
La madera en el arte taino de Cuba

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22, 2024 at 2:46am. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Aug 22.

womens park permit 2023

Created by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023 at 2:10pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Oct 29, 2023.


Created by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023 at 4:15pm. Last updated by Miguel Sague Jr Jun 12, 2023.




All Blog Posts (618)

I work a lot, but right now I'm on medical leave from all of my jobs. I have an interest in the political, the social, the goth and the colourful.  I grew up in Cuba. I'm a Taino and do as usual and…

I work a lot, but right now I'm on medical leave from all of my jobs. I have an interest in the political, the social, the goth and the colourful. 

I grew up in Cuba. I'm a Taino and do as usual and traditional for my people; I'm a Satanist, call this way of life Satan as it should be and as is standard for my people. I also practice our atheistic paganism. Also other paganisms, also standard for my people. 

Often Satan, Belial, Lucifer, Laviathan, Bast,…


Added by Linda Rosse Alvarez on November 1, 2018 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Ceremonias De Luna Llena y Equinoccio Septiembre 2018------Full Moon and Equinox Ceremonies Sept 2018

Los behikes y behikes bajo entrenamiento del CIRCULO CANEY celebramos las ceremonias del Equinoccio de Oto~o y la Luna Llena en sitios alrededor del mundo.

We the behikes and behike trainees of the CANEY CIRCLE celebrated the Autumn Equinox and Full Moon ceremonies  in sites around the…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on October 10, 2018 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Ceremonia De Luna Llena Agosto 2018------Full Moon Ceremony August 2018

Los behikes del Circulo Caney celebramos la sagrada ceremonia de LUNA LLENA este mes de Agosto con los inspirantes ritos de nuestra tradicion taina en sitios alrededor del mundo desde Holanda e Inglaterra, hasta Boriken (Puerto Rico) y  Kiskeya (Republica Dominicana), desde Pennsylvania hasta La Florida, y desde el Canada hasta el estado de New York.

We the…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on August 30, 2018 at 2:30am — No Comments

Ceremonia De Luna Llena Julio 2018------Full Moon Ceremony July 2018

L@s behikes del CIRCULO ESPIRITUAL INDIGENA CANEY celebramos la sagrada ceremonia de Luna Llena este pasado mes de Julio en centros ceremoniales atravez del continente y en las islas del Caribe.

The CANEY INDIGENOUS SPIRITUAL CIRCLE behikes celebrated the sacred Full Moon ceremony this past month of July at ceremonial centers across the…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on August 13, 2018 at 5:00am — 3 Comments

Ceremonia de Bendicion en Miami-----Blessing Ceremony in Miami

Este pasado Domingo 22 de Julio 2018 tuve el honor de dirigir una ceremonia de bendicion en el local ceremonial del Se~or Stephen Mitchell Page. El sitio se ubica en una comunidad del estado de la Florida llamada SouthWest Ranches y se encuentra muy cerca de la ciudad de Miami. Es un terreno que en otro tiempo fue un rancho de caballos pero ahora sirve para proveer un…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on July 24, 2018 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Ceremonias De Luna Llena y Solsticio Junio 2018------Full Moon and Solstice Ceremonies June 2018

En muchas zonas atravez de todo el continente americano y en las islas del Caribe la ceremonia del SOLSTICIO DE VERANO y la ceremonia de LUNA LLENA de Junio 2018 se celebraron segun la tradicion taina, guiadas por los behikes y behikes bajo entrenamiento del CIRCULO CANEY.

In many regions across the whole American continent and on the islands of the Caribbean…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on July 1, 2018 at 11:30am — No Comments

Ceremonia De Luna Llena y SIRIK Mayo 2018------Full Moon and SIRIK Ceremony May 2018

Celebramos las ceremonias de LUNA LLENA y SIRIK a fines del mes de Mayo.

We celebrated the ceremonies of Full Moon and SIRIK at the end of the  month of May.…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on June 8, 2018 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Angel Rodriguez Research about SIRIK and other Taino astronomy at JACANA

As we prepare for the two ceremonies of Late May (Full moon on May 19th-20th and Sirik on May 26th-27th) I want to share more research info about Sirik that has been revealed by the noted Boricua scholar Angel Rodriguez concerning the Pleiades Constellation. In this presentation Rodriguez offers an analysis of the most recently…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on May 11, 2018 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Ceremonia De Luna Llena Abril 2018------Full Moon Ceremony April 2018

A fines del mes de Abril 2018 los behikes del CIRCULO CANEY se dedicaron a celebrar la ceremonia de Luna Llena en varios locales del continente.

Late in the month of April 2018 the behikes of the CANEY CIRCLE dedicated themselves to the task of celebrating the Full Moon ceremony in various sites across the…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on May 4, 2018 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Kalinago Dance Is identical To Cordon

The arm and foot movements performed by the Kalinago dancers on the island of Dominica are almost identical to those performed by dancers of the Cordon Dance Spiritist sect in the remote rural region of Monte Oscuro in Cuba. The Cordon Dance has been demonstrated by researchers to be a modern survival of ancient Taino Indigenous dance culture. These same arm and foot movements are performed by participants in the traditional dances of the various Arawakan tribes people on Guyana in South…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on April 28, 2018 at 8:30am — 3 Comments

Allies In Europe Via Our Sacred Song

Takahi Our Relatives

Our sacred song Taino Ti Oakia Ata:Song to Atabey has become a very popular hit in the field of children' music in Germany and in other areas of Europe. As a result of this we of the Caney Circle and I personally have developed unexpected friendships there. Some of these are musicians who posted videos on Youtube that…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on April 26, 2018 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Carlos Arias has disrespected our Sacred Song

My Relatives, many of you recognize this song as the great chant to Atabey our sacred mother of the earth and the waters which we in the Taino Resurgence movement have been singing since 1981 when I composed it under inspiration of our Taino ancestors. This particular video shows me leading the singing of the song as part of a historic 1992 full…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on April 25, 2018 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments


Habiendo celebrado la ceremonia de Equinoccio anteriormente en el mes de Marzo, los behikes y behikes bajo entrenamiento del CIRCULO CANEY nos dedicamos a la ceremonia de LUNA LLENA a fines del mismo mes.

Having previously celebrated the Equinox ceremony early in the month of March, we the behikes and behike trainees of the CANEY…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on April 2, 2018 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Equinoccio De Primavera---Spring Equinox 2018

Este a~o el Equinoccio De Primavera del Circulo Caney fue celebrado por nuestros behikes y behikes bajo entrenamiento en mas localidades del continente que nunca antes.

This year the Caney Circle Spring Equinox was celebrated by our behikes and behike trainees in more localities across the continent than ever…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on March 22, 2018 at 2:30am — No Comments

important DNA Find

I would like to share this post that our Taino sister, Dee Dee Mitchel-Schreiner shared on the O.W.L Facebook page. It is about an exciting find that helps to confirm the existence of Taino descendants in the Caribbean:

Added by Tenanche Semi-Ata Rose Golden on March 19, 2018 at 2:46pm — 1 Comment

Without Fear

Without fear one sees more clearly vision is not a curse it can save peoples lives. When one has no fear anymore one has come to the end of their journey. Just thoughts to ponder upon. Sencerely Whispering Cloud..

Added by Louis.Santiago on March 18, 2018 at 1:23am — No Comments

Taino Weaving Techniques

The ancient Tainos developed a highly advanced weaving technique which evidently utilized only the use of one or two knitting needles to create extraordinary fabrics that impressed even the early European chroniclers who had the opportunity to inspect their fabrics. Please click on this…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on March 17, 2018 at 12:42pm — 4 Comments

Yokahu the spirit of yuca

The Taino male deity YokaHu, in our opinion, far from being a typical western-type paternal, immortal "almighty god" in the style of the Hebrew Jehovah, is, in fact, a much more human-like entity, con-substantial with humanity itself and subject to a very human-like  life-cycle like ours which begins with birth and ends in death, and then starts all over again…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on March 7, 2018 at 11:00pm — No Comments


Nosotros los behikes y behikes-bajo-entrenaniento del Circulo Caney celebramos la ceremonia sagrada de Luna Llena a fines del mes de Febrero y principios del mes de Marzo 2018.

We the behikes and behike-trainees of the Caney Circle celebrated the sacred ceremony of Full Moon in late February-early March…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on March 7, 2018 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Orinoco River Magic Tapestry

The ancient ancestral region of the Arawakan people who eventually would migrate into the Caribbean to become the Taino nation is called the Orinoco. It is a spectacularly beautiful river region in the rain forest of South America miles north of the Amazon. It is the home of jaguars, crocodiles, butterflies, monkeys and parrots. It is the homeland of ancient Indigenous tribes and is now the home of mixed-race people in whose veins runs the blood of Indigenous Natives, European colonists and…


Added by Miguel Sague Jr on February 27, 2018 at 5:30pm — No Comments

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