
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jan 13.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.

registration form art all night Pittsburgh

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023 at 10:58am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Apr 17, 2023.




Whats going on in Jacanas?????

Seeing the latest trailer of the Lost Taino documentary I saw Roger of the UCTP talking about Jacanas

What efforts are being made by Tainos in Boriken concerning the situation in Jacanas

Is it true that Jacanas will be under water???

How can stateside Tainos get involved????

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Disclaimer archaeologist Diana Lopez at the Council for the Protection of
Archaeological Heritage.

Lopez, one of the main defenders of the integrity of
yacimiento Jácana de Ponce, sent his resignation to the body
Last Tuesday, it was learned.

Rodriguez, member of the Council, said yesterday that
the resignation of his mate was because she "was frustrated" with the
attitude of several members of the entity.

The Council consists of Archeology in part by leaders
such as Secretary of Natural Resources and the Director of
State Office of Historic Preservation, which have been criticized
not to have demanded that the Army Corps of Engineers
carries out in the case of Jacana with local law
protection of archaeological sites.

Rodriguez said Tuesday at a meeting of the Council that
. situation became critical.

The accounts say that day was expected to deliver federal agency
complete and detailed information about the artifacts
out of the country and other documents on the excavation process in
the scene but did not.

Officials sent the Corps of Engineers - Engineer
Jorge M. Jorge M. Tous and archaeologist David McCullough - as noted by the
archaeologist, insisted that the Corps of Engineers to blanket the
federal law, not the state.

"We have caught the fools," he said Rodriguez, who criticized the
Chairman of the Board, the executive director of the Institute of
Cultura Puertorriqueña, Puerto Rican Culture, Jose Luis Vega, complies with
you will require the Corps of Engineers documents by

What warrants the situation is to resort to court
seeking a remedy.

Archaeologist complained that the federal agency seeks to throw
land above the reservoir to close it without further action
placed first as a mesh. As indicated in these cases, he said,
is to use white sand, not land, "but officials in
Corps of Engineers said they had no money for that. "

They mentioned the need to place a fence, but said
could be stolen.

Other Jacana archaeological pieces, it was noted during the meeting, would be
taken soon.
Friday, November 9th, 2007
Maritza Díaz Alcaide First Time

Ancestral action for propaganda

History of gods and mythical heroes.The relationship between chiefs and towns
beyond the distances. And to the intricacies of what could be interpreted as an
ancient but effective form of propaganda. This is based on the petroglyphs
found on the site of Ponce Jacana.

With the discovery of Jacana is found that both groups, the Caguana and the
Jacana, although geographically far apart, must have close contact. That their
bosses probably also controlled the images that were carved.

Osvaldo García-Goyco Anthropologist

After analyzing several of the monoliths found in that field, anthropology Dr.
Osvaldo García-Goyco concluded that there is great similarity between the
religious icons that John Alden Manson found between 1914 and 1915 in Caguana
Ceremonial Center in Utuado, and the newly discovered in Jacana, Ponce.

In both cases it is cemies gods that are represented in different materials and
it was thought that came to life in themselves.

The petroglyphs of Jacana not, however, identical to those of Utuado and it is
in their differences lies the most important element to fill "gaps" historical
life of our Indians.

The petroglyphs that Garcia was able to analyze Goyco-an expert on archeology
of the Antilles who serves as professor at the University of Puerto Rico and the
Center for the Study of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean are the same five cemies
of Caguana: the so-called ancestor female or mother goddess: her sons, the
divine twins of the Taino mythology, the mask that served as a connection
between the chief and the mythical hero defender of morals, and the male

With the discovery of Jacana is found that both groups, the Caguana and the
Jacana, although geographically far apart, must have close contact. . Also that
their bosses probably controlled the images that were carved, "said Garcia-Goyco
in an exclusive interview with Primera Hora.

Evidence of such control, said he appreciated even in the case of the monoliths
of the Mother Goddess, both with cut stone rather similar.

According to the anthropologist, religion and power in Borinquen also
intertwined as in other countries, in our case through a supposedly divine
descent of the chiefs.

. The petroglyphs in Indian social life, Garcia scored Goyco, could even be a
propaganda mechanism to highlight the desirable public image of who is projected
as the heir of gods.

The two fields, that of Caguana and Jacana, appear to be Taino period, but the
teacher suspects that the Ponce mix pretaína elements of culture. " "The mask"
Ponce of the petroglyph, he said, could be earlier period Taino by the
simplicity of drawing, a signal that would suggest that places like that could
be reused.

The Mother Goddess

Among the highlights of the work of this expert highlights, however, their
evaluation on one of the petroglyphs that are characterized by the complexity of
the zemi: the female ancestor or mother goddess who appears in Ponce with her
head detached from the body.

Such a finding, the anthropologist said, would corroborate the importance of
Taino cultural practice of venerating the skulls of important people.

Already at the site of the Paso del Indio, in Vega Baja, Garcia-Goyco himself
had found between 1995 and 1997 had no skeletons skull and holding a skull in
his hands, further evidence of the belief that they retained the spirit of the

The mother goddess of Jacana crown also exhibits a much more elaborate than the
goddess Caguana.

The first shows the representation of divinity "more masculinized" by showing
his clenched fist, a symbol of virility in Taino amulets.

She would be the goddess Itiba Cahubaba - bloody mother goddess - who according
to legend, died giving birth quadruplets.

Caguana The mother goddess, who looks more feminine touch their hands to open
his ear, could be, according to Garcia-Goyco, Atabeira, mother of the springs.

Importantly, the Ponce petroglyphs show a bolder relief than those of Utuado.
The site is also located in an alluvial valley, which due to the action of
floods must be sealed with layers of earth and therefore more likely to tell
them apart from other historical periods.

Feb 11 2008

Taino Ti
As yet another article is written about the TAINO BURIAL GROUND it
shows that how we as a people are just ignored in the whole process.
When a Taino reads these articles one could imagine all the emotions
that stir inside. The total disrespect, rage, anger, the futility
that surfaces in the realization that what can one person do? As we
find out that consulting firms reap HUGE profits from studying our
ancestral bones. They also get to influence how we are historically
defined. Once again they get to write our History and Taino
descendants are left out.

We read how Archaeologist Chris Espenshade is so concerned about


"But Espenshade is concerned about what remains in the ground. With
only a small portion of the site excavated, reburial of the site is
intended to assure that the artifacts, human remains, and
petroglyphs stay in place for future study. For now the Corps has
the site "heavily guarded," but the intense publicity generated by
the discovery poses a new dilemma.

"I'm worried," he says. "We're only 15 to 20 minutes from downtown
Ponce and everyone now knows what's here. Some of these glyphs would
fetch tens of thousands of dollars on the antiquities market. If
this site is not fenced and watched closely, somebody is going to
come in with a backhoe some night and take everything."

He worries that our own Puerto Rican people are going to sack the
site & sell the artifacts to dealers of antiquities or possibly sell
them on Ebay.

What about our Puerto Rican people? Where is the outrage?? The
media in PR is more concernerd about the birth of Jennifer Lopez's
babies, Britney Spears problems, Miss Universe or Heath ledger dying
than the bones of their Ancestors. I know that they may not consider
those bones the bones of their family (even though in fact over 60%
of them have amerindian mt dna) but what about the defense of our
National patrimony & the history of our country??

It seems that we ALL have to get involved & work with each other to
make a difference on one of the most important issues we are ever
going to face which is the the writing of our History & the defense
of our Ancestral Burial Grounds.

We are not alone in this battle. We have examples from our African
bretheren on how to handle the defense of Sacred Sites.

nabori daca Taino
Mire ni el instituto d cultura tiene el poder de hace algo sobre esto . La juripudencias de estos hallasgos cai en otras manos que no lo van a valorar como se debe y casi siempre lo esconden o lse lo llevan afuera para ortos museos que no le van a dar el valor que nosotros le damos. La falta de interes es lo que predonia en estos caso. O el poder del dinero que corre por donde quiera. No importa quien este en esto .Hay que ver quien es el que se va a encargar de estos yacimientos que lo han utrajado y diria yo mutilado.Por sacarlos del lugar que es sagrado . Lugar que nunca se ha respetado y casi siempre es por el bien del progreso.Me lastima la forma que se esta manejando estos yacimientos.No solo nos han ultrajado nos estan explotando como ante lo hacian.


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