of proof of intercontinental contact world wide. Even evolution depends on intercontinental travel, I don’t see why it would just stop… Continue

Posted on June 4, 2009 at 12:30pm — 15 Comments

Why not the Chamorro? A possible peer in Taino cultural revival...

The discussion regarding the Taino language inspired me to further research other indigenous peoples who may be like us; folks struggling with their own individual decolonization while trying to help heal that of their people, reviving the culture and those things that are important to it, making it all work together- past, present and future-in balance. A people that may be similar to my own, in the ways I feel are important. My priorities lie in relationships; how we relate to ourselves, how… Continue

Posted on May 29, 2009 at 10:43pm

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 61/295 on 13 September 2007

The General Assembly,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and good faith in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by States in accordance with the Charter,

Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as… Continue

Posted on May 21, 2009 at 10:48am

When is abusive behavior acceptable?

These questions have been running around my head for a couple of weeks now... I had to put them out there. Just thoughts to ponder....

Is the good that a person does reason enough to accept abuse and disrespect from them?

Does the fact that a person chooses to sacrifice and give so much of his/her time and effort to a people, compensate for that person becoming dictatorial or tyrannical?

Do great strides allow a government the freedom to trample upon rights they… Continue

Posted on May 10, 2009 at 12:41pm — 11 Comments

Cultural Dissonance?

Note: The following post is a long one. I hope you feel like reading! ~N

I am a modern Caribbean Indian woman; a mixture of Taino, European and African descent. However, it is my Taino Indian heritage that I choose to follow, learn and endorse. The existence of my Taino ancestry has been covered up, denied for many years because of greed and genocide. This cover up is pernicious and has infected not only the familial roots of my Nation but has disowned our indigenous heritage… Continue

Posted on December 9, 2008 at 8:30am — 35 Comments

Anita Pagan's Groups

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From Aonbo

TainoWoman comes Dancing!

Profile Information

About Me:
Wow! It's been several years since I been here... In re-reading my info here I find how much has changed and really, not much has. Well, maybe I'm a bit older...

I'm glad to see that Miguel has continued maintaining the site. It's beautiful to see him surrounded with loving, generous people helping him along.

I'm honored he's kept my account active, even in my absence. Thank you Miguel.
~ Nanu

Taino woman, early forties, highly opinionated (respectful but direct), passionate about all things Taino, very into personal and spiritual growth (as a matter of fact, I see no difference between these) hungry for learning and willing to share.

I volunteer as a co-admin of this network and enjoy the exchanges I share with my fellow members. These topics are not only interesting, but important to discuss, although we must keep in mind that the Taino Movement is out there- in real time- and not necessarily on-line...

I do a lot of writing and at times it can have a tone of authority... Truth be told, there are only 4 types of sentences and although I ask many, I don't write in questions. Just keep in mind, mine is not the last word. We are all growing and learning and we come from different places, both literally and figuratively. My opinions are based on personal study and experiences, introspection, all kinds of stories filtered through my perspective and opinions I hold at that moment. Everything is subject to change at a moments notice and without warning :)

My purpose is not to offend but to generate debate. One doesn't have to be wrong for another to be right. A good examination of a matter can generate some wonderful ideas and open doors we may never had seen were there to begin with. I'm willing to open the doors to my opinions and beliefs, to examine the questions they generate as well as the answers. I'm willing to see what I really believe in.

There are more questions than answers and I find it a challenge to tackle difficult topics. This can sometimes be frustrating, for myself and others, but it also helps us realize that there isn't always an easy answer and ultimately, we are all in the same boat.

Change is the only guarantee and I'm looking forward to seeing how the Taino change...

Respectfully, I remain at your service
Certified Life Coach, Home Health Aid & whatever hat I seem to be wearing at the moment :)
Contact Information:
Just email me here and I will get back with you :) Or if you visit my blog site you can email me from there, too. There is a link to it at the bottom of this intro...
Research Interests:
Native life, Spirituality, personal growth, art, crafting, beading, writing, psychology, history...
Bitch-out letter in PanGaia magazine (No.47) on how the forefathers of the USA are NOT good representatives for the ideas of religious freedom.

Personal blogs
Jicotea Yucaieke, ICN Co-Admin, UCTP (banned for pointing out the president's faux pas...), Member of Planet Earth, Two-legged people
Another link:
My Website:

Better words never spoken...

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Comment Wall (75 comments)

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At 10:21pm on July 5, 2012, Isolina Gonzalez Rich said…

So nice to meet you Nanu. I have been doing research on my family history for over a year now. It all started with the passing of my grandmother, Aurelia Gonzalez Paredes and attending a Pow Wow. I was so moved by all the history and culture of native americans that I needed to know if I had native american in my family. I have always heard that Puerto Ricans were part Taino but couldn't confirm this. Both my parents were Puerto Rican and as far as they knew, have always been from Puerto Rico. Thanks to dna testing, it confirmed my native american ancestry, which is 18% native american from South America (Maya). One of my cousins looked at the dna markers and said that it looks like Arawak Indian. This made me very happy but at the same time sad since the native american culture has not been passed down in my family. There is so much I need to learn and would like to pass down to my children. Three of my children, all girls look very much native american and would love to teach them my heritage. I look forward to learning from you and others.

At 1:52pm on July 4, 2012, India Hibell said…

Thank you

At 9:37pm on November 21, 2010, Lynell Cloud Dancer said…
Nanu, Thank you for the welcome. We are the same age it seems, early 40's. I seek to learn all I can. Most of my learning so far has come from the Ancestors and has been in the way self healing. I am enjoying this journey and look forward to the future and what this path has to offer me.
At 6:41pm on November 17, 2010, Agueycoayu Duey said…
Tau, Bo-Matum Aturo Nanu for letting me join your group. I am still in a learning process.
At 8:02pm on November 15, 2010, BoricuaMestiza said…
Thank you so much :)
At 2:53pm on December 28, 2009, Caracoli said…
Sorry I couldn't talk, let me know when is a good time to reach you
At 10:23pm on July 3, 2009, Iris Antongiorgi Concepcion said…
At 10:29am on May 21, 2009, Janin & Norbert said…
Tried to change to change the name to "Janin & Norbert" and I hope it worked.

Norbert & Janin
At 9:05am on May 20, 2009, Janin & Norbert said…
Good morning,
Thank you for the welcome.
I, Janin's husband, am the administrator of where we try to convey a true picture of the Dominican Republic. This is rather difficult for someone from Europe as for the lack of insight and cultural heritage.
I hope that this site will provide me with additional information in order to understand my host country better.
desde Samaná
Janin and Norbert
At 12:42am on April 17, 2009, Caracoli said…
Bibi Atabey - Mother Atabey

Atte itabo era - Mother of Waters

Coaiba Mamona - Heavenly Mother of the Moon

Aturo aya Guakia Itiba Cahubaba - Sister of our Ancient Bleeding Mother

Acona Guakia Arawaka - Hear our Sacred People

Yemao Guakia Waili - Protect our Children

Waka Yari - Our Precious Jewels

Busica Guakia Ketauri - Give us Life

Inaru Matum - Generous Woman

Busica Guakia Ahia Hu De - Give us your Blessing

Tai Ku Buya Han Han - Good Spirit Yes

Nabori Daca - I am your servant

Han Han Katu - So Be It

Latest Activity

Miguel Sague Jr replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"Han Han katu"
Jan 20
Michelle Inarú Ropará replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"I love it <3 <3"
Jan 19
Joanna 'Aya' Soto-Avilés replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"Ta'kahi Itia'no, Praying this message finds you in good health and good spirit. I would like to share with you, humbly and respectfully, the fact that Borikén and our Ancestors' Traditions are not completely lost. There are…"
Jan 19
Miguel Sague Jr replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"I totally agree with you on the subject of United States federal recognition. I also agree with you on the subject of colonialism. My objection, as I mentioned already, was your off-the-cuff comment on the nature of the word…"
Jan 18
Angie Santiago replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"Miguel, I meant no disrespect as I was not addressing you or your identity. I was providing my opinion on the question of formal recognition. Given the generations of colonialism and assimilation by the Spanish and the United States, my lens leans…"
Jan 18
Michelle Inarú Ropará replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"Hi there.  I'm going to message you."
Jan 18
Miguel Sague Jr replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"I agree that there is always room for respectful difference of opinion even considering the topic of our tribal name. A person who knows that I self-identify as Taino and says: "Besides, Taino is the colonial Spanish name for our indigenous…"
Jan 18
Michelle Inarú Ropará replied to Anita Pagan's discussion Federal Recognition for Taino People
"Taino ti brother.  With respect, I don't think our sister was trying to be difficult or rude or offensive by saying that Taino wasn't the original name.  Because the colonialists tried so hard to wipe out our culture, it can be…"
Jan 17

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