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All Blog Posts (617)

Full Moon Ceremony at the Home of Arawak/Guajiro family in Texas

Takaji My Relatives

I spent the Full Moon weekend of November 2010 at the home of Amanda (Vargas) Richmond, on the Fort Hood military base in Killeen, Texas. I spent several days of wonderful socializing and sharing traditional Indigenous cultural crafts such as weaving with Amanda and her kids.

This activity was carried out in keeping with the well-established…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on November 24, 2010 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

My Visit To The Puerto Rican Cultural Center of Austin Texas


During my November 2010 visit in Texas I had the opportunity to visit the Puerto Rican Cultural Center in Austin. This organization was founded and is administered by an amazing and indefatigable individual called …

Added by Miguel Sague Jr on November 23, 2010 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Our Maya-Taino Ceremony was covered by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper


photo by Michael Henninger/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper

Greetings My Relatives

We experienced a wonderful encounter with the spirit of Mother Earth yesterday Sunday Nov 7 during our Maya-Taino ceremony evening.

K'iche Maya teacher Antonio Ah Ik led us in a powerful Maya fire ceremony and then we participated in a Taino Sweatlodge which allowed us to be reborn from the Cosmic Matriarch.

Please explore an…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on November 8, 2010 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Our Taino Spiritual movement had a busy summer

Takaji My Relatives

After our wonderful Summer Solstice Ceremony in Youngstown, Ohio the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle leadership added our prayers and encouragement to the wonderful effort in Boriken of this year's Journeys of Peace and Dignity. This magnificent effort was primarily spearheaded by organizations guided by our sister Vanessa Inaru, and also by the United Confederation of Taino People and the Consejo General de Tainos Boricanos.…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on October 19, 2010 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

The Amerindians

What great news!!!!

I have good and bad news to report from Trinidad...

My great aunt, the "Carib Queen", Valentina Medina is very ill.

The new People's Partnership government has promised to revisit the land issue and dialogue about the future of indigenous people in Trinidad.

A week of Amerindian Heritage Day (October 14th) has just passed and I will post some more on that soon.

I am also pleased to report that my documentary film The Amerindians has… Continue

Added by Tracy Assing on October 18, 2010 at 6:53pm — No Comments


Takaji My Relatives

This past Saturday I traveled to Youngstown Ohio with my wife Leni and our New York sister Vanessa Inaru of the NY UCTP and the Bohio AtaBei to celebrate this year's Summer Solstice Ceremony with the Tainos of eastern Ohio. In Youngstown we were hosted by the Ohio United…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on June 20, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Check It Out

My book has acquired a new venue: Check it out on Barnes and Nobel:…


Added by Ayesart on June 16, 2010 at 12:19pm — No Comments

Publication of My New Book, Juan Ponce de Leon His New and Revised Genealogy

I've finally got my new book, Juan Ponce de Leon His New and Revised Genealogy listed within Google Books search engine.

Pretty soon my publishers will finally get around to getting the book listed on other Global marketing venues.

I have allowed Google Books to provide a limited preview of the book online.

If you want to check it out follow this URL:…


Added by Ayesart on May 30, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Native concerns and Local churches

I searched the web for local diocese to the New York city and region (NJ etc) to see what the Churches are doing with or for Native Peoples. I didn't find any Native American Minsitry offices in any of the Cathlic dioceses. Interesting, at leat 27,000 Native people live just in NYC - plus what ever numbers within an hour from here. Anyone interested in getting something going that we can eventualy present to our Bishops and ask for an Office for Native American concerns?

Added by Joshua M Seidl on May 26, 2010 at 4:27pm — No Comments

The Ancestors

You know there is an old saying in genealogy: "When an ancestor wants you to find them you will."

This whole process for me has been very rapid. I began searching for my ancestors at the age of 14. I am 64 now and to some that might be a long time. But during the process of searching for my ancestors I've gathered over 25,000 of them. So the amount of time spent looking for them is quite relative to the amount of ancestors I have found thus far in my…


Added by Ayesart on May 20, 2010 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Ahora disponible: La Voz del Pueblo Taíno - Edición Borikua: Vol. 2, Número 1, Enero - Marzo 2010

La Voz del Pueblo Taíno - Edición Borikua - es la Revista de la Oficina de Enlace del la Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno (CUPT) en Boriken (Puerto Rico), Volumen 2, Número 1, Enero - Marzo de 2010, Reservados todos los derechos. En esta edición: Terremoto causa devastación en Haiti ; Urgen pesquisa legislative sobre paradero de… Continue

Added by Roger Guayakan on May 14, 2010 at 3:59pm — No Comments

A Taino in the Land of the Ancient Anasazi

Takaji My Relatives

On Tuesday April 27 I was flown by the production staff of a new paranormal investigation TV show, along with a number of paranormal investigators, and other experts, to the St James hotel in the north eastern New Mexico village of Cimarron to explore the possbilities of otherwordly activity in the hotel itself and in a near-by mesa called Urraca, both of which have a reputation of beng haunted.…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on May 4, 2010 at 4:20pm — 1 Comment

Taino Awards event in New York April 2010

Takaji My Relatives

This past Saturday April 24 the Kacike Marie Maweiaru of the Ku-Karey Spiritual Circle, Inc and Yamocuno Tanama Yukayeke Taino in co-operation with Bohike Candy Warishi sponsored the second annual Taino Awards Event at the lower east side establishment PUERTO…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on April 26, 2010 at 2:44pm — 3 Comments



Added by Joshua M Seidl on April 24, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

Update: Juan Ponce de Leon His New and Revised Genealogy - The Book!

Portrait Image Juan Ponce de Leon Copyright John Browne Ayes. All Rights Reserved, national and International.…


Added by Ayesart on April 23, 2010 at 2:25pm — No Comments

The future of this NING network?

Hi everyone,

I don't know if any of you have read about this -- see this message from the NING directors: -- but it looks like if we don't pay NING, this network will be shut down, and everything created here, all of the information shared, will be lost for good.

As the person who set up the network early in 2008, as an alternative to something else that was then… Continue

Added by Maximilian Forte on April 18, 2010 at 4:06am — 11 Comments

Caney Circle Equinox Ceremony in Brooklyn

Takaji My Relatives

Mother Nature blessed us with a gorgeous 70 plus degree day and bright sunny sky on Sunday March 21st when the Caney Indigenous Spiritual Circle joined the MAISITI YUKAYEKE TAINO at Kasike Roman Guaraguaorix's home in Brooklyn for the 2010 Spring Equinox ceremony.…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on March 26, 2010 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Send me your NEWS!

It gets difficult to keep up on all that is going on in our community, so please send me your news so I can post it at:
Thank you~c medina

Added by adem medina cardona on March 7, 2010 at 5:27pm — No Comments

London Arqueologist doubts validity of claim by French authorities concerning supposed shipment of Taino contraband artefacts

Takaji My Relatives

The news (recently reported by the UCTP and Taino Boricua News) is hitting the Taino community concerning a valuable shipment of authentic Taino artefacts which was discovered and confiscated by French authorities. The discovery of this illegal exportation of relics was…

Added by Miguel Sague Jr on February 23, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Takaji My Relatives

It is a pleasure for me to report that our third annual Winter Solstice Ceremony in Miami was again a wonderful experience for all the participants who took part in it. Our sister Mildred Karaira of the United Confederation of Taino People was again present to bless and purify the grounds before the ritual, offering a plate of food to the spirit of a… Continue

Added by Miguel Sague Jr on December 28, 2009 at 9:10pm — No Comments

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